Kundali Bhagya 11th August 2023 Written Update

Kundali Bhagya 11th August 2023 Written Update by Sona

Kundali Bhagya 11th August 2023 Written Episode

Shanaya asks what happened to Palki, she says Palki should hug her since her sister has come so she asks Palki to come and even threatens the boys one again, Palki explains that she was going to pick her from the train station so what is Shanaya doing with this scooty, Shanaya asks Palki to come asking if she will ask all the questions while standing on the road.

Karan along with the family are sitting beside Dadi while the doctor hands him the prescription saying he is keeping Kavya aside from all this since she is still a child, but what about the rest of the family members as they know the condition of Bani Dadi, he asks if they want her to take the support of a wheelchair, Karan gets tensed when the doctor says then all of them must take care of Dadi, Karan explains Bani Dadi does not care for herself because she tried to run and then Rakhi jee held her hand so she felt nice but then the pain once again started in the morning. The doctor explains Bani Dadi needs a doctor who would stay by her side and even perform the necessary treatment, he even suggests they need to hire a nurse. Karina vows to stay by the side of her mother, Rakhi promises to take care of her diet when the doctor says their sentiments are nice but they need a proper doctor, karan suggests why does he not suggest a doctor himself, he says he did not expect this from the Luthra family. Bani Daid explains it is not their fault since they even want her to perform the exercises but still she does not listen to them, and there was only one doctor whom helped her and she was the mother of Kavya hearing this even she gets a bit worried so the doctors leaves promising to find a suitable doctor.

Daljeet comes with a dish while Mohit and Gurpreet are helping her, Mohit asks his mother to look at Daljeet since she has prepared the favorite dishes of Shanaya but his mother always keeps scolding him, Gurpreet replies then Mohit should at least do something worth praising. Rajveer comes saying that he has fixed the tap of the kitchen, Daljeet immediately asks him to leave since they will meet if it is written in their destiny, Gurpreet gets shocked thinking that Daljeet does not care about what she says but is just very open minded, Gurpreet asks him to come and sit but he says he would leave since he has to reach his office. Rajveer while walking backwards hits Shanaya who is about to fall but he catches her, she asks who is he, Rajveer replies he will not ask her name since he knows she is Shanaya, informing everyone kept talking about her so he recognized her, Shanaya replies she has a famous face because of which there are a lot of followers of her on social media, Daljeet comes running saying Rajveer said he is getting late for the office, Rajveer leaves after greeting Palki. Gurpreet comes to hug Shanaya informing that she was waiting for her arrival but is now going back to her house, Mohit also leaves after greeting Shanaya. Palki tells Shanaya to rest while she will take out the clothes for her, Shanaya teases her mother who is conscious about her figure by saying that girls of her age should be worried about their figure, she asks about Mahi, Daljeet informs she has gone shopping for Shanaya and would come back very soon,

Nidhi is talking on her phone saying she does not get time for herself, she sees karan walking past the room so ends the call asking him to come inside, Nidhi says she does not have time for herself and is really busy, which will further increase once the wedding starts. Karan asks if she knows about the medicines, Nidhi asks what is he talking about, Karan replies he meant that medicines of Bani Dadi when Nidhi asks why is he upset with her, Karan says he can only hold her responsible for ruining the life of Shaurya but nothing else, he just asked her as she herself said she is very busy so he wanted to ask her if she is caring for the person who needs her most attention. Karan even refuses to let her answer explaining that she should only take credit for what she has done and not everything else, Nidhi assures she will do everything that he asks her to do, Karan replies he will take care of Dadi but just wants her to make sue that the person who comes to take care of Bani Dadi is treated in a polite manner and not made to feel like an outsider, he leaves.

Shristhi is working when she sees Preeta leaving hurriedly so asks where is she going, Preeta explains she is going to the Mandir, Shristhi refuses to let her go, Preeta asks the reason when Shristhi says she has just come here so Preeta di is also leaving and can perform the pooja in the Mandir in their house. Preeta says she is not a child and can take care of herself, Shristhi explains there is no one in the house so they would enjoy a lot, Preeta requests that she should be allowed to go as she is feeling that the Mandir is calling her to come and perform the pooja, Shristhi gets worried asking if Preeta is fine as she even got tensed last night, Preeta says she is worried why did she get the dream but wants to go to the Mandir and will come back within ten minutes, Shristhi refuses to let Preeta go alone, as she gave Rajveer strict instructions to not let her go anywhere alone so she will also accompany her.

Shanaya standing in front of the mirror praises herself for being so beautiful, Daljeet explains she was beautiful since her childhood and a lot of people asked her what did she eat before giving birth to her, Shanaya says she would have been beautiful even if Daljeet did not eat anything. Daljeet says Shanaya does not know how to give credit to anyone. Shanaya explains all of the people in her hostel would ask her for the fashion advice and she made all those who were simple turn into fashion icon. Shanaya asks why is her sister wearing so simple clothes, she says she would surely change the look of Palki to the extent that patients would get better just by looking at her, Daljeet gets excited saying this means she would not need any medicines. Shanaya sits with Daljeet saying patients would start smiling after seeing her and feel better, she says Daljeet would not understand so she will herself make Palki beautiful. Daljeet slaps Shanaya on her arm mentioning that boys would follow her when she was young, Shanaya explains but her time has ended. Daljeet stands up exclaiming she still hs the same figure and would look beautiful, Shanaya says they are not talking about her but Palki however she does not want that the younger one should be more beautiful then her, however she says it is necessary to hide her honor, Daljeet jokes with her when Shanaya asks about Rajveer, Daljeet warns her to not even think about her saying they have invested a lot in her so she does not want her to get married to someone who is poor, she wants Shanaya to marry someone who has a lot of houses and cars, Shanaya explains that she takes all the advice from Daljeet but does what she feels like, Daljeet says if she gets married to a wealthy person then the servants would do all the work while if she marries a poor person then would herself go to purchase tomatoes from the market. Shanaya explains she has planned everything and they would sell the tomatoes biscuit, Daljeet jokes with her. Mahi comes running to hug Shanaya and asks if she brought the things which she said, Shanaya informs she asked two of her friends to come and pick her up so one brought the car and the other her scooty, she therefor came riding the scooty while the luggage is with her friend, Mahi leaves with Shanaya.

Shristhi and Preeta enter the Mandir when he asks who do they want to hold the pooja for, they say their son Rajveer when he asks the name of the mother, Shristhi says it is Preeta however hearing this Preeta explains she is like his mother but his real mother is Shristhi Arora. Shristhi staring at the Mandir thinks they cannot lie here so once again tells the Pandit jee that the name of the mother is Preeta, he says there is nothing to be worried as even Bhagwan Shri Krishan so he will hold the pooja with both of their names. Preeta and Shristhi are performing the pooja when karan also enters the Mandir after ringing the bell.

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