Kundali Bhagya 10th July 2023 Written Update

Kundali Bhagya 10th July 2023 Written Update by Sona

Kundali Bhagya 10th July 2023 Written Episode

Nidhi says to Shaurya if he wants to get rid of Rajveer, she explains she has a plan after which Rajveer would end up in jail for at least a year or even more, Shaurya asks what is going on in her mind, she reveals the plan hearing which Shaurya is impressed and explains now it is the time for Rajveer to pay the price, he exclaims only she is by his side and after this plan everything would go according to their desires. Nidhi thinks Shaurya is stupid as she is doing this for herself, because Karan is trying to get to Preeta using Rajveer but how would he be able to do it when Rajveer will be in the lockup.

Shaurya sits on the dining table, Nidhi calls Rajveer when Shaurya purposefully drops the water on the table diverting the attention of everyone. Nidhi asks Rajveer if he would help her place this bag as Shaurya needs to stay here since the In laws of his sister are present here.

Preeta is about to go out with the file when Mohit stops her asking where is she going, she says that it was her mistake because she placed the file of rent over that of Rajveer so he accidentally took the rental agreement file, Mohit remembers when Rajveer said to him how they must make sure that his mother should never meet Karan Luthra. Mohit starts screaming hearing which Preeta gets tensed, she asks what happened when he replies that he thought he would keep it hidden but now feels he must tell her that he got in a big accident. Preeta helps Mohit sit on the couch, she tries to check his wound but he stops her, Gurpreet also comes asking what has happened and Preeta even informs her about Mohit. Preeta calls Rajveer who finally answers it, she asks him to bring a doctor back home. Rajveer asks who was yelling at the back, she explains it is Mohit so he talks with her, Mohit informs he got hurt but Preeta je was leaving for some work to the Luthra Mansion, hearing this Rajveer realizes the truth so explains he is going to come back. Preeta sends Gurpreet to go and make a herbal ointment. Mohit refuses to let Preeta even touch it so she is forced to sit beside him.

Nidhi enters the room with Rajveer and she purposefully starts speaking the code of the locker loudly, Rajveer is not interested at all when she accidentally drops the bag so asks him to help her and then he agrees to help her place the cash in the safe. Nidhi after that picks a pack which she offers to Rajveer however he refuses to keep it, Nidhi exclaims that he must think of it as her blessing but Rajveer thinks if she was a good lady then he would have accepted it, Rajveer then takes out just a single note and then says he will take it as her blessing, she finally offers him the bag saying that it is also very expensive. Nidhi asks him to go from the back door, he asks the reason when she says that he has become just like family and if he uses the front door then everyone would have stopped him. Rajveer agrees so taking the bag leaves from the back door.

Nidhi is walking when kavya questions if she knows where is Rajveer, Nidhi says that he would have gone back to his house but Kavya says that she wanted to meet him. Mahesh and Rakhi also come asking where di Rajveer go, Nidhi says he had gotten a lot of calls from his aunt so would have left, Rakhi says that if it was his aunt then he would have surely gone back as he loves her a lot. Kavya exclaims she will also get very angry with him when he comes back, Nidhi says to Kavya that she must remember she has only one brother whose name is Shaurya. Mahesh says to Kavya there is no reason to be worried about as they both would talk with Rajveer.

Preeta is waiting in her room when Rajveer comes asking about Mohit, she says that he went to sleep and did not even show her the injury so she could have applied the ointment. Rajveer remember when Mohit informed him on the call that Preeta je was planning to come to the Luthra Mansion. He thinks that there was no injury but Mohit was acting so she does not come to the Luthra Mansion, Rajveer says it might be an internal injury and she might not have been able to perform his treatment. Preeta says she knows how to treat it and did he forget she is also a doctor. Preeta tries to take the bag but Rajveer says he would do it himself mentioning this bag is a gift, Preeta asks if he got treated nicely now that he works for the Luthra’s, Rajveer thinks that he is making a lot of good memories with them even when he desires to hate them, she asks what is he thinking about when he replies he wants to rest for some time, Preeta hugs him exclaiming she is foolish to keep him waiting when he is tired.

Nidhi walks down the stairs followed by Mahesh and kavya, Shaurya goes to hr asking if she finished her plan,, Nidhi smiles when he says she is the best. Nidhi walks to Karan asking if he saw Rajveer, karan says Rajveer went with her to put the bag, Nidhi replies but he vanished after putting the bag. Rakhi walks to Nidhi saying she was saying he was getting calls from his house, Nidhi says she guessed it could have happened. Varun says he wishes Rajveer could have stayed for some more time as then he would have personally invited him fro the function. The family of Varun exclaim now they must leave otherwise how would they be able to come for the function, the entire Luthra family greet them so they finally leave. Nidhi and Shaurya are smiling.

Rajveer comes out thanking Mohit for saving him today, Mohit says he did it all for Preeta je, Rajveer smiles before hugging Mohit and he even thanks him. Mohit asks Rajveer if he ahs thought what to do since he is working for the Luthra’s, so Preeta je might come in front of them but Rajveer says he will never let it happen and assures he would do something about it. Rajveer expalins he met his sister Kavya today in the Luthra Mansion, and was unaware of this relation but even then she called him as brother so he cannot explain his feelings. Mohit advises Rajveer that he is always going to stay by his side, Rajveer asks Mohit to go and get some rest.

Shaurya enters his room, he angrily throws the jacket on the bed and standing in front of the mirror remembers how Palki insulted him the first time and even went against him each and every time, Rajveer also destroyed his award and how they both have always insulted him. Nidhi entering the room asks how is he feeling, Shaurya says she must not laugh, he explains that Badi mom read a story to him about a king who had three wives and wanted to give it to one of his son Ram but his other wife desired that her son should get it for her son, he says that she is just like Kk because she always desires the best for him, he was not able to understand to moral of the story at first but now understood it. Nidhi exclaims that she also wants he should get everything, she asks if he knows what he has to do when Rajveer goes to the office tomorrow. Shaurya assures he knows it and she must not be worried, he leaves when Nidhi thinks there is a very big differences between kk and her as she is not a mother but just wants to make sure that Preeta does not come in her way, and she is always going to be ten steps ahead of anyone.

In the morning Rajveer says that he is going to the office, Preeta brings the lunch mentioning he must not place it anywhere like yesterday, Mohit explains it will not happen since he is going to eat the lunch if Rajveer does not take the lunch, Rajveer says he does not make the same mistake twice, she hands him the file saying he forgot his file and took her rental agreement file.

Karan enters the cabin but is shocked to see that all of the files are on the floor, he exclaims that he would have to fire his staff since they do not work properly. Rajveer sees Karan from the door and then rushes when karan screams after getting pricked, Rajveer offers to help but Karan refuses mentioning it is his cabin and he can do it, Rajveer replies but he is not able to do it, he is shocked seeing the blood and starts searching the cabin, karan asks what is he looking for when Rajveer mentions he would have a first aid box, karan explains it is in the first drawer then starts staring at Rajveer in shock. Rajveer rushes to take out the first aid box while Karan keeps standing there.

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