Maitree 13th April 2023 Written Update

Maitree 13th April 2023 Written Update by Tanaya

Maitree 13th April 2023 Written Episode

Nandini is approaching Maitree and Ashish. She inquires as to what is going on. Ashish says he’s bandaging Maitree’s hand and clearing her eye because something has fallen into it. Nandini takes Maitree’s hand in hers and asks if she was seriously hurt. Maitree claims she was hurt because she isn’t talking to her. Nandini apologises, saying, “I was stressed because of Nandish’s behaviour with me, so I acted in that manner and didn’t give you my full attention.” Maitree understands her predicament says Ashish. Vasundhara notices everything and is dissatisfied. Nandini requests that Maitree tell her what has happened in the last six years. Maitree asks, “What happened?” She claims she quit her job to care for Nandish. Nandini inquires if her parents did not find any suitable matches for her. According to Maitree, I met a few guys but it didn’t work out. Nandini inquires as to why. Nandish’s responsibility, according to Ashish. Nandish claims to have a solution to both problems.

Nandini accompany Maitree and Ashish to Nandish’s room. Nandini tells Maitree that Nandish will only love her if he despises her. Nandini asks Maitree to promise to Nandish while he is sleeping that she will do whatever Nandini says. Nandini makes her do it. Ashish makes an attempt to stop Nandini. They are at odds. Maitree, who is in tears, approaches Ashish and says she will do it. Maitree puts a hand on Nandish’s head, but he turns away. Maitree promises that she will go to any length to reunite Nandini and Nandish. It’s incorrect, according to Ashish. From there, he departs. Nandini expresses gratitude and hugs Maitree. Maitree holds back her tears. Nandini says I’m taking Nandish to my room and if he asks you about it the next day, you should hurt him with your response.

Maitree sobs as she recalls her time with Nandish. She wraps her arms around Nandish’s blanket. Nandish is forced to sleep on Nandini’s bed. She asks Ashish to assist her in impressing Nandish by suggesting ideas. She hugs him and tells him how much he has missed her over the last six years. Ashish claims she has changed drastically. Nandini asks if he wants her to fight for the love of his son and baby.

The next day, Vasundhara calls her brother and says Nandini is getting too close to her son, which is bad, so go to Nandish’s school and find out who his teacher is, and then I’ll carry out the new plan. Ashish prepares Nandish. Nandish wonders how he ended up in their room when he usually sleeps in Maitree’s. According to Ashish, I missed you and took you to my room. Nandish claims he thought his fake mother drove him there. Nandini, according to Ashish, is Devaki’s mother. Maitree appears and invites Nandish to eat poha.Nandish expresses his displeasure and requests that she prepare something else. Maitree declines. If Nandish wants to be fit like Ashish, he should eat poha. Nandini arrives with paratha and invites Nandish to eat it, but he declines. He requests that Maitree make paratha for him. Maitree says she can’t because she has work. Nandish reminds her that his parent’s meeting is today. Maitree asks him to take his parents and departs in tears. Nandini tells Nandish that he is important to her and requests that he eat Paratha. Nandish refuses and instead eats Maitree’s poha. Nandini believes she will soon separate Nandish and Maitree.

PreCap: Nandini starts sobbing and tells Maitree that Nandish will only love her when, he starts to hate Maitree. Nandini blames Maitree and says, Nandish should hate Maitree, instead of her. She tells Maitree to swear on Nandish and do whatever she advises her to do.

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