May I Come In Madam 29th March 2017 Written Update

May I Come In Madam 29th March 2017 Written Update by Amena

May I Come In Madam 29th March 2017 Written Episode

The Episode starts with Sanjana talking to client on call. Chedi gets coffee. She asks about Sanju. He says he is in cabin. She says he would have come, what is he doing. He says he is sitting like a hen, he takes your order seriously. She goes to see Sanju. She sees him and asks him to stand up. He shakes his legs. She says I told you to sit till lunch, its evening now. He says none came to give me lunch, I did not know time. She says sorry. He says its fine, you were angry. She says you were careless towards work, sorry. She goes. He says she looked so cute while saying sorry. He sees a file. He jokes on Bhupesh. He gets an idea.

Mummy and Kashmira joke on Sanju and laugh. Sanju comes home and hears them. He acts like a hen. Kashmira asks what happened, what’s this new drama. He says
I think its true, madam punished me for small thing, when I was coming, chana seller took money from me and said I ate chana from his stall, I don’t remember. He scares mummy. Kashmira asks what happened. He says I feel dizzy.

She asks him to sit. He acts. They worry. He says I will go out and have some fresh air. Kashmira sees an egg and asks how did this come. Mummy asks her to come to temple, train will come. Kashmira says no, we will go later. Sanju hears them and thinks Kashmira is very foolish. He makes hen sounds and goes. She drops the egg.

Its morning, Sanju calls Sanjana and says I m human rights officer. He asks her to stop torturing Sanju. She asks who gave this complaint. He says I know everything. She says there is misunderstanding, I punished Sanju, but my intention was not wrong. He says but wrong happened with me, he is giving eggs. She says what rubbish. He says his mental condition got bad, if we get complaint against you, I will keep an eye on you.

She does not believe Sanju is behaving like a hen. Sanju comes to her. She asks did you file complaint against me. He says what complaint. She says firget it, did you prepare slogan, tell me. He acts like a hen. She gets scared and asks what are you doing. He says I m thinking of slogan. She asks why did you act like a hen. He goes to her and jumps like a hen. She runs out of cabin. She goes to Chedi and save me, help me, Sanju is behaving like a pen, he made me run. Chedi wears goggles and asks how dare he, I will handle him, don’t worry.

She gets scared seeing Sanju. Chedi says I m here, don’t worry. Sanjana runs. Chedi asks what’s all this. Sanju asks what happened to her. Chedi asks why are you scaring her. Sanju says I m scared of her. Chedi says she told me you ran after her. Sanju says I don’t remember, I was talking to madam and came here. Chedi says she came running here, why did you do this. Sanju hurts him and acts like hen. He runs. Chedi says he has really turned into hen, I have to catch him.

Kashmira calls for doctor and says what, he went abroad. She says there is no good doctor. Mummy says wait for some time. Kashmira says Sanju was troubling all night and made hen sounds. Bhupesh says yes. Khiloni gets eggs and says Sanju gave these eggs. Kashmira gets shocked. Khiloni says don’t worry, Sanju and eggs are fine, chicks will come out in some days.

He asks Kashmira to write names by marker. She asks where is Sanju. Khiloni says he is resting outside, I gave him food. Sanju sees Kashmira and starts acting. She asks are you fine. Sanju says yes, I have body pain, I have sent Khiloni to get snacks. He asks Khiloni why did he get eggs. Kashmira asks Khiloni not to touch eggs. She says you gave the eggs. He calls her foolish. He keeps an egg beside and acts. He acts as hen and runs. She gets glad seeing one more egg. Khiloni says congrats. Mummy asks her is she mad seeing eggs.

Bhupesh says I will eat eggs every day. Kashmira slaps him and scolds him. She asks him to see Sanju. Bhupesh goes to see Sanju. Sanju calls Sanjana as Anjaan. She asks are you Sanju’s relative. He says we are every human’s relative, Sanju’s case spoiled, he is giving eggs. She asks what, really, what will happen now. Sanju says you will pay penalty, its rule, you can manage the case by love, you care for Sanju and talk with love, he can get fine, else tomorrow he can become snake and dinosaur. She says I will take care of him. He says I will keep an eye on you. He ends call and smiles.

Sanjana calls human rights office to know about Anjaan Sharma. She asks what, there is no one such. Sanju worries hearing her and thinks she got to know everything.

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