Meet 9th August 2022 Written Update

Meet 9th August 2022 Written Update by Tanaya

Meet 9th August 2022 Written Episode

Barfi in temple with diya in her hand praying remembers what Manjari said to her and her son in marriage, she says that Manjari separated my son from me in front of everyone, I’ll bring a big storm in her life and ruin everything, I did nothing wrong, wrong happen when my son went to jail without any reason, I could have taken my revenge yesterday if she wouldn’t have interrupted.

Meet praying to god for her big day says I have waited 1 year for this day today Ahlawat’s will meet little Ahlawat today and will give them the happiness they deserve.

Barfi says I swear in next 24 hrs I’ll kick her out of Ahlawat’s mansion.

Everyone in hall celebrating Raksha bandhan. Masum tie rakhi to Tej and Meet Ahlawat. Raj says where are you going go and tie rakhi to Meet too she is your sister in law. Masum did as Raj ask. Masum says okay I’ll leave I’m getting late for my flight. Sunaina says Deep and Isha are here. Ragini get’s happy and welcome them. Everyone hugs Isha. Ragini ask Isha tell me which rakhi do you like and are you happy how is Barfis behaviour to you. Isha says don’t worry she did every ritual and will come here to meet everyone and do rituals here too. Ragini says that’s good. Raj says to Meet and Meet Ahlawat Isha looks happy after marriage I want you two also stay happy everyday so I want you both get married after two days. Meet Ahlawat thinks till the time you don’t tell me the reason behind your visit I won’t marry. Meet thinks now again we will get together but this time our baby will be with us. Isha tie rakhi to Meet Ahlawat and Meet. Everyone happy. Manjari says I’ll cook gor you two today. Isha says that’s great but today we have to leave early. Ragini ask her why. Isha says today I’ll make Deep’s favourite ladoo with his mom and then Deep has to go out for his medical research. Ragini says you could have waited for Dad. Isha says I wish too but I can’t stay. Ragini says okay I feel good after seeing you responsible.
Meet Ahlawat says to Deep in person you will be leaving for your research after 4 days because I have booked a holiday package for you and Isha for 4 days, you won’t tell anyone it will be surprise for her, she will come to drop you to airport but then you will call and tell that you and Isha are on honeymoon. Deep says you know you are the best and they hug eachother.

Barfi at Ahlawat’s mansion she ring bell. Servant open door. Barfi ask where is everyone. Servant says everyone went to temple, Raj is in his room and Meet is in kitchen. Barfi says good I’m here to meet Raj. Servant walks away.

Meet in kitchen dancing and cooking. Meet says you can do as much garba you want today because from tomorrow I’ll do bhangra with my Meet Ahlawat.

Barfi outside Raj’s room knock at door in greet him. Raj welcome her and ask how are you. Barfi says I’m good and seeing you getting recovered feels good. Raj says well it’s all because of my Meet since she has come everything is going great even my health too. Barfi say’s why won’t you feel healthy because your family brought a rented daughter in law for you, that girl deserve to be praised although she is been paid but still she left her everything just to make someone feel healthy. Raj says how can say anything rubbish for my Meet. Barfi says she is not your daughter in law. Raj says it’s better you tell me everything true. Barfi says I don’t deserve to say as I’m an outsider but still if we are having conversation on this topic so let me tell you she is not Meet she is Manjari, your family brought a look a like of Meet for you so that you think your Meet is back but this is not true, she show him Manjaris advertisement of garba queen and tell she is famous and you can see these posters in city. Raj in shock remembers her time with Manjari says no she is not same this is not true, my eyes won’t lie to me she is same my daughter in law Meet.

Meet in kitchen looking at clock waiting to see her child. Barfi walks to Manjari says you look happy what happen, you are happy because Isha got married. Manjari says it’s a good news and I got to know from Isha that you are happy too. Barfi says I don’t need a reason to be happy, tell me you were going to leave this house after Isha’s marriage. Manjari says yes I said but learn my name properly because I won’t leave till the time my work is done here, you have any problem. Barfi says no I was just asking because need hear from you. Barfi walks out and see someone in left. Meet thinks what happen to her she went without messing me and who was she looking, she walks out and see Raj standing there. Raj falls down after listening. Meet worried about him calls servant.

Everyone im hospital. Babita ask doctor about Raj’s health. Doctor says he is critical and we have to do heart transplant for him but the heart is available in Haryana hospital where everyone is on strike.
Meet leave for hospital to bring heart for Raj as she have only 55 minutes to save him.

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