Meet 26th April 2023 Written Update

Meet 26th April 2023 Written Update by Tanaya

Meet 26th April 2023 Written Episode

Shagun says please switch on light I’m unable to see anything. Gunwanti says lights are already on. Shagun says I’m unable to see anything. Manmeet says we all are here in this room cant you see. Shagun says then why I’m unable to see anything and she start panicking. Everyone calls doctor. Doctor checks her eyes. Manmeet asks him what happen. Doctor says she lost her eye sight because of the accident. Everyone in shock. Manmeet asks doctor to do something. Doctor says in accidental cases there are many times eye sight don’t comes back. Shagun get’s anxious. Manmeet calms her down says your eye sight will be back don’t worry. Meet sees everything from outside thinks I’m feeling bad for Shagun.

Nurse give black specks to Shagun. Manmeet remembers Shagun running towards him and meet with an accident. Gunwanti and nurse help her to get up.
Jasodha and Manmeet outside room. Jasodha says everything happened to Shagun is my fault I’m the culprit. Jasodha says I’m also sad for Shagun but this is not your fault, don’t worry we will take her to best doctor to bring her eye sight and don’t worry about Shagun, Sandeep is there for her.

Nitin says to Meet, Shagun wants to talk to you. Meet walks to her room. Gunwanti says to Meet, Shagun wants to apologise to you that’s why she called you here, I think god has punished her for her sin, she always wanted to see happiness from her eyes but God took away from her and now she realised you were right and she was wrong please forgive her if possible.

Manmeet helping Shagun to walk inside Sarkar’s Palace. Shagun looking for her duppata and takes blanket. Manmeet says this is not your duppata. Meet give her duppata to Shagun. Shagun asks what’s the colour of duppata. Manmeet says your favourite pink one. Shagun I use to run away from black colour but now it’s the permanent one. Meet says I talked to a doctor and he said her eyes can be cured. Nitin brings Sandeep all wounded with his men and says set up the mandap I’ll make sure he gets married. Manmeet asks him what are you doing here. Nitin says he was trying to run away and says Shagun will be a liability to me now, my sister is not a liability. Gunwanti says to Nitin do you think he will support Shagun after marrying her. Manmeet says Gunwanti is right you think he will keep Shagun happy. Nitin says when she lost her eye sight now you are worried about her. Manmeet says I won’t let you ruin Shagun’s life. Nitin says you are responsible for her condition and he asks his men to setup mandap. Everyone start with the preparation. Nitin help Shagun to sit in mandap with Sandeep. Nitin asks Panditji to start chanting mantras. Manmeet try to take Sandeep out of his house but Nitin’s men stop him. Manmeet points gun at them and says I’ll kill you all if you don’t leave. Everyone walks out of house, Manmeet asks Sandeep to leave. Manmeet says to Nitin I feel like Shagun is becoming your liability. Nitin says then who will marry my sister, she got nothing from loving you because of your revenge you married Meet, you even fulfilled Raj’s promise but my Sister had to pay for everything and now you want her to cry for her whole life because the person she use to love left her alone in her worst condition. Gunwanti says I’ll look after my sister, she use to imagine to marry Manmeet since childhood.

Manmeet un anger punching and working out. Meet walks to her to stop him. Manmeet start punching wall. Meet says are you mad or what stop this, I know you feel pain after seeing Shagun’s condition same way I feel pain after seeing your condition, I can’t see you in pain, I free you from Raj’s promise and my love, you are free from our relation, I know you love Shagun now you go and hold her hand, love is to sacrifice and I learnt it from you, you are free from now on. Manmeet says if I’ll leave you it will be injustice for you and if I do my responsibility then every girl will stop believing in love, I don’t know what to do because I’ll hurt someone in any condition. Meet says I’m close to your heart that’s enough for me, I’ll spend my life with tgis memory, after all I have to make factory for women empowerment I’m fool who got involved in love, you have my swear and asks him to sign divorce papers. This is the last hope to make everything alright, sign them and go tell Shagun you can marry her.

Meet and Manmeet walks toward Shagun. Meet asks him to go and talk to her. Shagun asks who is this. Manmeet couldn’t say anything to Shagun. Meet holds his hand and pit it on Shagun. Shagun asks is this you Manmeet? Manmeet says yes it’s me and I want to marry you want to spend my life with you.

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