Mariam Khan Reporting Live 22nd August 2018 Written Update

Mariam Khan Reporting Live 22nd August 2018 Written Update by Amena

Mariam Khan Reporting Live 22nd August 2018 Written Episode

The Episode starts with Rifat saying Mahira, I want to talk to you and Zain, come and meet me when Zain wakes up. Mahira says Zain isn’t at home. Rifat asks where is he then. Majaaz and Zain are on the way. Majaaz says you have helped me a lot. Zain says I personally know the visa officer, I can come along. Majaaz says Gauri fell unwell, else Omkar was coming along. Zain says he has to be there at home. Aayat calls Majaaz. Zain checks and says Aayat.

Majaaz says I was trying to talk to Mariam, answer the call, why are the brakes not working. Aayat worries that he will answer. Rifat says why did Zain go with Majaaz. She calls the goon and says stop that car, my son is also there with Majaaz. Goon says brakes are failed, nobody can stop it now. Zain says even the hand brakes aren’t

working. Aayat calls again and says see your dad is not answering, he doesn’t want to talk to you, he isn’t your dad. Rifat calls Zain and worries. Majaaz tries to drive safe. He struggles and hits a tree. The phone falls out. Majaaz and Zain meet with an accident. Aayat says he doesn’t love you. Mariam calls her a liar and runs.
She hugs Aijaz and says Aayat is saying my dad isn’t mine, isn’t it a lie. He says its true. She gets shocked. Aayat says you are my daughter. Mariam pushes her and says you are a liar, you are not my mom. She goes. Aayat goes to her room and vents out frustration over Mariam’s birth, which has ruined her life. She recalls Mariam’s birth. Aijaz scolds her, while Majaaz and Madiha adopt Mariam. Majaaz gets his friend married to Aayat. Junaid says Mariam is Aayat and her lover’s illegitimate child. Hamdan asks how will we deal with this, dad is supporting this cheater woman, even we have a son, but he has no right on this haveli, Aayat has given a heir to this house. He says if Aayat’s son Jibraan dies, everything will go to Mariam. Hamdan says I will snatch everything from them, Jibraan and Mariam have to die. Mariam cries and says you didn’t talk to me dad, I don’t want to talk to you. She gets upset and puts the superman toy in the bag.

Aayat says I knew this secret will help me, this would make me win the game. Rifat comes to hospital and gets shocked seeing Zain’s injury. She cries. She sees Majaaz fine. Zain says I m fine, Majaaz also got injured. Madiha says thank God, you both got saved. Zain says sorry, visa work couldn’t happen. Meher asks how did this accident happen. Majaaz says don’t know, car brakes were failed. Madiha says this can’t happen, car went for servicing three days back. Rifat says they are safe, I will thank Lord. Majaaz says you should thank someone who got us to hospital. Madiha says he would be some angel, who is he. They see Rihaan coming. Mahira gets emotional.

Zain says he got us hospitalized on time, he informed you all. Madiha thanks him. Rihaan says I would have done this for anyone. He goes. Doctor says there is no internal injury, you can take Zain home after some tests. Rifat thanks him. Mahira says I will get the medicines. Madiha says you be with Zain, Meher, go and get medicines. Aayat comes to Mariam. She gets Majaaz’s video call. She asks how did you get hurt. He says it was a small accident, don’t tell Mariam. She asks what if anything happened to you, your car brakes failed. Majaaz asks how do you know this. She worries.

Mariam asks Majaaz not to leave her. He says I m not your dad. She cries and sees Aayat. He says Aayat is your mum.

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