Kundali Bhagya 19th May 2024 Written Update

Kundali Bhagya 19th May 2024 Written Update by Sona

Kundali Bhagya 19th May 2024 Written Episode

Preeta says the mother who gave birth to such a beautiful mother can never be mad, and she says that Kavya should stop worrying about her while go and take care of her mother who needs her, Kavya hugs Preeta tightly who also embraces her before signaling her to go back, Preeta greets Kavya who walks back towards the Luthra Mansion, Kavya is smiling.

Nidhi says she asked five questions from karan but he does not even have an answer to them, Nidhi says they all feel Karan does the right things but even he can make mistake and she asks Karina that she could not be the wife of someone but became the mother of the children, saying it is the dream of every women to have a loving husband but she did not say anything to them all however when she is feeling that her family is going away from her after the arrival of Preeta then if she says that everything wrong happens with Preeta then what is wrong with it. Karan asks what is the problem with Nidhi and her mindset is so orthodox, Nidhi turning to Kavya asks her what does she feel for Preeta because she knows Kavya wants to give her importance but she will say it clearly that Preeta and Rajveer are the reason behind it all, she says Kavya cannot hide from the truth because Rajveer works in the office of karan and still wanted to harm Karan by joining hands with other people but they cannot hide from the truth, after which Rajveer came to confront Karan for who knows what, due to which Karan has tried to commit suicide, Karan replies he did it due to his anger and Rajveer is not at fault, Nidhi replies now Karan is going to cover up for Rajveer because he loves him more then Shaurya, Bani Dadi tells Nidhi that it is not the case and one can never stop loving their children, Nidhi angrily goes to Bani Dadi asking if she does not think that only Preeta can treat her while even tell her that the Daughter in law is respected but she kept insulting her in front of Preeta, Nidhi says the relations are give and take but this equation is not present between them, Karina questions what is the way to talk with her mother, Nidhi replies the same way Kritika talks to her, Nidhi mentions when someone is insulted then sometimes they say some bad things, Nidhi vows to not hear if it relates to Rajveer or Preeta. Mahesh says Nidhi has lost the manners to talk with the elders of the house, Nidhi says the elders should be responsible for making sure the family is joined and he should say that if Bani Dadi brings someone into his life from his past, so how would Rakhi mom feel about it as she is also going through the same thing, Nidhi asks if no one has an answer to it but even then she does not say anything in the matters of the house, she has a problem if her family comes into the problem while Rajveer is the problem for the situation that happened today, Rakhi angrily replies to Nidhi that Rajveer is not the reason, Rakhi says Nidhi might be thinking and that karan is lying about the truth behind his reason for committing this act after which they will get to know the truth.

Rajveer is walking when he gets the call from his Badi mom so wonders how is he going to talk to her since the relations are so messed up, he is not able to understand it so does not answer the call. Rakhi is stunned, Nidhi says that Rajveer also knows what he has done and the reason behind it, she asks if it is clear with everyone, she does not even listen to Karan saying she no longer wants to hear any excuses, Karan is stunned.

Shaurya is locked up when he tells the constable that he should not bring anyone from the family of Rajveer as he does not want to meet anyone, Shaurya sees Preeta walking towards him and then thinks of how he saw her photo in the wardrobe of his father. Preeta says she knows he does not want to talk with her because he thinks he is locked up due to Rajveer so she is going to apologize on his behalf, she knows that anything which happened between them should not have gotten him jailed but she is sorry for it, Shaurya says she can go back home, Preeta starts crying saying she knows what he is suffering as this place is not suitable for him and so leaves while crying. Shaurya gets a bit tensed.

Rakhi and Mahesh are walking, she says that she does not know why she is feeling that whatever is happening in this house is wrong and then Mahesh asks what has happened to her because she said that nothing wrong is going to happen, he says he cannot watch his family from breaking and just as they used to stand with each other so now everything would be better. Kavya asks if Mahesh dad even thinks that Rajveer is wrong, Nidhi questions why is Kavya defending him, Rakhi replies it is not about trust but the character of a person and Rajveer is not the person she thinks of him because would behave taken a bullet for Karan but he did it without thinking of the consequence. Rakhi mentions Rajveer did not send Shaurya to jail and what she saidd that Rajveer works for Anshuman Panday then it is not the case, Rajveer is not the enemy of the house. Nidhi asks Rakhi to prove it while she tried to call him and so is asking her to prove the point again after which she will accept it. Rakhi says the other son of this house will come and prove his innocence.

Anshuman Panday knocks at the cell of Shaurya who says he was just telling the constables and Inspector to not allow the people to meet him but Anshuman says he came to tell him about something, Anshuman replies if the father of Shaurya desired then would have freed him a while ago, Shaurya says Anshuman should leave as he does not have any shame and so warns him to leave Anshuman says Shaurya should tell his father to accept the deal but Shaurya says Anshuman should take the offer, Anshuman replies he had just asked for half of the property while suggesting that he could have taken his son out from here, as if his father had kept his heart in the business then everything would be fine, but Shaurya is able to understand what he is trying to say of his fathers behavior. Anshuman says he feels that Karan has some relation with the aunt of Rajveer, Shaurya says that Anshuman is trying to take his life and then forces the constable to take him away. Shaurya warns Anshuman to stay away from his family and him

Preeta enters the house to see Rajveer sitting on the floor, she keeps thinking of the questions that Nidhi had for Karan and how she asked if Rajveer could have a relation with Anshuman Panday. Rajveer says he made a mistake when preeta replies he has made a lot of mistakes, Rajveer says he fought with karan sir, Preeta questions what did he say to karan that he tried to commit suicide, Preeta remembers when she did not believe Anshuman Panday but it is the truth as he is the enemy of the Luthra family and did Rajveer want to ruin them, Preeta demands the reason but Rajveer says he made a very big mistake, Preeta replies he has done a lot of bad things questioning how could he do this to Karan who gave him a job, that karan tried to take his own life and says Rajveer is the reason for the condition of Karan. Rajveer says Karan sir might have lost some of the business, Preeta angrily slaps Rajveer saying he should go and apologize to the Luthra family, Preeta is shocked seeing Rakhi and Kavya standing at the entrance of their house.

Karan is sitting when Karina comes with Nidhi saying she wants to talk with him, she says she knows he would not like what she said but Nidhi said the truth, an she knows Karan loves Rajveer a lot while even trusts him but does Karan think that Rajveer is worthy of his trust, Anshuman Panday wants to ruin Karan but Rajveer is supporting him, so this means Rajveer wants to ruin him with Anshuman Panday. Karan thinks of when he heard Rajveer vowing to harm him and then even lost the deal which Shaurya told him about, Karan turns towards Karina.

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