Meet 8th May 2023 Written Update

Meet 8th May 2023 Written Update by Tanaya

Meet 8th May 2023 Written Episode

5 years Later.

Ammaji says to Meet my daughter you finally did it and completed the factory in 5 years, Meet Ahlawat’s dream came true, she give her blessings and hug her. Meet says everything is possible just because of Manmeet. Meet walks to Manmeet. Manmeet standing infront of factory’s sugn board and says this was dream right? Now it’s complete. Meet thanks him for all the efforts. Manmeet says I never knew when this dream became mine and now every women in Sarkarpur will be able to work. Manmeet asks Jasodha about Sarkar. Jasodha says he is busy with his havan, nothing is more important for him then havan, don’t know come we will begin with pooja. Pandit says let’s begin with the pooja.
Jasodha asks Meet where is Kalash. Pandit says we cannot begin with the pooja without Kalash.
Meet looks for Sumeet. Manmeet says her cycle is not here and start calling Sumeet.

Sumeet at home gets ready and go out with her cycle.

Manmeet and Meet looking for her everywhere.

Sumeet on her way towards the factory.
Meet says let’s go and check our way home for Sumeet. Sumeet enters factory. Meet and Manmeet hugs her. Sumeet says when I’m here no need to worry
Panditji says only 2 minutes are left for the pooja please bring the kalash. Jasodha says wait I’ll go and check.

Meet says to Sumeet I have told you not to go out alone then why did you go. Sumeet kiss her on her cheeks. Meet says this won’t work at me. Jasodha walks to them and says Panditji is asking for kalash. Sumeet says calm down I have to kalash, I brought from home. Jasodha asks them to come fast for pooja. Meet says to Sumeet why did you go out with cycle alone. Sumeet says because I don’t know how to ride a hike that’s why I came with cycle. Manmeet says don’t worry I’ll teach you how to ride a bike then I’ll twacyhow to wrestle. Sumeet says teach me football too. Manmeet says I’ll teach you everything don’t worry.

Panditji says it’s best time start the machine. Meet and Sumeet inside JCB. Meet start the engine and drops flower from fronthoe. Everyone applauds. Sumeet asks Meet are you a magician how did you do this. Manmeet helps Sumeet and Meet to get down. Pandit says let’s continue the pooja.

Gunwanti says to Mahendra I did all the arrengements for Kanika Secratary of Minister and I have packed a gift for her. Mahendra says please pray that she give us permission to establish our alcohol factory because Manmeet and Meet are trying to spend all our money in medicine factory and I bet that factory will be a big loss.

Panditji ask Manmeet and Meet to put havan samagri with him.
Sarkar performing his havan alone and says from last 6 years I’m doing this havan so that Meet and Manmeet get’s seprated but when will you listen to me, show me a way God.

A boy in Sarkarpur running away from goons.

Panditji doing the ritual, asks them to think about their Gods and ask them how many kids do you have. Meet says 2, Manmeet says 1. Everyone in shock. Manmeet calms Meet. Jasodha says what are you asking them let’s begin with the pooja. Panditji tie thread on Sumeets hand. Meet thinks I wish I could have saved my boy.

Boy wearing the same locket given by Anubha to Meet’s baby. He running away from Goons. The boy runs inside the factory and hides infront of JCB. Sumeet sees the boy. Goons says to themselves we have to find the boy because he is very important for Kanika and Minister and if we fails to find him they won’t spare us and they start looking for boy.
Sumeet run towards the boy. Boy signals her to be quite. Sumeet says Mom Dad told me to vall them when it’s dangerous but they are busy in pooja how will they come. Sumeet takes a bucket with her she sit inside JCB. Goons standing infront og JCB. Boy get’s scared after seeing them. Sumeet at driving seat says I’ll also pull up the front hoe like Mumma did and they won’t be able to see him. Sumeet calls Kaka and ask him to start the JCB. She pulls up the front carrier. Goons walk away. Sumeet asks kaka to bring down the machine.

Panditji says we are done with the Pooja. Meet and Manmeet start looking for Sumeet.

Sumeet says to boy those bad uncle are gone now you can come out you are safe. Boy grabs her hand.

Sumeet asks Boy why were they chasing you, atleast say something. Meet looking for Sumeet and calls her. Sumeet says to boy let’s meet my mother. He gets scared. Sumeet put him inside car trunk and says come with me home I’ll hid you in secret room and no one will be able to search you that’s whill be secret between us.

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