Kundali Bhagya 15th April 2023 Written Update

Kundali Bhagya 15th April 2023 Written Update by Sona

Kundali Bhagya 15th April 2023 Written Episode

Nidhi enters the police station with a smile on her face, she acts as if she is crying before going to Shaurya cell where she calls him asking if he is fine, she explains she really misses him and cannot stop thinking about him, she explains she has gotten mad thinking how can she live without him as she is neither able to sleep nor eat anything so is really tensed, Shaurya asks what is she talking about and did he not get the bail, Shaurya’s friend asks him to at least listen to her, Nidhi mentions she is going to Bangalore for this same matter. Shaurya requests her to stop crying and not behave like his grandmother as he does not like it, Nidhi replies even she does not like it as he knows she is a strong women, but she gets emotional when it relates to him. Shaurya explains he is going to boycott Luthra’s whenever her comes out of this and will not live with them, Nidhi thinks that it is not possible as if he leaves the Luthra’s then even her position will be lost. Nidhi calls Shaurya explaining that she is not that simple and would do whatever is possible to get him released, but he should know that it is not legal, Shaurya asks what is she planning to do.

Mahi is sitting behind Rajveer when she seeks permission to ask a personal question, she asks if he has a girlfriend to which Rajveer explains he is only focused on his career and does not have time for such things. Mahi immediately asks him to stop explaining that he should work with complete dedication, she turns to leave thinking that he will very soon become a very successful person and then make her his girlfriend. Rajveer is shocked to see the police station so recalls that Shaurya is locked in here, he thinks he has started hating Shaurya even more after knowing that he is the son of Karan Luthra. Rajveer decides to meet him.

Shaurya questions Nidhi what is she planning to do, she explains she is going to bribe a lot of people since money is power and she might even get arrested for trying to bribe an honest person but can do anything for Shaurya, Nidhi turns to leave when she bumps into Rajveer so leaves after taking an excuse, Rajveer recalls how she is the wife of Karan Luthra, and he even asked about her from Shristhi maa. Rajveer goes to the cell of Shaurya who asks why did he come here, when Rajveer explains that he came here to see if Shaurya has learnt anything when Shaurya threatens that Rajveer will surely pay the price for what he has done.

Mohit comes to take the blessings from his mother, she just says that it is fine when Mohit once again takes the blessings so she says he should go. Mohit going to Preeta explains from today he is giving her the role of being his mother, she smiles inquiring about the reason. Mohit asks Gurpreet to see how Preeta jee performed the Arti of Rajveer when he was going for interview and even did the Tika, Gurpreet asks if he is done talking but Mohit says it has not ended so requests Preeta to give him the blessings, she indeed blesses him when Mohit asks Gurpreet to see how this is done. Gurpreet thinks she is wondering if she should give him to someone as she cannot handle him alone, she suggests she would give him to her brother, but Mohit says it is better than he should go to an orphanage. Gurpreet explains she would agree with it because he gave his bike to Rajveer and never gave it to her brother. Mohit explains that Rajveer is like his brother, and he feels Rajveer is indeed a very sorted person so after he gets a job then he would say that Rajveer got the job because of his lucky bike. Mohit leaves after taking the blessings from both his mother and Preeta.

Gurpreet explains that the laddo which Preeta made were very delicious and she gave them to Misses Sharma who is now insisting for some more, she asks Preeta to also give some to anyone she desires, Preeta thinks she should give some to Shaurya as Rajveer is not letting him come out of jail so if she takes some home made food then he might feel nice. Preeta asks Gurpreet jee to pack some for her.

Rajveer asks if Shaurya does not get tired after speaking the same things, Shaurya says even Rajveer is always threatening how she would teach him a lesson so he also gives a reply. Rajveer explains he promised to make sure Shaurya stays locked up but he kept boasting about the wealth of his father but where is he, Shaurya replies he will not say anything to Rajveer since but he should take it as a warning. Rajveer explains Shaurya lives in an air conditioned house and likes to eat different dishes but it would be very difficult for him to stay here, Rajveer informs that even his father came to his house pleading for his release but he still refused him. Sanju asks if Shaurya’s father went to Rajveer who also refused him, Shaurya thinks that he is just tolerating everyone because of his family but knows that only his mother loves him and no one else.

Rajveer is walking out when Mohit calls him asking if he got arrested, Rajveer questions why would he say it so Mohit informs he saw his bike outside the Chambur police station, Rajveer asks him to end the call explaining he is going to come, Rajveer meets with Mohit who questions what is actually going on with him and requests he should tell the truth, Mohit explains Rajveer got really furious with karan Luthra and even is not letting Shaurya get released, Rajveer explains Mohit is indeed his brother and a really nice person but he for now should know that it is something personal relating to Shaurya and Karan Luthra and he came to Mumbai only for Karan Luthra. Rajveer asks Mohit to for the time being ride the bike as he does not feel like it, Mohit vows to find out the truth.
Mohit asks Rajveer to look at girl, however Rajveer explains that he must focus on the road and they are about to hit a car, Rajveer is shocked to see Karan Luthra stepping out of it, Mohit apologizes to him, Karan says that nothing wrong has happened, he turning to Rajveer says he is always talking about right and wrong then why did he not teach this to his friend, Rajveer apologizes to Karan when Mohit hands him the resume, Karan gets worried thinking he scolded Rajveer who was going for an interview, Rajveer kneels to pick a paper from the feet of Karan who blesses him saying all his aspirations should come true and get whatever he desires in his life, Rajveer is shocked so he quickly leaves. Karan wonders why is he so emotional for this boy when he knows that Shaurya is in jail because of him, he thinks he might be because he knows that Shaurya is wrong while Rajveer is right.

Sandy asks Shaurya why does the aunt of Rajveer want to meet him and what would she say, Preeta coming behind calls them, Shaurya turning acts as if he is emotional explaining that he feels tensed knowing he caused the accident of the bus in which she was travelling, he promises he would not have done anything of the sort. Preeta asks him to see what she brought for him, she hands him the Laddo when he explains they are also the favorite of his father and if he was here then would have eaten all of them, Preeta smiling explains they are even the favorite of Rajveer, Shaurya suddenly stops but then even offers them to his friends, he once again sitting down apologizes for what he did in the past, Preeta requests him to not be like this assuring that she is going to immediately take back the complaint after which he will be released, Shaurya along with his friends all are smiling,

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