Maitree 17th February 2023 Written Update

Maitree 17th February 2023 Written Update by Tanaya

Maitree 17th February 2023 Written Episode

Maitree tells Saransh that he has to take the decision if he can trust her or not. Saransh remembers about the benefits of marrying Maitree. Sona asks Saransh that what is he thinking about? Saransh says that if he marries Maitree, she will help in everything and will also take care of him and his habits. Ashish and Nandu gets joyous and starts smiling. Saransh grabs Maitree’s hand and tells her that she’s very innocent and caring, and he will give her the same respect and relation Ashish and Nandu have between them. Saransh sits on his knees in front of Maitree and asks her if she wants to marry him? Maitree gets happy. Saransh jokes and tells Sona that if she again tries to stop the wedding, then he will runaway with Maitree. Everyone starts smiling. Sona says that she’s also happy with the decision. Sona gives her blessings to Maitree and Saransh, and says that this wedding will happen no matter what. Sona asks Pandit to stop resting and take out another muhrat. Everyone gets excited.

Vasundhara also arrives at the wedding entrance and thinks that today they will know what they actually did after taking Nandu away from her.

Pandit is taking out the muhrat. Saransh gets text from his friend which reads that Maitree and his visa and tickets ready, and they will be in London after 24 hours. Saransh reads it and locks the phone. Sona tells Saransh that, Maitree and Nandu’s friendship is the cause of every problem, and she will break their friendship after Maitree’s wedding. Nandu watches Maitree smiling. Maitree wishes for Vasundhara to arrive. Pandit is doing all the rituals. Nandu watches Maitree and Saransh sitting together in the mandap. Nandu thinks that her gathbandhan was also done by Maitree’s parents, because her mother doesn’t even care about her. Sachin shows up and tells Maitree that there are no rasgullas. Sona jokes and that they should get rasgullas first, they can do the wedding afterwards. Maitree’s mother tells them that she will take care of it.

Vasundhara and her brother are standing outside the venue. Maitree’s mother is talking to catering company to get the rasgullas fast. She spots Vasundhara and goes upto her. She tells Vasundhara that Nandu will be excited to see her in this wedding. She takes Vasundhara with her.

Pandit is completing all the rituals and everyone is sitting with Maitree and Saransh. Maitree’s mother brings Vasundhara inside and on the way tells her that, they did Nandu’s kanyadan as she was busy with her work. Vasundhara remembers everything and stares at her. She tells Vasundhara to let go off past events, and continues to take her inside. She brings her to the mandap and tells Nandu that Vasundhara is here. Nandu gets scared and everyone gets confused. Nandu remembers her wedding. Vasundhara walks upto Maitree. Everyone greets Vasundhara. Sona tells everyone to complete the rituals first. Vasundhara’s brother asks her if he should call the police? Vasundhara whispers something in his ears and he leaves. Nandu and Vasundhara stares at each other and remembers their past events. Saransh asks Maitree that who is she? Maitree tells him that she’s Vasundhara, Nandu’s mother. Saransh remembers Ashish telling him about her. Saransh thinks that she have his footage. Vasundhara walks upto Maitree and Saransh. Nandu thinks that Vasundhara is here to spoil the wedding. Vasundhara gives her blessings to Maitree. Maitree also greets her. Vasundhara gives her blessings to Saransh too. Vasundhara remembers Saransh’s footage and tells him to smile, because you never know what might happen tomorrow. Sona asks Vasundhara’s permission to continue the wedding. Vasundhara apologises and agrees with her.

Everyone is showering flowers on Maitree and Saransh while they complete their fere. Nandu tells Ashish that she thought that Vasundhara is here to spoil the wedding. Ashish tells her that Maitree went to invite her personally, and advised him to not tell her about this. Nandu gets shocked. Vasundhara’s brother comes back and tells Vasundhara that nobody and understand her. Vasundhara says that she switched her decision after coming here. Vasundhara thinks that these all are the people who made Nandu marry Ashish without her permission, and Maitree took control of everything. Vasundhara tells her brother that she wants Maitree to ruin her life on her own by marrying Saransh, because she’s her biggest enemy here, and after this wedding when she will get to know about the true side of Saransh and regret everything.

Maitree and Saransh are completing there fere. Maitree thinks that everything is going fine, even after so many problems. Saransh thinks that their tickets are ready, and will be in London in next 24 hours. Pandit announces that the fere are completed and everyone starts celebrating.

Now, pandit asks Saransh to put Mangalsutra on bride’s neck. Saransh puts in on Maitree and completes few more task. Vasundhara thinks that now both the family will be destroyed. Vasundhara gives money to Pandit for Maitree. Her brother calls the gifts for Maitree. Vasundhara congratulates them and says that she got some gifts for Maitree and Saransh. Sona thanks her and everyone starts clapping.

Precap: Vasundhara tells Ashish that he will lose the case, and she will destroy his career. Ashish tells her that he will always support the truth and gives her a “all the best

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