Main Naa Bhoolungi 3rd February 2014 Written Update

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Main Naa Bhoolungi 3rd February 2014 Written Update by MA

Main Naa Bhoolungi 3rd February 2014 Written Episode

Shikha, her parents, and inspector come to Sameer’s office. Shika says receptionist that she wants to meet company’s CEO Mr. Khanna. Receptionist says sir won’t meet anybody without prior appointment. Inspector insists, so she calls her CEO and he asks them to come in. Shikha introduces herself to Mr. Khanna. He asks her if he knows her. She says she is Sameer Verma’s wife. He asks who is Sameer Verma. Avinash says he is your company’s managing director. Mr. Khanna says why will he not know his company’s MD. His MD’s name is Mr. Ahjua and he is his good friend. Everybody gets shocked to hear this. Avinash says Sameer was working here for 2.5 years. Mr. Khanna says you must be mistaken, there is no one here by name Sameer Verma. Shikha remembers coming to the office and receptionist giving her the same answer. She even remembers Sameer getting angry on her. Shikha then asks Avinash it is Sameer’s part of drama, he is not working here. They come out and Shikha starts crying remembering Manav. Avinash gets call from Panchgani inspector. He informs her that police who went to investigate in Raipur could not find any Sameer Verma or his parents there. He further says the family who stays in that address does not know any Sameer Verma. Shikha starts crying.

Jail’s door opens and stalker steps out of the door. He sees some number in his phone and goes. Avinash tries to console Shikha and says he will get Manav at any cost. Sudha also tries to console her, she says god will help good people. She says there is no use staying in mumbai, lets go mumbai. We can take care of you well there. Mahi and Vineet are there to help you. Shikha asks about Manav. Sudha says they will get Manav at any cost. She also says police is investigating. Avinash backs Sudha, goes and says inspector that they are going to Nasik. Inspector assures him that whenever he gets any clue, he will inform him.

Stalker sees Shikha’s pic in newspaper. He reads the story. MAhi and Vineet are worried about his parents. He asks her to call papa. Mahi says they must be fine, I just hope Shikha didi is fine. Door bell rings and she opens the door. Stalker is on the door. She gets tensed and tries to close the door, but stalker pushes her and comes in. She calls Vineet. Vineet says her to get out of here. Stalker warns them to go and sit, he has come to meet Shikha and won’t go until he meets her. Avinash, Sudha, and Shikha are traveling in a car for Nasik. Avinash remebers inspector Naik’s warning and starts crying. Shikha sees him crying and tries to console him. He asks her to forgive him, whatever is happening is because of him. Shikha says it is not his fault. Avinash says it is his fault, inspector Naik warned him on her wedding day about Sameer, but he didn’t believe inspector Naik. I believed Sameer than inspector, I was blindfolded and didn’t see the problem coming.

Avinash further says if I had listened to inspector, you would not have been in trouble now. He says he is not fit to be his papa and ruined your life. Shikha says it is not his fault and not to blame himself. None of us see Sameer’s intentions. Anybody would have believed Sameer and his parents in this situation. Shikha further asks him to be courageous and not blame himself. Sameer will get his punishment. They reach home and get tensed seeing the stalker. Avinash goes to the stalker and asks him who dare he come to his house. Shikha asks him why is he still behind her. He says he was asked to be behind him. Avinash asks him who was it. Stalker says it was Sameer’s plan to threathen you by me and he will come as a hero and save you to impress your family. If he had known this would happen after marriage, I wouldn’t have helped him. He is repenting for his mistakes, so he came to ask sorry. He says if she needs his help any time, he is ready to help any time. Shikha goes and slaps him.

Shikha angrily says him whatever happened is because of him and asks him to give back the time when she was happy with her family. She shows him her scarred face and says it is all because of him. Avinash asks Shikha not to meddle with him and asks stalker to get out. Stalker says he cant help her get back her old days but can help her get back Manav. Shikha warns him not to take Manav’s name.

Shikha asks stalker to get out. Stalker says he really wants to help her find Sameer, he wants to do it for himself also as Sameer also ditched him and tried to kill him. He requests her to accept his help. Shikha asks him to stop telling false stories, she won’t accept help from him and asks him to get out. Stalker writes his phone number on a piece of paper and asks him to call him if she believes him later. Shikha tears the paper and asks him to get out. She starts crying vigorously. Sudha says why did you tear his number, he would have helped us find Sameer. Avinash says he must be sent by Sameer again and can’t believe him. Sudha says how will we find Sameer now. Shikha says we will, there is a fellow who can help us.

Precap: Shikha is worried about Manav. She says Vineet that if she is saved after falling from cliff, it is for Manav and she is not with him now. She wants to reach Sameer as soon as possible.

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  1. Punjabi kurri
    February 03, 14:23 Reply

    can someone please tell me who is the hero of this show? coz sameer is the villan

    • izma
      February 04, 04:41

      Avinesh Rekhi known as niraj
      n is the stalker n the one who saved shika from sameer

    • MA
      February 03, 11:34

      Ur welcome Neeti.

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