Meet 19th March 2023 Written Update

Meet 19th March 2023 Written Update by Tanaya

Meet 19th March 2023 Written Episode

Meet says to Manmeet come let’s join hands. Shagun she them shaking hands together from above. Meet says now leave my hand. Manmeet says remember one thing we are still enemies and whatever I’m doing is for my mother. Meet says I know very well we are like fire and water and we totally apart from eachother. Manmeet says we have one thing in common our hair are some. Shagun looking at them says to herself he first asked me for help but I backed off because I was scared and if things remain same between Meet and Manmeet them they will get together, you have to stop this Shagun. A lady walks to Shagun says Sarkar has called you.
Meet and Manmeet enjoying together. Meet says Manmeet atleast look up your girlfriend saw us together go and check on her she must be jealous. Manmeet says Shagun knows very well I hate you.

Sarkar in his room. Shagun walks to him. Sarkar says you are going to be my future daughter in law so tell me can I trust youm Shagun say’s yes. Sarkar says so listen to me carefully Meet will try to sabotage my marriage so I want you to keep and eye on her and tell me everything, you are Manmeet’s shadow and know every rules and regulations of this house that’s why I’m giving you ths job. Shagun says don’t worry you can trust me and says I have to tell you something.

Meet says to Manmeet don’t care about your girlfriend I’m scared she will tell in anger to everyone that we joined hands. Manmeet says don’t worry about her just think something properly. Meet slips and both her and Manmeet fall and their lockets get entangled and a dupatta falls over them. Manmeet removes tge dupatta. Meet tries to entangle the locket in nervousness and says what if someone see sus like this it wilp be a problem. Manmeet says wait calmly do this or else we may get hurt and that will be a bigger problem. Manmeet frees them, Meet quickly steps back and tries to take her locket stuck in Manmeet’s locket. Meet says I will tell you about my ideas tomorrow and leaves.
Shagun walks to Manmeet, Manmeet asks him what’s wrong.

Imarti shows Jalebi the costliest jewellery those belonged only to Jashoda. Sapna and Gunvanti walk to her and stop Imarti. Imarti mocks Sapna and warns her to stay away or else she will throw her out of the house. Gunvanti pulls Imarti and says Meet is helping us and this time we all are supporting her.

Manmeet says to Shagun, you should have told Bapu Sarkar I am with Meet now. Shagun says I can’t because he has punished Maa but if he punishes you and cancels our marriage what will we do. Manmeet says I promise he will never find out about this. Shagun says to him, I need one more promise don’t join hands with Meet. Manmeet says don’t worry it’s about 5 days after that she will be out of our life with help of video don’t worry everything will be fine.

Meet sitting and thinks what should I do so that Sarkar change her decision of marrying. Manmeet walks to Meet and ask what happen nothing came to your mind and drink her tea. Meet says why are you drinking my tea. Manmeet says tell me one thing when it comes to me you are always agreed of everything and now nothing is coming to your mind. Meet says are you challenging me. Manmeet says yes. Meet mocks Manmeet.

Manmeet and Meet see Sapna puking and ask if she is fine. Meet walks with her to give her water.
Manmeet starts thinking of some idea. Manmeet sees Jashoda puking, Sundari says ro Jashoda stop stressing so much. Manmeet thinks of an idea and calls Shagun and tells her he has a fabulous idea and tells it to Shagun. Shagun says to him its rubbish. Manmeet says you go and just spread the news. Shagun does as Manmeet has asked her to. Everyone gets shocked listening to the news.

Sarkar asks everyone what is wrong, Manmeet tells Meet about his idea. Meet asks is this your plan what have you done. Sarkar asks why is everyone so shocked. Everyone just gigle. Gunwanti tells Sarkar that Jashoda is pregnant. Sarkar in shock. Meet looks at Manmeet in shock. Gunwanti says to Sarkar, you are going to be a father again congratulations.
Jalebi and Imarti confused.

Meet pulls Manmeet aside and says is this your idea. Manmeet says yes and this will work surely don’t you remember how things changed when Sapna Bhabhi’s pregnancy was announced, now similarly Bapu Sarkar will forgive Maa.

Sarkar sits confused.

Precap: Manmeet says to Jashoda, now Bapu Sarkar will come to you and forgive you.
Sarkar walks to Jashoda and feeda her rasgulla and says this is youe favourite right, he feeds all in her mouth and says how far will you go to cheat me.

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