Meet 5th January 2023 Written Update

Meet 5th January 2023 Written Update by Tanaya

Meet 5th January 2023 Written Episode

Meet and Meet Ahlawat hugs each other Meet says I asked you not to do anything. He says you sometimes behave like typical housewife, you were in danger so I have to come to save you. Meet tell him everything what they did to her and show him her broken mangalsutra. Meet Ahlawat ask her to sit and explain him about the strong relation as there heart are connected, I’ll always with you don’t worry.

Raj watching news about Meet. Raj pray to God for saving Meet and Ragini life. Babita ask him about news. Raj switch off TV. Babita says why did you switch it off give me remote. Raj ask her to make tea and divert the topic. Babita leave. Raj says I have to hide remote. Ram walks in says I already did and says we have to do something rather then hiding things. Raj says Meet Ahlawat has gone to save them he will be back with Raging and Meet. Ram says how did you let him go don’t you know about the danger. Raj says how can I stop him he want to save our family members I’m proud of his actions because if him everyone will be with there family.

Chief says why is he taking time and ask his member to check and tell them to shoot if he try to act smart.

Meet Ahlawat make her wear mangalsutra and tell her plan to rescue everyone, I brought smoke bombs with me we can use them in need, he looks in his bag but couldn’t find them. Meet ask him can we go out from the way you came in. He says no I come from manhole it’s difficult to evacuate everyone from there, he show her map and say we can break room number 4 wall which can help us to evacuate everyone. Meet says let me handle that because I’m dead for terrorist. Meet Ahlawat says I’ll send someone to help you. Meet says how we will cover the voice of walk breaking. Number 1 outside room knock says come out fast or I’ll come in. Meet Ahlawat says I’m coming, he ask Meet to take care of her and leave the room.

Chief says to doctor it’s more then 2 hours still brother is not conscious what’s wrong. Doctor says I did my best. Chief says recover my brother or everyone will be dead with you. Doctor says I’m not god just pray for him. Meet Ahlawat tap on his shoulder says we can pray for him it works who knows god bless him, if you want I can talk to everyone. Meet listening everything says that’s a great plan then they will not be able to hear when we break the wall. Number 1 says to chief I don’t believe him what if he try to act smart like that girl. Number 3 says no and make fun of him. Chief says stop nonsense and ask him to pray for brother. Meet Ahlawat tell everyone to pray for commander and signal Meet about plan. Meet get out of room and walk towards room number 4 so that she can break the wall.

Meet Ahlawat asking everyone to pray loudly and tell Chanda Meet is alive and she is working on plan to save everyone by breaking wall.

Meet inside room locate the wall to break it.

Meet Ahlawat ask everyone to shout loudly and pray.

Meet inside room breaking the wall. Outside everyone praying. Meet Ahlawat asking everyone to get loud and ask two man to help Meet in room number 4. Meet Ahlawat thinks I should go and check id they have anything to break the wall, he see terrorist busy with each other he walk out of room to check.
Everyone busy in breaking wall. Meet ask what are you doing here. He says it’s came to give you tools to break wall. Meet says don’t worry I’ll handle here you go and look for terrorist. One of the terrorist here voice coming from room number 4 he walks in and point gun at them he says you made a brilliant plan but you failed he ask Meet and Meet Ahlawat to the hands of others four people. They tie there hands. He ask them to tie each others hand and ask them to go to chief. Both of them walking in corridor. Meet thinks we cannot break this opportunity to get out of here. Meet Ahlawat thinks it’s difficult but be ready I’ll think of something, he start acting says I want to go washroom. Terrorist loose his guard and he hit him on his head. He falls on floor.

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