Laut Aao Trisha 9th October 2014 Written Update

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Laut Aao Trisha 9th October 2014 Written Update by MA

Laut Aao Trisha 9th October 2014 Written Episode

Pratik asks Kushan who the hell he is to question him and asks where was he when his wife was having an affair with someone else. Amrita asks Pratik to stop misbehaving with Kushan and instead he made mistake of informing kids about Lavanya’s affair. She then assures Kushan to take care of his children and asks him to calm down and try to unite with Lavanya. Kushan leaves from there. Pratik asks Amrita how dare she is to scold him and says Lavanya should have thought before having an affair and says she wants to unite family and will not break it.

Sonali calls Lavanya and says Amrita is calm and is not fighting at all, instead she is feeling sorry for her. Lavanya thinks Amrita has not seen Pratik with Neha.

Pratik at breakfast table asks Amrita where is omlete and sausages. She says today is festival and she is fasting and will not prepare nonveg today. He says she is fasting and not him and says he will not question her and get bad impression in front of children.

Vaishali congrats Kabeer to confuse her for the first time and asks what happened. Kabeer tells her about Amrita getting a call from someone that Trisha is kept hostage in a hotel room and she informed him. Before Amrita could reach, he went to the room and found Pratik and Neha in a compromised position in that room and helped Pratik leave the room before Amrita could reach there. Vaishali asks why did he lose the golden chance. He says he felt getting back Trisha is important than breaking Amrita and Pratik’s relationship. Once she found, he will not spare Pratik.

Lavanya calls someone and asks him to tap Pratik’s phone. She sees Amrita coming and asks why did she come here after snatching everything. Amrita says she came to give back instead and says if we keep our hands together, our hands will unite some day. Lavanya says Kushan will not help break her karvachauth fast and it is because of Pratik. Amrita says if we break fast together, Bobby and Meghan will be happy. Lavanya stands still. Amrita thanks her and asks Sonali to come with her. Sonali asks her to go as she wants to stay with Lavanya. She says Lavanya that Amrita told her the same thing and brainwashed her, if she does not want to go, even she will skip it. Lavanya says she will go for her children’s sake.

Kidnapper’s goon brings Trisha’s fav choc and says he has sent you this. she says she does not want. He says boss wants to free you. She speaks to him and asks after telling something, if she can go home. He says yes and she gets happy.

Bobby tries to feed Meghan, but she denies having food. Amrita comes and tries to console Meghan and asks her to go back to her home. Meghan says she will not go to Lavanya’s home and will move out with Kushan. Amrita asks if she will not forgive her mom’s 1 mistake. Meghan says she made many mistakes and describes them. Amrita says her mom is very ambition, but it does not mean she is a bad woman, every mother sacrifices for her children and it is children’s duty also to accept parent’s mistakes also. She asks if she can forget her wishes for sometime and unite her parents. Meghan agrees.

Amrita calls Kushan and asks him to listen to her. He asks if children are fine. She says they are fine and tells her about meeting Lavanya and inviting her for karvachauth. Kushan says Lavanya is sharing her life and bed with someone else also. She asks him to think of Meghan and Bobby and asks if he and Lavanya can forget their egoes and come together for their kids. Kushan agrees.

Kabeer calls Amrita and informs about doubting Prem. Kabeer hears her talking about Bobby and Meghan being at her home and asks why did she brought them here. She says nothing special.

Precap: Amrita is shocked to see Neha breaking karvachauth fast from Pratik’s hand.

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