Mahabharat 25th December 2013 Written Update

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Mahabharat 25th December 2013 Written Update by Bhavaani

Mahabharat 25th December 2013 Written Episode

Episode begins with Shakuni telling Duryodhan and Dussasan that soon Kunti will desire to visit Varnavrat with her sons and their plan is on its way to being successful.

We see Purvochan and his wife come to visit Kunti, and they tell her about how wonderful life was when Pandu was King. Purvochan says there will be a prayer held in Varnavrat and they would like the Pandavas to be a part of the pooja. He says a palace has been built especially for all of them to stay in. Kunti says it won’t be possible for them to stay there as Yudhishtir is busy with his duties and Bheem,Nakul and Sahdev are away on the King’s orders and Arjun is in Dwarika. Yudhishtir arrives there and says he has made a decision. He says they will definitely come and stay in Varnavrat. He tells Kunti it is necessary for him to stay away from Hastinapur for a little while to calm things down.

Purvochan meets Shakuni and tells him that Yudhishtir has agreed to visit Varnavrat. Shakuni reminds Purvochan of the profit if there plan is successful and threatens him with what will happen if they fail. Shakuni tells Purvochan to leave for Varnavrat and get ready to welcome the Pandavas.

Vidhur comes to visit Yudhishtir. Vidhur tries to dissuade Yudhishtir from leaving Hastinapur at this critical time. Vidhur is suspicions of the pooja being held for Pandu after all this time. He says he doesn’t ever recall Pandu even visiting Varnavrat so why are they holding a pooja? Yudhishtir says that if any problems occur in Varnavrat then he and his brothers are capable of dealing with them.

Arjun is practising some moves in Dwarka when Subhadra comes to see him. They play the ‘careful! don’t place your feet there!’ game again and Subhadra falls down. Arjun tells her this game is devised in order to increase memory power. Subhadra says a letter has come from Hastinapur for him. Arjun says he has to find Krishna to take leave from him.

Shakuni, Duryodhan, Dussasan and Karna have gathered together. They discuss the plan of having the Pandavas stay in the house of lac,but Karna is shocked hearing about the Lakshgrah.

Precap: Karna tells Duryodhan that not only his enemies, but his honour and his ancestor’s hard work and dharm will also be burnt in the house of lac.

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1 Comment

  1. raj
    December 26, 01:56 Reply

    Wht a plan duty.
    But u ar unsuccessful in this too.buddy

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