Kundali Bhagya 28th April 2021 Written Update

Kundali Bhagya 28th April 2021 Written Update by Sona

Kundali Bhagya 28th April 2021 Written Episode

Karan is amazed with how Karina is getting close to Preeta, he exclaims that she is getting friendly with her so it might cause a problem, Sushila comes in forming that their meeting time has ended so they must leave now, Karina and Kritika leave the room, karan advises her to take care of herself because it is only a matter of some hours, he hugs her when Sushila comes back to give the reminder, he exclaims that she can sleep on his bed and moves away but she holds his hand, he signals her to keep smiling before leaving.

Shristhi asks Ruchika why she is making things complicated as if she hides the truth then it would eventually come out one day and cause a lot of problem for her, Sameer says that the police have arrested Preeta on suspicion of murdering Akshay, Ruchika exclaims that she would have indeed murdered him, Shristhi asks her to not say such things regarding her sister because she is not a killer and Akshay is not even worthy of her slap, Ruchika tries to leave but Shristhi stopping her says that she can see how she is trying to run away which strengthens her suspicion even further, Ruchika however says that she doesnot know of anything and if they do not leave the police would come and still if they stay, she would upload on the social media that some people are harassing her in her own house after which they would not be able to live peacefully, she threatens to also involve Karan in this whole scenario.

Karan rings the bell and Janki opens the door, she is amazed to see Karan who takes her blessings and even that of Sarla, he exclaims that he is really angry with her because she doesnot consider him as her son, she lifts her hand to bless him but he gets worried so she explains she is not trying to slap him, she mentions that she knows he doesnot know how to express his love but Preeta along with Sarla know he cares for her and she also feels the same, Janki explains that he was he one to send the faluda and pillow for her even when he tried to keep it a secret, Sarla explains that they both love each other a lot, she explains he should have at least informed her about the truth, Karan exclaims that he will inform her if she is insisting, he says that he will stand with Preeta under any circumstance so she must not worry because Preeta would be freed after the first hearing, Sarla starts crying so he pleads with her to never worry about Preeta.

Shristhi texts Karan demanding his help when Ruchika has called the police and they arrive in the house, Shristhi immediately tries proving her innocence but Ruchika convinces the police inspector doesnot listen to anything which Shristhi is saying and orders his constable to arrest her when Karan enters from behind saying that they cannot arrest Shristhi, the police inspector asks why is he trying to instruct them on how to perform their duty, Karan says that it is all a misunderstanding and the only reason Shristhi was trying to attack Ruchika was because she might have instigated her when Ruchika would have threatened to harm the reputation of Karan so it might have angered her, the inspector then orders to arrest Ruchika however Karan says that they have not filed any complain besides the inspector would have a lot of important cases to solve, they leave the house, karan also signals Shristhi to follow him.,

Mahira questions Prithvi asking how long it would take to fix the car, Prithvi gets angry saying that he doesnot know as he is not a professional, Mahira asks if she can take his car as she is in a hurry but Prithvi refuses to allow her saying that he is only helping her because he owed her for the last time she helped him otherwise he only works for his own benefit, Mahira is worried when Prithvi after some time says that her car is fixed, she questions why did he not say it before, he once again says that he is not a professional, he explains that she must thank him for his help instead of questioning.

Sameer asks Karan how did he know they would get in trouble and the police would also come to arrest them, Shristhi reveals that it is because of her because she texted Karan when Ruchika was trying to blackmail them informing him of the entire situation, Sameer praises Shristhi who says that she is not any usual girl, Karan questions what were they both doing, Sameer mentions that they saw Megha and Ruchika fighting in the market and it was not any usual fight but regarding something really important so they followed them both, Shristhi then explains the entire situation, Mahesh comes in the car, Karan gets worried asking what is he doing here as he was about to call him, Mahesh says that he has asked the lawyer to come at the house and he must also hurry as they would discuss the case, Karan orders the driver to drive the other car while he would sit with Mahesh, he leaves advising Shristhi and Sameer to be careful.

Prithvi is able to fix Mahira’s car, she turns to get in when he asks why is she in such a hurry , Mahira explains that she also has a meeting just like him, she leaves and Prithvi sits in his own car which breaks after moving a little further, Prithvi getting furious exclaims that had he known his own car would break he would have never helped Mahira, he looks at the back seat and thinks of a plan.

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