Kyun Rishton Main Katti Batti 29th May 2021 Written Update

Kyun Rishton Main Katti Batti 29th May 2021 Written Update by Atiba

Kyun Rishton Main Katti Batti 29th May 2021 Written Episode

Scene 1
Kuldeep holds Shubhra’s hand and says I won’t take long.. Shubhra says kids and aai baba are waiting. Hurry up. He says it isn’t easy for me. Shubhra sits and says what? He says I know I have hurt you and Rishi a lot. I have realized my mistake and now I want to fix everything. I know, however, Rishi and Roli are today is because of me. I want one chance to fix it. I want their smiles back. I know it’s only possible if you help me. Can we behave like a normal couple for kids’ happiness. they are kids, they will forget. Shubhra is shcoked. She says how? He says it’s very simple. We will act in front of them that we are a happily married couple. Like we used to. Shubhra says you are a liar, I knew that but you will plan to lie with your kids for life, I never imagined that. Mr. Kuldeep I am teaching my kids to face the truth not to live on lies. So when they grow up they always choose the truth. Kuldeep says kids don’t know the truth or lies? We are doing all this for kids. Shubhra says if you want to do anything for the kids learn to speak the truth and walk on the right path. What will you teach my kids? You’re living a lie and trying to make it true. My kids will never walk on your path. She leaves.

Scene 2
Everyone plays games. Roli takes photos with Chandrani. Roli says dadi we will play a lot of games today. Your game is ith aaju baa. Chandrani says no I am scared. Roli says I am here. You both have to hit the right targets, your time starts now. Chandrani says in heart they will both come together. Kuldeep will convince Shubhra. Chandrani hits the first target and Narain misses it. Narain says Shubhra went to bring you? Where is she? He says to call her Madhura. Chandrani says are you running away from your defeat? He says Gokle family doesn’t know how to lose. He hits the target. He says Shubhra is Gokle and see she won, this party is for her. Chandrani says SHubhra was Gokle she’s Chadha now Narain says she won after she got rid of Chadha. Now there’s no place for Chadha in my life. Chandrani hits the target and Narain misses again. He says you’re smiling like you got good news? Did your son go back after losing? Rishi sits in a corner. Chandrani wins. She says I won this game. I won’t give you a chance to celebrate our defeat.

Scene 3
Shubhra walks out in anger. She collides with Harsh. He had flowers in his hands and they fall down. He says whenever we meet something falls in. Shubhra picks them and says I am sorry. He says you called me to the party and you are here. Shubhra says I am going there. He says you are hiding something, your eyes can’t hide it. Has someone pricked your heart? Your husband? He gives her a napkin and says this I the second one. Shubhra cleans her tears. He says it’s a special day for you and Rishi. You shouldn’t let anyone spoil it. Shubhra says you are right. I should know how to ignore the hurt I have been given so many times. Harsh says to make a circle around you that lets no hurt come around you. We should always stay happy in our life. Life means to love yourself. I will charge a fee for the next counseling. He gives her a flower and says this is for you. Because this is you. Shubhra means white and clean. This white rose is clean like you. It will remind you no hurt can stain you. Shubhra takes it.

Scene 4
Kuldeep says how can I be so stupid? I know she hates lies. Why do I ruin everything. Samaria calls him. He says yes? She says you are so excited to meet me that you picked a video call like audio? He says sorry. Samaira says sho me around, what’s the decoration for? Are you in the room? Where are you? What are you hiding? He shows her the decoration. Samaira throws the phone in anger. Phirki says this time isn’t to get angry. Samaira asks who is all this for? He says for the kids. She says you have never done any of this for me. And all of this for kids? Kuldeep says can you please relax. The bell rings. The waiter says sir you ordered Champagne? He says no that’s not my order. It’s room 104, not 401. Samaira says decoration and celebration are in your room so the champagne must be for you as well. Kids are drinking so fast? Or was it a secret party for Shubhra? He says I can’t do anything with your doubts. You can trust the waiter or you can come here to check yourself. Samaira says I am sorry. I get very insecure when you are away. I am sorry. Please take the video, I want to see that ring. He says see, here is your ring. Are you done? He hangs up. Phirki says you pressed the wrong button. She says no I pressed the right button that’s why he got angry. There’s still love between them.

Scene 5
Shubhra comes with Harsh. Rishi hugs him, he says I knew aai will bring him. Narian says who’s he? Madhur says Dr. Harsh, I told you. Chandrani wonders who’s that? Roli says who is this uncle? harsh says I am not uncle. I am your aai and Rishi’s best friend. who are you, aunty? Roli says I am Rishi’s best friend, so you can be his second-best friend. He says yes ma’am. Roli says Rishi’s friends mean my friend as well? Harsh says yes. Roli says can you play and have fun with us? He says no one can defeat me in fun. Roli says but elder people don’t do fun? Look at Aaji and dadi, they get so tired. Harsh says I run all the time. Roli says my papa plays the best games. I am second. What knew games do you know? He says race. He says magic carpet race. The kids ask what’s that? He says get three towels from there. Kids go there. Shubra introduces Harsh to Narain. Chandrani says so Kuldeep couldn’t convince Shubhra?

Episode ends.

Precap-The kids play blindfold with everyone. Kuldeep looks at them. Shubhra is blindfolded. She falls, Harsh holds her. Rishi says take my photo with Harsh. Shubhra, Roli, and Rishi take photos with Harsh. Kuldeep is angry. He says to Chandrani how dare he holds my wife in his arms in front of my kids. I will show him who I am. Chandrani slaps him.

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