Madhubala Ek Ishq Ek Junoon 19th February 2014 Written Update

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Madhubala Ek Ishq Ek Junoon 19th February 2014 Written Update by Armu4eva

Madhubala 19th February 2014 Written Episode

Part 1

Madhu is nervous and goes to pack her stuff..! AK watches her..! All the extras on set comment how Madhu looks like Madhubala Kundra and a lightman says how Madhu worked with RK in the movie Ishq Ek Junoon and was a great artist..! All comment that its strange that there is so much commonality..! AK glares at Madhu..! He walks to her and calls out to her..! AK announces that this is Madhu Devkinandan and has nothing to do with Madhubala Kundra..! All are surprised! He says only the face matches… she is from Mathura and is my P.A from today! AK says if u have any probs from her.. continue having them..! He says if all crap talk is over.. lets work..! He says we have 8 hours and 4 major shots.. so.. ! He asks for dialogs..! Madhu stands staring at AK ..! AK snaps his fingers in front of her and says.. Dubara kabhi shot ke waqt phone nahi bajna chahiye.. Ms. Kamli..! Madhu says no.. my name is Madhu! AK says dun like ur name! Madhu asks what is my work? AK says a lot. .for now..get my phone from vanity van! Madhu asks what is vanity van? AK cribs that.. Nikhil had to go now only..! He says.. the bus where makeup is applied! Madhu says i apply Makeup too! AK says enouf. .do as told.. dun talk..! Madhu stammers.. n says my phone! She chats with PK that.. u must be enjoying.. its to my account only! She notices the vanity van n says.. one man and such a huge bus? Entire barat can fit in…! She enters and looks around and says.. wow what is this? From looks like bus but inside has all.. fridge.. tv..! Madhu says.. AK looks so nice. why put makeup..? She hears noise.. n tries to explain that she was only seeing! Its AKs spot boy! Madhu asks who is a spot? The guy explains. .the one to take care of AK’s stuff.. food.. clothes etc..! He introes himself as Balwinder.. n says u can call me Spot Dada..! Madhu asks him ..why does AK apply Makeup? The guy explains ..that its to ensure that the skin is not affected by strong light..! Madhu notices plateful of food…! Its all boiled stuff..! Madhu says its not fun .. will get food from home from tomorrow..!

Madhu is about to eat and AK comes and holds her hand! He asks what are u doing? Why eating my food? Madhu asks this is ur food? Madhu says thank u PK! AK says..r u nuts Ms. Kamli .. this is my diet.. u r supposed to take care of it.. not eat it..! He makes her move aside and eats it..! Madhu asks u eat this everyday? R u sick? Did Doc tell u to eat all this? Madhu asks do u hv digestion issue? Madhu gives him digestion stuff n says.. this will cure u! AK fumes n says.. r u nuts? Go out and wait..! AK gives her .. his moby..! Madhu asks how does it work? Teach me…! Better.. give me the old phone! AK says..this is my phone… and 2 more..! Madhu says all 3? If u buy few more.. u can open a shop! AK glares..! AK says one phone is for… work.. one for famly … and another is ..when call comes ..u will understand! AK gives his specs to Madhu n she puts them on! AK says. ..whats ur probs? Eating my food.. using my phone n now my specs? Madhu asks near sighted or far sighted? AK says..this specs are for u to know and me to see.. no one outside should know..! He says am going for shot.. will eb back in an hour.. till then read the script..! AK says.. one more thing.. in one hour.. someone is coming to meet me.. the person should not know where i am. .if they do. .its ur pack up..!

AK leaves n Madhu is busy setting her hair..! AK comes back and finds Madhu setting her hair n says.. ur new in Mumbai.. work efficiently ..! AK leaves..! Madhu says.. what is with people these days? After spending so much money. buying phones without any buttons? Madhu says this script makes me feel m giving my boards..! Right then a girl (Shalini) comes and Madhu remembers AKs words! The girl asks..who are u? Madhu says AKs PA! The girl asks Madhu to call AK and ask him to come to meet her! Madhu says he is gone.. to home! The girl asks.. why are u here? Madhu says.. recovering money for whole day..! The girl says fine. .will stay back..! Madhu stops her and says.. am on my way home..! The girl starts crying ..! She says AK promised to keep me happy forever but …he is avoiding me after last nite! Madhu feels bad..!

Part 2

The girl says fine.. just tell AK that i was here! AKs phone rings and Madhu asks her help ..! She says AKs mom messaged asking where are u? Madhu gives his address..! She types the message and walks off..! Madhu realises her folly and rushes behind her..! The director is explaining the scene to AK when Shalini comes.. and hugs AK! AK fumes on Madhu ..! AK asks why are u here? We were gonna meet for dinner! Shalini says … what dinner? U din even call me? AK says my PA din call u? AK calls Madhu and says.. despite my warning. .u din inform Shalini?U cant do one work properly .. ur fired..! Madhu is shocked..!

Part 3

AK says go home and relax…we will dine together.. ! Shalini is delighted and leaves! Madhu calls out to AK! AK says.. no need to explain anything..! Told u that girl should not reach me.. but u failed! Madhu says u were happy seeing her.. then? AK says shut up.. ur fired..! Madhu is stunned..! AK asks for his stuff from Madhu n she hands over his script and phones..! Madhu is walking off..! AK watches..! He says time for take..! Madhu says previous time when i was fired.. found out reason . .dunno the reason this time..! She rues..what will i do now? Madhu notices that she has AK’s glasses and recollects AKs words.. that its between them about the specs..! She decides to return it to AK herself..! AK is in between shot and Madhu comes to him..! AK says u din leave still? Madhu says wanted to give u something not in front of others! AK says fine . .go wait outside.. am working! Its late in the night. and Madhu is freezing ..! She notices AK and director walking outside..! Madhu calls out to AK..! AK asks u din leave? Madhu says u told me to wait so..! AK is surprised..! Madhu is scared .!

Precap — Pam asks Nikhil when did u return? Nikhil says.. this girl? Pam says AKs P.A! Nikhil says…her face is like…Pam says Madhubala Kundra..!

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  1. M
    February 19, 12:08 Reply

    Thank you dd….

    • dd
      February 19, 12:13

      First of all i did not understand why thank you
      second even if i have done something to thank pls dont thank what are friends for

    • M
      February 19, 12:20

      leave it dd thanks is fr my name(u told my name is gr8)

    • dd
      February 19, 12:23

      how sweet

  2. vinu
    February 19, 12:07 Reply

    Sorry guys need to go now…. having exams frm tomorrow…
    MB n mbians rock….

    • dd
      February 19, 12:09

      bye Vinu

    • M
      February 19, 12:12


  3. salma...
    February 19, 12:05 Reply

    Yep… Zaaruuu… …n…
    Hwz cuteeee dears…?

  4. vinu
    February 19, 12:04 Reply

    Hey mansi, do u see AN?
    My frenz see it…
    Bt I don’t coz they say jk is better than rk…. I saw 2 epi… Bt jk is not even rk’s 10% I felt…..
    N he was a Hero before AN only….. he is in KB team in ccl……

    • dd
      February 19, 12:08

      i just googled him out although i only understand kannada bit by bit . i think they are not bad .but our madubala was something magical

    • Mansi
      February 20, 00:37

      Yes I watch AN,first I thought dat he is not like RK,but now I really like JK,he is impressive, I like his voice very much.But I think now they are changing the story, there is no Sultan track ,

  5. @ananna@
    February 19, 12:04 Reply

    Hello..guyss..and hii @zaara dear hw r u

    • dd
      February 19, 12:16

      hi annana

  6. zaara
    February 19, 12:02 Reply

    guys me will bk in 10min

  7. zaara
    February 19, 12:00 Reply

    yeah me tooo vinu
    gosh i rlly dnt like her
    also she tlk damn bad in hindi
    even me is bengali
    but i tlk much btr dn her in hindi
    and she live india
    still sucks

  8. salma...
    February 19, 11:58 Reply

    Hiii Zaaruuu…
    I’am fine… …n…
    Hwz u my swthrt…?

    • zaara
      February 19, 12:01

      my salma
      me abhi thori theek hoon yer

  9. zaara
    February 19, 11:55 Reply

    hi salmaaaaaaaaaaa
    kaise hoon

    hey m
    arent u mansi?
    we tlked b4 rememr
    n i tld u tht u hve such a nice name

    vinu hrhhrhr muje v sirf khana ati hai yer
    but mom bhahar gyi hai abhi
    aur kitchn pe thi
    toh muje kaha ki help karni ki
    aur na me kitchn pe toh nhi jati
    dear look i tld u hw to mk dbt account
    its rlly easy

    • dd
      February 19, 11:57


    • vinu
      February 19, 12:00

      Cool 😉

    • M
      February 19, 12:03

      Who s mansi? I new to tis page nw!

    • dd
      February 19, 12:05

      there was another girl named Mansi it seems
      although i am not new to this page i used to nvr chat so i dont know

  10. Mansi
    February 19, 11:52 Reply

    In Kannada ,remake of Madhubala, named as Ashwini Nakshatra, is popular and currently no.1 show, JK is super star and girls are crazy about him, both the leads i.e.Ashwini and JK got chance in movies and now doing films also

    • M
      February 19, 12:16

      Wow Superb!

  11. M
    February 19, 11:52 Reply

    Hey wat s this guys? I m really sry fr not telling my name! Because i really hard to say my name to this page! K sry once again! I am Madhubala frm Tamilnadu……

    • salma...
      February 19, 11:55

      Wow I’am also frm Tn…

    • dd
      February 19, 11:56

      wow your name is Madubala gr8….

    • dd
      February 19, 11:55

      hi i see u come everday nite kyu where are r u living

  12. vinu
    February 19, 11:49 Reply

    zaaru, hi 5
    Did not post dis in yesterday update coz I thought u will not do der
    even I supported ashwik…… 🙂 🙂 :)I m sorry also…. I saw dat many ppl Der had also said they love ‘maan’ n had profile names as geet .. n yest u said ur their fan so I thought u also supported gurbina….. Bt cheers again on ashwik’s victory… 😀 🙂

    • zaara
      February 19, 11:51

      hehehhe hi five
      yeah me is fan of mann
      but not debina
      so thts why i didnt suport thm
      as i hate debiina

    • dd
      February 19, 11:54

      hai even i supported ASHWIK
      I like gurmeet but does not like debina much ( no offence)
      and the constant support of sajid on gurbina
      made me support ashwik even more…
      anyways happy Ashwik won they deserved it

    • vinu
      February 19, 11:57

      Hehe… zaaru not only our age… many things r same…..
      I also hate debina……
      Attitude frm tip of hair to toe she has(I felt when I saw nb-sriman v/s srimati)

    • dd
      February 19, 12:00

      evry1 hate her ….
      i feel she doesnt deserve guru .. ( no offence)

  13. zaara
    February 19, 11:43 Reply

    my dd n vinu
    ws missing me na
    me too missed u guys
    btw DD N vinu
    guys why dnt u mk dtb account
    it will be realll cool
    belve me
    as lots of people hve here na

    • dd
      February 19, 11:48

      HOW TO MAKE THAT ????

    • zaara
      February 19, 11:50

      u see on left its say
      u just need to fill whtevr its say ok
      dn u will able to sign in for the dtb acc
      or u see on top its a contact us
      so u need to mail admin
      he will tell u wht to do

    • vinu
      February 19, 11:52

      Yah… how to do dat????
      N zaaru u do kitchen work???
      Mujhe toh sirf khana aatahe. 😉 😀

    • dd
      February 19, 12:02

      thank you zaara

  14. zaara
    February 19, 11:42 Reply

    hi my swt freindssss

    awwwwwww my dd
    me too sorry dear
    actully i ws working on kitchen
    as mama not home
    but nw me cme yer

  15. M
    February 19, 11:37 Reply

    Hi vinu i want to ask smthing fr u(if u dnt mind) In bangalore this shw(MEIEJ) is already remade or remake na right? I think show name is Ashwini Nakshatra like that? I dnt knw clearly! Hw was that shw? Super or medium or flop????

    • dd
      February 19, 11:42

      i completely agree with u Vinu no one can be compared to his way of calling BIWI
      i was so crazy about it in the initial days of Madubalai still remeber this incident
      once me and my friends were playing truth / dare
      so i chose truth and my friend was like what i wany my honewali pati to call me ( I am blushing right now) instantly without thinking said
      BIWI my friends teased me like hell LOL 😉 🙂

    • vinu
      February 19, 11:42

      Yes m, its remade in Kannada….
      its good for me coz I see MB
      for my frenz,its amazing…. its one of the leading shows here
      ppl esp girls r mad abt jk(rk is made jk)

      Can I hav ur intro m????if u don’t mind

    • dd
      February 19, 11:44

      hai M ,
      i feel you are some agent usualy agents has these\kind of code names like M , G , K ect is there any special reason behind M

  16. Alina
    February 19, 11:34 Reply

    Hii are you?
    I’m from Maharashtra…
    Your intro please Vinu?
    And DD where are you from?

    • dd
      February 19, 11:36

      i am from dubai

    • Alina
      February 19, 11:44

      Ohk! DD…tkc dear…
      Talk with you tom now I’m going…

    • dd
      February 19, 11:48

      ITS okay alina gud bye…..

  17. vinu
    February 19, 11:28 Reply

    Hey alina….. which part of India r u frm????m frm Bangalore…. nice to see u btw

  18. Alina
    February 19, 11:25 Reply

    Hiii DD…how are you?
    I’m sorry I went yesterday…
    My intro…
    I’m Alina from India in class 9th:))
    How was your day dear?

    • dd
      February 19, 11:28

      day was awesome we have class party tomorrow
      so was doing preperation for that…

      so where are you from India dear

  19. dd
    February 19, 11:23 Reply

    luved miss kamili part today

    • vinu
      February 19, 11:31

      Truely…… pehli baar AK accha laga mujhe……
      The way he says miss kamli is actually nice
      Bt nothing can beat rk’s biwi

    • dd
      February 19, 11:36

      i completely agree with u
      once me and my friends were playing truth / dare
      so i chose truth and my friend was like what i wany my honewali pati to call me ( I am blushing right now) instantly without thinking said
      BIWI my friends teased me like hell LOL 😉 🙂

    • M
      February 19, 11:42

      Agree wit u vinu

  20. vinu
    February 19, 11:23 Reply

    Yah… zaaru not Der 🙁
    BTW,the vm was beautiful….
    Thank u

    • dd
      February 19, 11:24

      always welcome sweet heart

  21. dd
    February 19, 11:19 Reply

    today zaara s not there i guess

  22. vinu
    February 19, 11:08 Reply

    Yah even I feel nikhil n Pam r main villians….
    And now here there is no one to support Madhu in kapoor mansion(I hate da place NOW)
    Missed sunny today

    • dd
      February 19, 11:10

      me tooo….. i like him i at times feel he is much better than AK ,
      but hopefully AK improves

  23. dd
    February 19, 11:02 Reply

    where are others today ?????

  24. vinu
    February 19, 10:54 Reply

    mujhe Dar lag raha hai…dis show is illogical Dan anyone I hav seen….
    I was thinking yesterday…
    how can ananya n nikhil look soo young?? Annie is older to AK coz leap se pehle hi uski shadi Ho gayi thi…..
    but even dat does not make sense bcoz she is Pam’s daughter…… n AK is hk’s first wife’s son……
    kyun itni acchi show ko yeh log(creatives n producers) spoil kar rahe hai?

    • manjari
      February 19, 11:56

      Hi Vinu! I agree wit u. seriously, tat AK is already a star when madhu was just born, now how can she fall in lov vit him (uncle in 40’s). Another Rk used to use smartfones, now after 20 yrs she is telling that she dont know how to use dem? strange!

  25. vinu
    February 19, 10:52 Reply

    Absolutely loved dd today…..
    Bilkul pagal Jaisi behave Jst rahi thi…
    Mera matlab dd was fab in acting…..

    • dd
      February 19, 11:01

      she is always fab vinu
      even i have the same insecurities i think as it was a sudden leap they did not make the people clear till now
      its gettin confusing day by day….
      and i think nikhil is the main viilain

  26. dd
    February 19, 10:41 Reply

    guys iam really crazy….
    in todays epi when madhu was doin crazy stuff instead of watchin AK s expressions i was imaginig what RK s expressions and dialouges will be for that scene …

    anyways hope AK will improve

  27. dd
    February 19, 10:37 Reply

    its ok vinu ….

    anyways todays epi was hilarious DD s expressions are gr8

  28. vinu
    February 19, 10:33 Reply

    sorry guys, yesterday I left without even saying bye…. 🙁
    I got an important call aur uske baad , I could not come back. 🙁

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