Kundali Bhagya 20th July 2023 Written Update

Kundali Bhagya 20th July 2023 Written Update by Sona

Kundali Bhagya 20th July 2023 Written Episode

Karan informs Rishab they even invited Rajveer in today’s function, rather Kavya personally invited him nd desired he should attend the entire function but he is now locked in jail, Karan informs Rishab about the entire truth, Rishab asks Karan if Rajveer has stolen the money when Karan says the money is not in the safe and the police is investigating, Mahesh mentions they are upset because kavya is upset, Rishab asks the reason when Mahesh tells she considers Rajveer as her brother because he protected her from the criminals so is feeling bad because Rajveer got arrested when she invited him. Rishab turns to Karan suggesting her must convince Kavya and inform her that nothing is proven but Karan says that he cannot lie to his daughter, Rishab leaves to inform Kavya.

Mahesh mentions he cannot understand what they must do, karan says it is not about what is right or wrong ut what they have seen and is the truth, Mahesh wonders what did Karan just say, he thinks what if Karan does not want to attain the bail of Rajveer, he gets tensed thinking they both are standing in front of each other like brothers who are fighting for the property.

Sandy is waiting when Shaurya comes so he asks if he felt nice when Shaurya replies he did not get the satisfaction what he was thinking about after sending him to jail, Sandy suggests Shaurya must bribe the police and go to beat him when Shaurya says that he does not want to give Rajveer any physical pain, Sandy explains that very soon people would start questioning about the where about of Rajveer and then find out that he is locked up for stealing the money after which he would be ridiculed and humiliated. Shaurya goes to the inspector asking for how long is Rajveer going to be locked up for stealing the money, the inspector says he will get locked up for maximum of three months and then Shaurya asks what if he wants to reopen a old case, inspector asks what is he talking about when Shaurya mentions Rajveer tried to kill him by giving him a shock in his own party, hearing which the inspector says he would get locked up for at least ten years, Shaurya heads back inside.

Rajveer in the cell wonders how could he have made such a big mistake since he went to the room alone when Nidhi asked him to, he should have taken someone with him and prays to god, Shaurya says nothing can happen now since he is no mood to get him released, he says that he is even going to reopen an old case against Rajveer in which he tried to kill him, Rajveer replies he was just trying to ruin his party when Shaurya leaves smiling saying who is going to believe him.

Nidhi opens the door to find Arohi standing there, she hugs her after which Arohi congratulates her for achieving such a big mile stone, when she calls Shaurya asking where is he at the moment, Shaurya replies he came to the police station since he had to meet Rajveer and is now relaxed, Nidhi smiles asking when will he come back, he says that he will hang out with Sandy for some time and then come back.

Kavya is crying while Rakhi is trying to console her, Rishab enters the room when kavya hugs him explaining that her father did not do anything and let them take him, she requests Rishab to take care of everything just like he did when she was young, Rishab assures he can do everything for her but she must know that even her father loves her a lot and can do anything for her but if he is not able to then he will surely take care of the situation, Kavya leaves crying. Rishab asks Rakhi if Kavya is ver tensed, he takes her blessing and then questions if she is fine, Rakhi requests Rishab to take her to meet the aunt of Rajveer since she wants to talk with her.

Karan is waiting in his room when kavya comes to the door asking if she can enter, Karan stands up saying that there is no reason for her to ask permission when Kavya explains it is wrong since she invited Rajveer on her invitation so she is feeling nice for it, Karan asks her to forget about it and rest, she asks how can she rest as she knows Rajveer bhai since he cannot do anything of the sort. Kavya asks Karan if money is that important, he replies it is about what is right and wrong. Kavya is adamant saying she knows the truth, he tries to explain so Kavya says they all just know he helped her retrieve her bag but the entire truth is that he protected her honor from the criminals, she explains she does not walk with the badge of Luthra’s but he even then helped her, she asks if one crore is bigger then her honor. Kavya mentions she was just waiting for him. Karan replies he is also thinking about the theft, she suggests he should think if Rajveer is capable of stealing, he starts recalling how Rajveer helped him from the fire and even applied the ointment, Karan turns away when Kavya asks him to tell if he really thinks that Rajveer can steal, Karan keeps thinking.

Gurpreet is sitting when Palki comes asking if this is the correct medicine, Gurpreet mentions that Palki is the doctor, she says she was just asking so she does not feel bad. Palki then asks where is Rajveer who replies that even Preeta je is not in the house. Palki wonders where could have she gone to, she mentions that today was the event of Shaurya’s sister, Gurpreet replies she knows everything but does not tell them, Palki explains she saw it n the video call from Preeta ji phone, she wonders if Preeta je had seen something and left.

Preeta is waiting to try and stop an auto when she starts crossing the road but gets hit by a car, Preeta falls on the road unconscious, when the driver runs away after being scared of the result, a couple decides to help Preeta without even caring about their honeymoon.

Shaurya and Sandy are walking when he mentions he is very glad after seeing Rajveer in the lockup, Sandy says that they both must enjoy today, Shaurya finally agrees saying that Sandy is a party boy, Sandy agrees to drive and they both leave for the club. Nidhi is very tensed and so calls Shaurya asking him to come back home quickly. He tells Sandy the plan has canceled and they must go back home.

Gurpreet and Palki are sitting on the dining table when there is someone at the door, Mohit comes out saying they should at least open the door, Shristhi is standing in front of them, they all are shocked seeing her, she knows Mohit and Gurpreet hearing which they both get tensed, she explains she is the younger sister of Preeta aurora and the mother of Rajveer. Gurpreet welcomes her to their house, she asks where is Preeta di and Rajveer, they all are quiet.

Preeta is brought to the hospital when they request the nurse to admit her, sh demands a name so the person explains he does not know her but saw the accident and heard her taking the name of Rajveer even when she was unconscious, the nurse asks the ward boy to take her to the operation theater while she will call the doctor, they take Preeta who is still taking the name of Rajveer.

Shristhi mentions Preeta is not answering her call and it has never happened, she does not understand how she will handle the situation. Shristhi once again tries when Palki suggests she must try contacting Rajveer but Shristhi replies even Rajveer is not answering her call. Palki says his phone might be on silent, she leaves so Shristhi asks who is this nice girl, Mohit explains she knows all of them but not her, Shristhi asks why would she ask them if she knew her, Mohit replies she is the best friend of Rajveer, Shristhi replies Rajveer never told her when Mohit says it can be seen, hearing this Shristhi gets worried so asks what does he mean, Gurpreet says Shristhi is talking as if she wants to make Palki her daughter in law, Palki arrives with the water asking if Shristhi would like to have some tea, she praises Palki for being a very nice girl.

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