Maharana Pratap 26th December 2013 Written Update

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Maharana Pratap 26th December 2013 Written Update by debasree04

Maharana Pratap 26th December 2013 Written Episode

The episode starts with the scene where Pratap burns his all weapons including that bhala given by Raghavendraji and that sword gifted by his dajiraj. He is feeling very guilty.

Dheerbai becomes surprised to hear the news of joining of Pratap in the army of Mewar & she asks to Uday Singh about it. She continues that Pratap is only 14 years old & it’s not the age to join the army fighting the war. She again mentions that it’s not intelligent decision. Uday Singh and Jaiwantabai glances each other. Sajjyabai mentions that Dheerbai is the most intelligent person. She also mentions that it’s been long time she heard about Pratap’s acts of valor. She asks to Dheerbai about the reason for which Pratap cannot join the army now. Dheerbai tries to justify her point to them. Uday Singh says that Dheerbai cannot take decision due to her love for Pratap, he adds that Dheerbai is the Rajput mother so she should be more strong. Dheerbai mentions that Uday Singh is right and she adds someone’s words that the sun cannot be hidden under the cloth for long time, one day it must be shone. Uday Singh tells that as he gets the consent of his three queens on this matter, now he should inform all his ministers about it. Uday Singh leaves. Sajjyabai becomes very happy & she goes to convey the good news to everyone of the palace. Dheerbai and Jaiwantabai glances at each other.

Pratap apologizes to his ancestors that he cannot continue to be the successor of them because he sacrifices lots of life to maintain their tradition. Pratap continues that if it happens to him then it would be fine but unfortunately every time his dear ones sacrifice their life. He adds that whenever he goes to execute an unjust work to just one, he lose his dear ones who have no fault and sacrifices their life due to him. Therefore, he takes this tough decision not to take part in any war in future. Again he apologizes & helplessly breaks down.

At raj durbar, Uday Singh announces the official joining of Pratap to the army of Mewar. All of them praise Uday Singh & Pratap.

Pratap heard this praising while passing nearby. One servant informs him that Uday Singh calls him to go at the room of Jaiwantabai.

Jaiwantabai and Uday Singh become emotional as their dream comes true. Jaiwantaibai mentions that Uday Singh loves & cares for Pratap more than his mothers. Both are in tears. Uday Singh surprises that how fast time has gone. He remembers Pratap’s childhood days, first time when he takes Pratap on his lap. At that moment, Pratap comes. Uday Singh consoles Pratap saying that Eklingaji gives Pratap a chance to come out from the grief of Krishna’s death. Uday Singh joyfully mentions that all ministers along with Uday Singh take a unanimous decision to choose Pratap for an important mission in the near war against the Mughal. Then Uday Singh confirms about his decision to take Pratap in Mewar’s army. Uday Singh asks Pratap whether he is ready for this honour. Pratap remains silent. Jaiwantabai asks Pratap about the reason of his silence as he waits for this moment since he joined Gurukul . Pratap apologizes and confirms about his decision not to take part in the war. They become shocked to hear it. Jaiwantabai tries to understand the facts to Pratap but Pratap mentions that he is already late to take this decision otherwise Krishna’s death would be avoided. He confirms that Raj Rana Bahadur, Som and Krishna died before time due to him only. Uday Singh asks Pratap whether he wants to take revenge of Krishna’s death from Bairam Khan. Pratap replies that he doesn’t want to fight again because there is chance that he would save again but one of his dear ones sacrifices the life in this process. Pratap assumes that God punishes him. Jaiwantabai mentions that Pratap has killed either in battle or some oppressive, he never goes against the rules of war then how could he be wrong. Pratap mentions that this killing process damages a lot. He adds that the bloodshed cannot be considered as great work. Murder is murder. It can’t be justified due to circumstances or reason behind it. Bairam Khan will be punished one day by the God for his wrong work. Then why should Pratap kill Bairam Khan. Jaiwantabai mentions that the time when his motherland needs him, when the war is knocking at their door, when his dadiraj needs him…at that time Uday Singh interrupts her saying if Pratap doesn’t want then they can’t force him. He confirms that he accepts Pratap’s decision. Pratap leaves. Jaiwantabai wants to stop him but Uday Singh prevents her to do so.

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  1. NISHI
    January 08, 13:21 Reply


  2. Toto
    December 30, 13:26 Reply

    I love you pratap from F

  3. Toto
    December 30, 13:24 Reply

    I love you pratap from frdaus

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