Meet 27th January 2022 Written Update

Meet 27th January 2022 Written Update by Tanaya

Meet 27th January 2022 Written Episode

Raj says to Meet, Ravi is saying that you hit him. Meet Ahlawat says to Meet no need to worry I know you went to college you are called to tell that you went to college. Anubha walks in says are you all right I called you many times to connect with you I saw you with stick at matka chowk. Meet Ahlawat says you saw Meet with stick in auto. Anubha says yes I saw her few minutes back that’s why I called you but I got to know you are unaware about that so came here looking after her. Babita ask Meet what is the matter. Meet Ahlawat says means after dad left you, you went away from college. Meet says yes I had some important work. Babita says it was your first day of college and still you went away. Masum says now who is interested to hear a false story. Raj scold Masum. Meet says I got message for help, first I ignored but then I received again and there might be someone who need my help so I went out feom college. Babita says did you join helpline after your delivery job. Meet says I’m not lying I have message too. Raj says yes show them so that everyone know truth and after that nobody will ask her message. Babita says yes show message. Meet check her phone but couldn’t find it. Ravi says I told you she will not accept and tell lie. Meet says Ravi is telling lie when he came home last time, today I’m seeing him. Raj says to Ravi did you heard she said no it means no and I believe her. Ravi says you are taking wrong stand and why are you trying to fade your name from society. Raj says she is my daughter. Ravi says if I want I could have gone to police but you are taking her stad. Raj says in this condition I can take you to doctor not more then that. Ravi start walking. Meet thinks why is he telling lie. Meet Ahlawat says to Ravi come I’ll take you to doctor. Ravi says no I didn’t came here for sympathy but no body is trying to listen truth and if you want to do something ask you wife yo say truth to you. Manushi says to Anubha we should also leave. Anubha says yes and they leave. Meet walks away. Masum says to Hoshiyar I think Ravi was correct. Hosiyar says yes he right. Masum says you remember how she fought with Goons during Karwa Chauth and in Isha’s matter also she went alone, it’s her habit to I saw her in fair. Hoshiyar says but Meet said she didn’t hit him and I know whenever she hit someone she accept that. Masum says what do you mean she will not lie.

Meet in her room applying bandage. Meet Ahlawat walks to her and help. Meet says I don’t understand who attacked Ravi and why is he taking my name. Meet Ahlawat says nobody is here except we both so tell me truth. Meet says you think I did. Meet Ahlawat says yes.

Ravi shaking hands with Manushi and says I did what you said but I don’t think so they will believe someone else other then anyone from outside house.

Meet Ahlawat it’s about Anubha also she saw you running with stick. Meet says I’m not denying I was with stick because I got message for help I think so someone is trying to frame me.

Manushi says to Ravi she is not telling and to prove that she is right she don’t have any evidence, I send Anubha from Shahbadh to Chandigarh and I asked Ram Lakhan to send them to college.

Meet says to Meet Ahlawat forget everyone but you should believe me. Meet Ahlawat says you did this before hitting people didn’t you. Meet says you think I did this. Meet Ahlawat says try to understand situation in Isha’s case also things happen, sometime human losses temper to help his loved ones and you might have attacked him for Sunaina so try yo understand his point of view, he was married to Sunaina.

Ravi says I can take more for Sunaina to bring her back but this time I can go to any condition but what grudges you have with your sister what you will get. Manushi says I’ll get Meet Ahlawat and it will create misunderstanding between them, as far she will be from him my chances will grow.

Meet says I thought we became close so you know me. Meet says I know you that’s why I think you can do this, you cross limit to help people, you got admission in college so that you can make name for you but if you want to do this then please leave college.

Meet in garden remember what Meet Ahlawat said to her in room for attacking Ravi. Meet says Meet Ahlawat listen from mom that she saw me going with stick then Ram Lakhan also saw me going out that’s why he thinks Ravi is right but whole truth is I got message for help but I don’t understand what all confusion is this, I need to find out. Babita come out and says to Meet Ravi is not wrong walks to her misbehaving with Raj was wrong but what you did with Ravi is that right. Meet says going to college is one of the big happiness for me, I won’t leave college to attack someone. Babita says what are you trying to say that your Mom and your friend are lying and you are correct, you said you got message for help do you have any prove you don’t care how people are affected because of your steps my son didn’t had food and you know how happy he was but you don’t value anything, you just want to be big and cannot see anything even your husband and leaves.

Meet Ahlawat in his room doing work. Meet walks in and see plate with food, she walks to cupboard and take out clothes and keep on dressing table. Meet Ahlawat says what are you doing they are ment to be kept in cupboard. Meet says why can’t I keep anything anywhere when you can be angry on something else so I’ll also do. Meet Ahlawat get’s up and says stop it. Meet says when you are angry on me then why are you showing on food. Meet says I’m not angry on anyone. Meet says you think that your mom dad or anyone will eat food, you can show anger to me but why are you punishing everyone, you know how much everyone loves you, they become sad if you are sad. Meet Ahlawat ask did you eat food. Meet says no. He gets the plate for her and says it’s important that you should also eat food like me and he sit to eat food after seeing him she also eat. Meet think’s you cannot see but I know someone planned this against me and I need to find out who is that person.

Masum, Raj and Babita in hall. Masum says to Raj I’m aslo scared for you and I think you will get in problem in taking stand for Meet and Sunaina. Raj says I know what you mean to say, if I take stand for anyone else then they two will you still stop me, I have fath in everyone and I believe that they wont let me down. Jaydeep at door says if she is your daughter in law this mean you will cover everything, walks to them and says Sunaina wont tell me everything but I thought you all will tell me, I have many questions but I’m not here to talk about that I’m here to sort out things, your daughter in law Meet have to apologise to Ravi in front of everyone. Raj says she won’t apologize to anyone, she is not involved in anything happen to Ravi she said it and once she said then I have full faith in her and you also know whatever you see from your eyes is not true. Jaydeep says try to understand we can finish this topic here itself. Raj says this won’t sort things but she didn’t do anything that’s why she won’t apologize. Meet Ahlawat feom behind says she will apologize.

Meet on phone trying to reach out someone

Meet Ahlawat walks to them and says to Jaydeep don’t worry she will apologize to Ravi infront of everyone.

Meet says on call I got a message from some unknown number but all the messages got deleted. Men from other side ask do you remember number. Meet says I remember you just trace it and tell me and she send the number. I’ll not spare him.


Babita says to Meet you have to go with us in community centre to apologise Ravi.

Meet in market few people kidnap her.

Community members says we have decided that you daughter in law has disrespect us by not coming here so in punishment we will paint your face black.

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