Meet 22nd December 2022 Written Update

Meet 22nd December 2022 Written Update by Tanaya

Meet 22nd December 2022 Written Episode

Anurag try to sit in his car but Meet shuts his door says I thought you were a big lawyer of city and always win but today I can see revenge in your eyes why you did this to us. Anurag says you scared after seein him in court must be scared for your love I wanted you to suffer because I have also been in situation, do you remember Amrita Rathi, you were looking her missing case. Meet says yes I was looking her case then I left my job but why do you care. She is my life and I love her a lot, her life changed because of stop looking for her. Meet says because of personal reasons I had to leave my job and I give her case to a capable officer. Anurag says when I meet her she was unable to walk, now she is on wheel chair always looking for support everything happen because of you because you were not responsible. Meet says whatever happen to Amrita is bad but that’s not my fault if you love her a lot then why are you marrying my sister. He says I want to punish you I waited long to take revenge and finally now is the time, I handicapp your love and take away your love from you and you won’t be able to stop me, it’s timw for your punishment. Meet says you might be bug lawyer but you don’t know how to love, I feel pity for Amrita now. Anurag shouts at her. Meet says listen to me carefully I’ll bring the real killer infront of everyone in three days and you will loose your first because of me, she challenges him and walk away.

Meet explain Ishani and Neelam’s boyfriend try to figure out the pattern of murder and come to conclusions who could be the murder and what could be the reason. Ishani says this is true killer know Neelam very well that’s why he was following. Meet says there are no CCTV here but we need to find his mistake.

Anurag with Amrita. He aays it’s time to take revenge from Meet, she took my live from me and it’s her time to sacrifice everything. Amrita says forget everything and move on. Anurag says this won’t change the fact that you are handicapped. Amrita says whatever happen was not her mistake and whatever you are doing will be purposely. Anurag says she did a mistake and now she have to pay for that.

Meet Ahlawat and Meet in jail. Meet says I’m stuck, I cannot find any clue. Meet Ahlawat cheer her up says don’t worry I believe you, I’ll be out of here because of you. Meet ask him to remember every detail about market or a person something odd. Meet Ahlawat aays it was so crowded so I parked my car away from market, there are lots of people no body care about anyone he must be among them. Constable ask them to leave. Meet says to Meet Ahlawat you are right nobody could have seen him, don’t worry I won’t let anything happen to you and she leaves.

Ahlawat’s watching news for the murder of Neelam. Reports accusing Meet Ahlawat for killing his second wife and talk nonsense about the punishment.
Meet see reports outside her home and start asking her questions. Meet says what are you doing here outside come inside be our guest and take everyone inside. Reports start shooting inside. Meet says take rest guve us chance for hospitality, she calls servant and ask them to bring snacks. Meet serve them food. Family members and reports in shock after seeing Meet’s reaction. She says your job must be tiring that you have to say one thing again and again without even thinking about your health or the consequences after this I’ll give a breaking news related to this case. Raj ask her what happen to you. Babita says they are defaming and insulting my son. Meet says wait I’ll answer all your questions. Meet tell reports, few hours back I got a phone call from someone who saw Neelam’s murder so he wanted to meet to today related to the case. Reports ask what’s his name. Meet says for now I can only tell this much. Ishani ask everyone to leave. Everyone ask about the caller. Meet says we will get call just wait for sometime. Meet’s phone start ringing.
Meet pickup the phone and says yes you are so much updated on the case. Anurag says you can fool everyone but not me because I know it’s lie. Meet says I don’t have a lot to tell you. Anurag says your eye witness would not be able to testify and he hungs up.
Ishani says to Meet you are true genius now killer will come out after seeing the news. Meet says now we have to wait and stay alert. Ishani says I’m not worried just chill.

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