Main Hoon Aparajita 7th January 2023 Written Update

Main Hoon Aparajita 7th January 2023 Written Update by Atiba

Main Hoon Aparajita 7th January 2023 Written Episode

Scene 1
Aparajita is worried for Akshay and recalls the priest’s words. She gets Disha’s call who tells her that I couldn’t see the person’s face in the CCTV footage. Disha says we will go to the police station, Aparajita says I will come there. The priest comes there and tells Aparajita that you can’t go out, this is a sacred pooja and you have to stay in the house to save his life. Dadi asks Aparajita to listen to him, stay back. Disha tells Aparajita that don’t worry, we will handle it. She ends the call. Chhavi comes there and says Veer is looking for papa as well, I trust him completely. Aparajita thinks how to tell her that I doubt him the most.

Sunil beats Veer and says why did you attack Akshay and didn’t even tell me. Veer says I didn’t want to hurt him but he had proof against me so I had to attack me, what if he tells everything to Chhavi? Sunil says you have gone crazy for that girl like you did with Ritika. I should have finished this Chhavi before only. Veer grabs him and says don’t you dare think of hurting my Chhavi, he strangles him angrily. Veer calls his man and asks them to find out who gave the confession video to Aparajita. Mohini comes there and grabs Veer, she asks where is Akshay? Veer says what are you talking about? I don’t know. Mohini says Akshay had a phone with Ritika’s confession so you didn’t want Akshay to see it that’s why you did something with him? Veer says I don’t know what you are saying. Mohini asks Sunil to tell him to speak up otherwise I will call Aparajita and Chhavi to tell them about Ritika. Your political career will end and he will lose Chhavi. Sunil asks her to calm down. Veer says nobody can take Chhavi away from me. Mohini shouts nobody can snatch Akshay from me, stop this drama and tell me everything otherwise.. Veer says I will tell you.

Disha and Niya come to the police station. The inspector says we can’t file a complaint before 24 hours. Niya cries and says what will we do? Disha says we will try searching for other CCTV footages. Another woman inspector comes to Disha and says I will help you. I lost my father because I couldn’t find him in time so I want to help you. Disha thanks her.

Veer shows his video with Chhavi to Mohini and says I was with her when Akshay went missing. Mohini says who was recording this video and how did you know you would need it? Veer says my friend was recording it just to tease me. I had no clue about the confession video, I love Chhavi a lot so why would I hurt her father? Mohini thinks he wouldn’t lie so confidently, what is happening? Sunil says maybe another political party is trying to hurt Akshay? he did fight with them in the riots, I will search for him. Mohini nods and leaves. Sunil tells Veer that we handled this woman but that Aparajita won’t be silent. Veer calls his man and asks him to lower the temperature in the freezer. He tells Sunil that Akshay will be dead till they find him.

Scene 2
Akshay is freezing in the truck and dying.

The priest tells Dadi that this pooja will be done only if Aparajita does it fully with heart. Chhavi tells Aparajita that I know he has hurt you a lot but he is our father and only you can save his life. Will you do it? Aparajita goes away.

Disha, Niya and the inspector find a truck in the area. They open it but Akshay is not there. The inspector says we can search the area more.

Mohini comes back home so Aparajita asks if Veer said anything? Mohini says Veer doesn’t know anything, he didn’t even know about the situation. Aparajita says he said that and you agreed? Mohini says Veer wouldn’t lie to me. Aparajita asks why? Mohini thinks because I know about Ritika and he wouldn’t dare to lie to me. She says he wouldn’t lie to me because he knows that I have power to help him. Dadi comes there and asks what happened? Mohini says we are searching for Akshay. Dadi says only 2 hours are left till the eclipse. Aparajita says there was a truck nearby when Akshay went missing so maybe he is in some truck? Mohini says I can ask Sunil to search for the trucks. Dadi says I know only Aparajita’s pooja can save him. Mohini says I am his wife and not Aparajita.

Disha and Niya are looking for the trucks. Disha says we can ask for CCTV footages. Another inspector arrives there and tells Disha that I will help you unofficially. Niya is getting dizzy so Disha asks her to go home, you didn’t eat anything. The lady inspector takes Niya from there. The inspector messages Veer that Disha is with me so I will handle her. Veer calls his man and asks him to lower the temperature more, the man says he will die in 2 hours then. Veer says I don’t care, they can’t find him alive. The man lowers the temperature more.

Dadi tells Aparajita that even Mohini couldn’t do anything, only you can save him. Aparajita goes to the mandir and sits down. She tells Lord that I can do the pooja for Dadi and my kids but I can’t do this as a wife, we don’t accept each other as husband and wife so how can I do this pooja as his wife? I have lived as a mother for 15 years so how can I become a wife suddenly? I don’t understand what to do anymore. The flower falls in her lap. Dadi and Chhavi look on. The priest says your answer is here, your life is tied to your husband till your last breath, we don’t have much time left so decide fast. Mohini comes there and takes the flower. She crushes it and says you people see my ego but can’t see my love. I will show you all that I love Akshay the most in this life. She falls to her knees in front of Aparajita and says I love him so much that I am putting my ego away and pleading with you to save my Akshay’s life. I am here but you are getting this right so I am requesting you to save his life. She cries and gives the flower to Aparajita. Aparajita says okay, I will do the pooja. Mohini cries and thanks her. Niya comes there too.

The episode ends.

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