Kundali Bhagya 17th July 2023 Written Update

Kundali Bhagya 17th July 2023 Written Update by Sona

Kundali Bhagya 17th July 2023 Written Episode

Preeta is sitting on her bed, she is constantly thinking about karan and how he saved her from the fire, Gurpreet enters the house, she is glad that Preeta removed the clothes as there is a heavy storm outside, she notices that Preeta is worried so asks the reason when Preeta assures she is fine, she explains that Rajveer left after making this video call so she is waiting for him to come back, Preeta asks if she can say anything to Gurpreet, she informs she saw the father of Shaurya in this video but she feels very strange and gets the feeling as if she knows him from earlier, Gurpreet informs they both met in the fire incident but Preeta replies she feels they know each other from even before that, Gurpreet replies she felt it because Karan was a very famous player of his time. Preeta is still very confused.

Rajveer is standing beside the safe and wonders what is the code, he manages to open it but is shocked to see that there is no money in the safe, he wonders if the family has shifted the money so decides to go and ask them but is stunned to find that the door is locked, Shaurya leaves exclaiming this door would only open when he desires it to happen so he leaves.

Rakhi asks the officials to have some food, along with karan when they both mention they are feeling very bad since they have come to this function empty handed otherwise would not ave come, Kavya comes explaining there is no reason to be worried about since they would have come here and are giving their blessings to her which is all she needs, because had they known then would have surely brought the gifts but she does not want any gift from them. The officials prise Mr karan for having such a beautiful daughter who is searching for positivity in each and every situation while the children of modern times just demand the things from them. Karan says he is indeed very grateful when Nidhi says that Kavya is like her in this matter, Karan gets furious so asks Nidhi to go and check on Rajveer because he would have returned till now.

Karina bua requests Bani Dadi to come and rest since she might be getting tired, Bani Dadi replies that she is tired but would sit here for some more time. Kritka prays how good it would have been if Preeta Bhabhi was present here since they had organized so many events in this house. Kavya also gets a bit emotional.

Rajveer is not able to open the door and wonders how would he get out from this room, he thinks of calling but realizes that he does not have his phone so notices the window.

Nidhi is standing with Shaurya who informs he has locked Rajveer in the room, she mentions they have to make sure that some more people are present in the back hallway so they have to see Rajveer, Shaurya does not understand anything when Nidhi asks him to just follow her directions. Nidhi asks Karina bua and Bani Dadi to come with her since she wants to talk about something important but Karina says she can say whatever she desires right here and now, Shaurya questions why are they not going with her mother when she is asking so nicely, Karina gets furious when Nidhi calms him down and Bani Dadi says they can go to the back hallway, Nidhi sees the window so thinks this is the window from where Rajveer will come out. Nidhi starts talking rubbish which both Karina bua and Bani Dadi do not understand, Rajveer jumps from the window when Karina asks the reason, he replies that the door was locked due to which he had to jump from this window, Nidhi asks where is the money when Rajveer replies that the safe is empty, hearing this they all are shocked so Nidhi goes to also check and is stunned, she questions Rajveer where is the money when he replies that he also is asking the same question.

Nidhi walking down the stairs calls the police mentioning it is a robbery case, the entire family is shocked and ask what has happened, she reveals the money has been stolen. Mahesh asks how can it happen since the amount was one crore rupees, Shaurya asks who has entered their house who is not a family member, he mentions that Garesh has been working for them for so many years and both these gentleman have just arrived so they could not have possibly stolen the money. Rajveer replies that Shaurya must not talk with him like this since he knows what Shaurya means, when Shaurya says that he just knows that Rajveer is indeed a thief, he gets furious mentioning he did not steal any money. Kavya also defends Rajveer mentioning he cannot be a thief, Shaurya says that Kavya has a very big heart. Nidhi asks Karan to go and check that the door of the room is open, he leaves after assuring Rajveer.

Karan reaches the room when he notices the door is open, Shaurya also comes mentioning that the police has arrived, Karan questions why is Nidhi in such hurry for everything, he knows she has to leave for Bangalore but he could have also given the money to them when Shaurya questions why is Karan defending Rajveer, he leaves so that he can handle the police.

Nidhi informs the police that Rajveer went with him to put the money in the safe and also knew the password, she keeps blaming him for stealing the money and instructs the police to arrest him, She says they trusted him but he broke their trust and stole the cash. Rakhi asks Nidhi what has happened to her, she says not this time since Rakhi even protected Rajveer the last time. Kavya also explains this is wrong and tells Nidhi that Rajveer is not like this and cannot be a thief, Nidhi requests her to go inside with her in laws, Rajveer thinks she is his so called elder sister but is protecting him like a sister. Nidhi takes full responsibility that Rajveer is the thief. karan rushes down the stairs instructing Nidhi to stop and asks the inspector to come with him since he wants to talk about something important, Nidhi says that everything is clear and Rajveer is a thief, she insists with the inspector to arrest Rajveer, Karan gets furious instructing Nidhi to shut up, she turns to Mahesh asking if this is how the men of this Luthra family talk with the women. Shaurya also tells Karan that he cannot talk with his mother like this as Rajveer is a thief, Kavya says that she is the one who invited Rajveer and knows he cannot be a thief, Shaurya tells kavya he is her brother while Rajveer tried to take his life by making sure he got electrocuted during the launch of his music company, he asks her to question Rajveer about the truth.

Preeta is sitting in the auto when the road gets blocked so everyone starts fighting, she leaves the auto and tries her best to stop another auto but no one is stopping even when Preeta says she wants to reach a location very urgently.

Shaurya asks Rajveer to tell Kavya the entire truth as he keeps her his sister, the inspector says they were called here to solve a robbery case but it seems that they both have a personal problem, Rajveer says indeed there is a personal problem.

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