Mahadev into tears…

Mahadev has tears in his eyes while removing Vinayak’s head in Life OK’s Devon Ke Dev. Mahadev

In the coming episode of Life OK’s daily soap Devon Ke Dev. Mahadev, we will see that Mahadev has tears in his eyes while removing Vinayak’s head. The upcoming track of the show will entail Parvati calling Nav Durga for Suchi Snaan. She instructs Vinayak to protect that particular area while the Snan Vidhi is in progress.

While the the snaan-vidhi is taking place, Mahadev comes back from Samadhi, but Vinayak does not allow him to go inside. Mahadev then sends Gunprat, Nanadi, Indra and Narad however, Vinayak fights with all of them and denies their request of allowing anyone near the snaan-viddhi area. After a while Mahadev goes himself and there is a fight between Vinayak and Mahadev.

As Mahadev is about to remove Vinayak’s head he remembers flesh of Surya and Kashyap. Looking at that situation Mahadev has tears in his eyes while removing Vinayak’s head.

For this interesting episode do watch Devon Ke Dev. Mahadev on Life OK from 10th to 14th December.

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