May I Come In Madam 13th May 2016 Written Update

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May I Come In Madam 13th May 2016 Written Update by Amena

May I Come In Madam 13th May 2016 Written Episode

The Episode starts with Sanju asking Sanjana to listen to him. He requests her to listen to him once, else he will leave from here. She says fine, just 2 mins. He says I did not ignore you, I was in depression. She asks why. He says I did not think about it, I mean I don’t want to think, I can’t ignore you, you don’t know my feelings. She asks what. He says I can’t say, I mean I can’t express, I respect you a lot, forgive me. She says fine, forgiven. He asks really. She says yes. He gets relieved and thanks her.

He says I have written something for you. She says even I wrote something, I will read. He says I will read. He takes the paper and sees some smiley. She asks him to read it. He asks what shall I read in this, whats this. She says read it. He makes such face. She says read it. He says sorry, I wrote this for you. He tells some shayari…..

Next day, Sanju waits for Sanjana and scolds Bhupesh. Sanjana comes there. She says we will go in next round and sends Bhupesh seeing crowd. Bhupesh sees the girl in lift and smiles. Sanju says you said right madam, I learn something from you. She asks really. He says yes, I m feeling to shift with you, I mean in office. She says I also think so, I like it, you can learn a lot from me. He says great minds think alike. She says I feel you have less confidence, I don’t like underconfident people. He says no, I m very confident. She asks more than me. He says yes. She gets angry. He says I can’t be equal to you. She says thanks, that’s the expected answer. They get inside lift.

Lift man hears them. Sanjana asks Sanju will he mind if she wants to send him away for work. He thinks where does she want to send him, I won’t go. Lift man plays radio. Jaaneman tere do nayan/beep…… plays…….. Sanju looks at Sanjana and gets embarrassed. She goes. Sanju asks lift man to get radio repaired, song meaning changes completely.

Sanju goes to his cabin. He says where does madam want to send me. Peon comes and asks will you get tea. Sanju asks him to get tea. Peon irritates him. Sanju scolds him. Peon wears goggles and turns into boss. He asks whats this, my daughter wants to send you out for office work and you are refusing, I don’t like employee who refuse to boss, I like such people who just agree to boss. Boss goes. Sanju murmurs I wish he did not get lottery, I would have beaten him.

Khiloni calls Sanju and asks whats going on. Sanju says madam wants to send me away, what will I do without my wife. Khiloni says you mean you can’t be away from madam, don’t worry, you can get any job, but its tough, you may not get job and come on road in 6 months, don’t worry. Sanju asks for some idea. Khiloni says find out where boss wants to send me, tell madam that the place’s weather does not suit you, or any other excuse. Sanju says good idea. Khiloni says I always solve your problems, you don’t give party. Sanju says fine, eat 2rs biscuits by my name. Khiloni angrily ends call.

Sanju goes to Sanjana. She asks did you think about going out of office. He asks where do I have to go. She says its beautiful place, don’t worry, you are not going alone. He stops her from saying, and says I have allergy with mountains, I feel scared and get fever. I want to say sorry, I can’t go. She gets a call and books her Switzerland tickets, and cancels Sanju’s ticket. He gets shocked and says I wanted to say one things, I don’t have allergy with all type of mountains, I think I can manage. She asks what will you do if you get fever. He says its fine, I can take whiskey and get set.

She asks what about your nervousness. He says its fine, sorry to say, but ladies handle much nervousness during pregnancy, I won’t be alone there, there will be someone to handle me. She asks him to be sure. He says sure, don’t say no now, I m an alcoholic, I mean workaholic, if person has to work hard then… She says enough of drama, take your wife’s sign on this NOC, if anything happens to you during this trip, company won’t be responsible. Sanju says yes, how can I blame you. She says fine, pack your bags then. He thinks Sanjana and I will be in Switzerland, no wife, no saas and Saala, Kashmira should agree.

She asks will you have a cup of coffee. He says no thanks. She says then please get out. He says okay and leaves. Sanju comes home and sees family seeing Kamini’s show. Kamini says when men have work, they will show love and care, don’t become fish, become crocodile and bite your husband. Kashmira says I will make tea. Sanju says sit, tea is not imp, you sit here, you work a lot all day, take some rest, I will make tea for everyone. Mummy says Sanju will get sugar if he acts sweet. Sanju laughs and says you have great sense of humor. Bhupesh asks what joke did mummy said that you are laughing.

Kamini says husbands act good to wives, when they have to go and enjoy with secretary or madam on pretext of tour. Sanju asks whats this useless show, lets see Dharmic show. Mummy jokes. Sanju laughs and says nice joke.

Bhupesh says this is getting too much, I think Sanju has some work from Kashmira. Sanju says no work, can’t I talk to my wife with love. Bhupesh says I can see you have some plan. Sanju talks to Bhupesh well and controls his anger. He says every husband is not bad as Kamini said, some are good too, if I go abroad, I can’t do anything wrong. He says ants don’t need invitation from honey. Kashmira looks at Sanju.

Sanjana books one suite for Sanju and her. Sanju hears this and gets glad.

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