Manish Raisinghania is a Gizmo Freak!

Actor Manish Raisinghania in conversation with us about his love for gadgets!

The very handsome and charming Manish Raisinghania who is currently seen in Colors hit show Sasural Simar Ka as Siddhant Bharadwaj spills out the beans regarding his craze for gadgets.

What does Gadgets mean to you? What role do gadgets play in your life.
For me, a Gadget is a buddy and a friend which plays different roles in my life. From an entertainer to communicator, from an informer to a teacher, gadgets are my savior to stay disconnected from negativity and futile discussions in wrong company. Most of my knowledge comes from Google and most of my learning happens from YouTube. So you can understand that gadgets just don’t play a role in my life but they actually keep me on the roll.

Which is the most expensive mobile that you’ve ever had?
It is Blackberry Z10. Don’t know why I bought it but after buying I realized it’s so not worth it. Recently, I also bought Samsung S4 for almost the same price and its loaded with cool features!

How often do you use it?
Almost all the time. Like I said my world of information is in my phone! If someone talks about anything that I don’t know, the first thing I do is “Google” it. And I guess there is a lot in this world I don’t know (laughs).

What additional feature would you add to your Gadgets if you could?
Lots… Greed gets the better of me when it comes to Gadgets and how ever loaded it is I want more. For Samsung S4 I would say a projector, better speakers, a more robust design and the list goes on.

If you could create a new communication gadget, what would it be?
Our communication gadgets have passed the phase of communication and entered the world of features! But I guess it’s time to enter gen-next and graduate from the world of features to the world of fantasy! Trust me, with the sixth sense technology which I’m proud to say an Indian named Pranav Mistry has innovated this “fantasy” which will be a reality soon where communication gadgets will reach a different level within 5 years from now! (smiles)

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