Mehek 12th January 2018 Written Update

Mehek 12th January 2018 Written Update by Atiba

Mehek 12th January 2018 Written Episode

Scene 1
Shaurya comes downstairs and sees Mahek busy in havan preparation, he leaves from there. Karona asks Shaurya to join Havan, he says no I have meeting so I am leaving. Neev asks Vicky if mom and dad are fighting again? Vicky says they are like India and Pakistan. Neev says I will bring Shaurya. Neev comes to Shaurya and says please come for Havan, mom and grandma is sad, please join us, you are my hero. Family comes there too. Karona asks Shaurya to come for Vicky’s first function, Vicky says please come. Mahek says come Shaurya.. Shaurya says okay I will stand there.

Havan starts, Shaurya stands away from havan fire, Mahek asks him to sit down. Shaurya sits down bsides her. Suddenly Shaurya starts feeling heat, his face burns and he winces in pain.. he leaves from there.

family members runs behind Shaurya.. Shaurya locks himself in washroom and sees his face burning, he feels pain.. Mahek and others come outside washroom and asks if he is fine? Mahek says if he is fine? open the door, I am worried. Inside wsahroom, Shaurya looks at his face and suddenly starts peeling his skin.. Shaurya’s mask comes out and its terrorist wearing Shaurya’s mask. Terrorist sees mask and voice chip burned, he calls his partner and says I cant talk in Shaurya’s voice, voice chip is burned, I need new mask and voice chip, partner says we dont have it right now, he asks them to arrange for it at any cost, partner says okay and ends call.. Shaurya is tied in cage at terrorist’s den.. Terrorist in washroom wears Shaurya’s mask again.. Vicky and others are knocking on door.. Vicky breaks door, all come inside. Mahek sees Shaurya holding towel to his neck(holding mask there), she asks Shaurya to show her where it burned, Karona asks him to show where he got burned. Neev holds Shaurya’s hand and says what happened to you? Shaurya jerks him away and leaves, Neev falls on floor, Mahek makes Neev stand up, Neev cries and asks if hero is miffed with me? Karona says my Shaurya is not like that, he used to be stubborn but not like this, Dolly says maybe says he burned, Mahek says he doesnt want anyone to help him.
Shaurya is kidnapped and tied in a cage, he thinks why I am kidnapped? Flashback shows when Shaurya was fighting with terrorists in mall, they hit him and kidnapped him and then another terrorist wore his mask and became Shaurya.Shaurya thinks they did this because me and Mahek failed their plan? or is it some other reason? they need money? or some old revenge? Mahek and family must be worried, I have to get out of here soon.

Fake Shaurya sits in car. He meets his partner and gets new mask from him.

Terrorists are over looking at Shaurya, one terrorist leaves to get food, another falls asleep. Shaurya gets up and feels his pockets, he says they took my phone too.

Scene 2
Ravi shows some utensils to Jeevan from burnt food truck and says they can be used again. Jeevan says yes see what was left behind by Shaurya. Ravi sees Shaurya’s car parked there and says what he is doing here? there is pooja at his house? let me talk to him. In car, fake Shaurya says to his partner that keep spare mask and chip with you, emotional fools live in that house and they try different things all the time.

At kidnapping den, Shaurya opens his ties and finds a pin in cage, he silentely breaks lock of cage with pin.

Ravi comes to Shaurya’s car, he knocks on his door and says why window glasses are black? Fake Shaurya wears mask and comes out, he asks Ravi why he is disturbing him? I was in a meeting. Ravi sees a man leaving from Shaurya’s car and asks who is he? Shaurya says dont disturb me, you have your own son in law now, bore him and dont disturb, he leaves. Ravi says what happened to him? Jeevan comes there. Ravi says Shaurya talked me with so much insulting tone, he never did that, Jeevan says he must be stressed about the work.

Kanta says to Mahek that husband and wife have fights otherwise life will be boring. Mahek says its not some cute fight but real tension between us, from the time we have talked to him about Vicky and Nehal’s marriage, he has been angry, he insults Vicky so much and doesnt understand that they love each other, today his face started burning in havan, he ranaway and locked himself in washroom and when he came out, he was draped in towel, dont know why he is behaving like that.

At kidnapping den, Shaurya comes out of cage and runs away from there. Terrorist comes there and doesnt find Shaurya in cage. Another terrorist calls fake Shaurya and says Shaurya ranaway. Faks Shaurya gets angry. Terrorists leave to search for him. Fake Shaurya thinks that Shaurya cant runaway till my mission is completed. Shaurya is running in jungle.

PRECAP- Shaurya comes to market.. he is injured and about to faint. Mahek is in market too but has her back to Shaurya.. Shaurya sees Mahek and whispers Mahek? Mahek feels his presence and says Shaurya? she turns around…

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