Kyun Rishton Main Katti Batti 3rd June 2021 Written Update

Kyun Rishton Main Katti Batti 3rd June 2021 Written Update by Atiba

Kyun Rishton Main Katti Batti 3rd June 2021 Written Episode

Scene 1
Chandrani says don’t you see improvement in Rishi? If you are angry go break someone’s head. Kuldeep says I am not crazy. I asked her twice, she didn’t answer. She knows she can make me jealous and hurt me. Chandrani says do you have any relation with her? If you did, you wouldn’t be that Samaira’s slave. If you can live your life, why can’t she? What if someone comes into her life? Kuldeep says she should at least speak the truth. Chandrani says the truth is that you still love Shubhra. You still have a place for her in your heart that’s why you can’t even see her with anyone else. Rishi is the reason for her happiness but you see her affair because your heart still loves you. There’s no one in her life. But I would be glad if there is one, At least he will keep her happy. Kuldeep leaves in anger.

Scene 2
Harsh is having a meeting with his fellow doctors. Kuldeep comes there in anger and grasps his collar. Kuldeep hits Harsh. Other doctors stop him. Harsh says it’s alright. We are friends. His head bleeds. Rishi sees this. Rishi runs in anger.

Shubhra sits and recalls what Kuldeep said Madhura comes to her room. Shubhra says let me make take. Madhura says are you okay? Shubhra says what does it mean to be a woman? For a woman her respect is everything. That is what our mothers teach us right? To keep our dignity intact. I learned the same. Then we tie all our hopes from one husband. We give him the same dignity. We expect he will give us love and respect. What should a wife do if he insults her and hates her? What should a wife do? he has hurt me and m kids so much still I am wearing his mangalsutra for my kids only but the filth he said in front of Harsh today. If I could, I would break it and give it in his hand. How dare he d this? They do this because we give them so much respect? Why should I tolerate so much insult. Harsh is a therapist but a human. What will he think? She sobs and cries. Madhura says everyone is not Kuldeep, at least Harsh isn’t. We are given these lectures so we keep sleeping as women. Some men have such a small heart that we suffocate there. Why should we let ourselves suffocate in their hearts? Why should we let their filth stain our hearts? I am glad you saw Kuldeep’s real face today. He was your past and he has not placed in your future. Think about yourself, your work, and your kids. Be selfish and forget him. We are all with you on this journey. Even Harsh. Yesterday was amawas (full moon) and it showed you Kuldeep’s real face.

Chandrani comes in and says you are right. Yesterday was a dark night. The cruse got him bu it’s morning and he realized what he lost the last night. When he saw his real face the filth from his heart spilled out. His blood is hot. Chadha blood is like that. It was a misudnerstanding. He saw you with someone else he got jealous. Where there is jealousy there is love. I have hit him and told him everything about Harsh that he’s Rishi’s doctor. It was a mere misunderstanding. Madhura says your and my relationship is of love. Your son has done what he wanted. My daughter has suffered enough. Now Shubhra will decide what happens. NO one has right over her. Enough of these name sake relationships and these threads by the name of mangalsutra. I know you consider her ad daughter and not DIL then please think about this daughter once instead of your son. Chandrani leaves.

Scene 3
Rishi runs in anger. He collides with Narain.. Narain picks him and says are you okay? See coins, let’s go play video games. Harsh comes there. Narain asks about the bruise. He says nothing. I collided in the glass door. Narain says really? He says yes. Harsh says champ, are we playing football? Rishi recalls how Kuldeep hit him. Rishi smiles and nods. Harsh says see you then.

Rishi comes to the room. Ri is watching cartoons. She says give me snacks. he says take it yourself. She says can’t you do one thing? He says help yourself. Rishi recalls what Kuldeep. Roli shoves him. Roli says are you blind? Roli says I am not scared of your blood. Why are you always angry. Papa says strong kids stay happy. I am strong like papa. Rishi says papa isn’t strong. Mama is, she’s the superhero, not papa. He turns o the TV. Roli says don’t dare to turn off the TV. Papa says boy don’t cry. But you keep crying like aai. I don’t cry like my papa, I am his strong girl. Papa and I are superheroes. Rishi shoves her and says aai is strong. Roli runs out and says papa is strong. Rishi runs after her. Roli runs down the stairs. Rishi shoves her by mistake. Roli falls down. Roli cries.

Shubhra and Rishi come there. Shubhra says are you okay? Roli cries. Kuldeep says don’t play on the stairs. Shubhra says where does it hurt? Kuldeep moves her food. Roli points at Rishi. Kuldeep picks her and takes her to the room. Shubhra comes with him. The doctor bandages her wound. Chandrani says the doctor will give you one injection and you will be okay. Narain says don’t talk about injections, she will get scared. Chandrani says she’s my granddaughter. She isn’t scared of anything. Kuldeep says is it a fracture? The doctor says it doesn’t look like she does but you should get an XRay done. She says Roli, you should stay in bed. Roli says but I will get bored. She says stay here like a princess and give everyone order of what you want. Roi says mama I want a kiss. Shubhra kisses her. Narain says does our princess want all the ice cream flavors in the restaurant. Shubhra says wow. Shubhra says mango for Rishi and Roli. Madhurasays where is Rishi? Shubhra says let me check. Chandrani says you stay here let me check.

Scene 4
Some waiters say people are so carekess. A kid is under the stairs. Harsh says help him out then? Harsh goes to check who he is. Rishi is crying under the stairs. Harsh says kid, come out. Who are you? I am your friend.

Episode ends.

Precap-Kuldeep comes to Shubhra’s room. Harsh opens the door. Kuldeep says Shubhra asks this man to go from here. Shubhra says this is my room. I will decide who stays here and who leaves. Kuldeep says so should I leave? Shubhra says yes, leave.

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