Mehek 19th April 2017 Written Update

Mehek 19th April 2017 Written Update by Atiba

Mehek 19th April 2017 Written Episode

Scene 1
Mahek pleads to Kanta to let her go, dont give this punishment to Shaurya, i cant see Shaurya in pain, please free him from jail. Kanta says fine you want to save him? want to bring him out of jail right? like you care for him, i care for you, i will free Shaurya from jail but i have one condition.
Shaurya is lying in hospital bed, he asks Karona where is Mahek? she says she will come soon, you rest. Shaurya says she trusts me that i didnt kidnap Kanta chachi right? Karona says yes she trusts you, she knows you didnt do it, take medicine now, Shaurya says no not until Mahek comes there.
Kanta says to Mahek that if you promise me to remove Shaurya’s name from your life, to forget him for life, to come with me and leave this city going away from Shaurya, if you promise me this
then i will take complaint back against Shaurya. Mahek says this is not right, instead of forgiving him, you are punishing him like this? punishing our love? she cries. Karona calls Mahek and says please come here, Shaurya needs you a lot, she tells her everything, how Shaurya is badly beaten and not taking medicine. MAhek is heart broken hearing all this and helplessly looks at Kanta, Karona begs that i am pleading you Mahek as your mother, Mahek ends call and starts leaving but Kanta stops her and asks where are you going? Mahek says let me go, someone has attacked Shaurya, he needs me, Kanta says you are not going anywhere, Mahek says please take complaint back, Kanta says promise me to go away far away from Shaurya’s life and i will take my FIR back otherwise Shaurya wont be coming out of jail anytime soon and you wont be able to meet him. Mahek looks down and says i promise you that I will go away from Shaurya’s life, i will do everything you say but let me meet him for this last time, Kanta leaves Mahek’s hand, MAhek cries and runs off to meet Shaurya, Kanta looks on.

Mahek comes to police station. She goes in Shaurya’s ward room and sees him sleeping in injured state. She holds his hand and sits beside him and silently weeps, Kaun tujhe yun pyar karega jaise main karti hun plays. Mahek caresses his face, she leans in and kisses his forehead, she lies her head on his chest and cries. Mahek is unable to see him in this state, she turns to leave but Shaurya holds her dupatta, Mahek turns to look at him, he opens eyes and says heroine coming to meet hero in hospital and crying on his chest, dont cry these tears, they are very special, i am businessman and cant bear this much loss. Mahek sits beside him again, Shaurya wipes his tears, he pulls her closer and gently kisses her forehead, he winces in pain. Mahek says you take rest, you are not fine. Shaurya says i will be fine now that you are here, you trust me that i didnt kidnap Kanta chachi right? Mahek says i knew it from before and tomorrow everyone will know. Karona Maa told me that you are not taking medicine, if i make you eat it then will you take it? he nods, Mahek gives him medicine and makes him drink water, Shaurya says Mom complained to you about me? Mahek says not complaining, its love. Shaurya says and you? Mahek says not everything should be said, something can be understood. Shaurya holds her hand and says Mahek I.. Mahek says shh.. dont say it. Shaurya says dont leave me, dont go away ever now. Mahek says i never went away, i was here all the time with you, and you were in my eyes, i didnt even crying that you might drown in eyes, she breakdowns and cries, she composes herself and says now go to sleep, everything will be fine till tomorrow, Shaurya holds her hand and says I love you Mahek, she smiles and says go to sleep, Shaurya close his eyes and murmurs I love you, he goes to sleep. Mahek recalls her promise to Kanta to leave Shaurya for life, she cries, and comes out of Shaurya’s room. Naina plays, Mahek recalls Kanta telling her that they will leave city if she wants to save Shaurya. Mahek starts leaving police station and recalls how Shaurya asked her to never leave him again.

Kanta meets Ratan and says take care of Mahek and protect him, I have finally succeeded to take her away from Shaurya, i can trust very less people. Ratan says dont worry, Mahek is like my daughter, i wont break your trust. Mahek comes out of house with her luggage, ready to leave. Kanta gives her bus ticket, Mahek takes it, Kanta says Ratan will stay with you and take care of you, she nods, Kanta says Mahek i am doing this for your good, Mahek doesnt look at her and says dont worry, no one will know where I am going, i wont talk to Shaurya, i will fulfill your every wish, it was Shaurya’s right on my breaths and now its your right, if you ask me then I will stop breathing too, she starts leaving, Kanta is sad and weeps seeing her leave so broken. Kanta breakdowns as Mahek leaves from there.

Scene 2
in morning, all family members are searching for Mahek. Jeevan says where did she go? Kanta says to family that Mahek is not at home, I have sent her somewhere, Jeevan says where? Kanta says i wont tell that, Ravi says what? all are confused. Sonal goes to her room and calls Shaurya. Shaurya is at his home. He takes Sonal’s call and Sonal tells him everything, how Kanta made Mahek leave. He ends call and pulls out IV from his arm and leaves from there.
Jeevan asks Kanta where did Mahek go? Ravi says why she is not taking call? Balwant says what is this new drama Kanta? Shaurya comes there after kicking their door and opening it. Shaurya comes inside. Shaurya starts breaking things in their house, Balwant asks what is this madness? Mohit asks him to stay away from my mother, Mohit, Ravi and Jeevan grab Shaurya away from Kanta. Shaurya asks Kanta where is my Mahek? tell me where did you made her go otherwise you all will see the worst side of me today. PD says Shaurya have you gone mad? Shaurya shouts i want answer, where is my Mahek? he throw away things from their dining table. Ravi says he has gone mad, Shaurya shouts where is my Mahek? i want an answer, Shaurya holds table glass and stands infront of Kanta, he says i will burn this house, this area and then this city if I dont get my Mahek, he throws away glass and says tell me where is my Mahek? Kanta says I have made Mahek go away from you, you will never get Mahek as you dont deserve her, Shaurya looks on, Kanta says you can shout as much as you want but you will never get Mahek, leave now, Shaurya asks where is my Mahek? he gets hysteric and throws away things from dining table. Balwant says call police, this crazy wolf will destroy everything. Shaurya takes chair to throw it away but looks at their family photo and stops, he gets teary eyed looking at Mahek in photo, all look on, Shaurya hold photo frame and imagines Mahek and his moment, he falls to his knees and recall their all moments, he caresses her picture and is pained.

PRECAP- Shaurya says to Kanta that I will find Mahek till my last breath, you can hide Mahek anywhere you want but I promise you to find her in next 24 hours, Kanta looks on.
Shaurya comes to dargah. Mahek is there to and praying to God. Mahek prays to God that i am going away from Shaurya by killing my happiness, i just hope he remaing happy now. Shaurya turns and sees her standing there, he is stunned. .

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  1. Nadia Subrath
    April 20, 16:11 Reply

    Drishti I wish there was a like botton on your comment. I love it so true. I didn’t like her from beginning either but now man I get so mad just seeing her face.

  2. Nadia Subrath
    April 19, 11:21 Reply

    You know what. You all spoiled the character Kanta and now Mehak is really stupid to follow her demand because she knows the truth that her aunt did it all. So instead of obeying her follow your heart and the truth too. Stand with Shaurya against Kanta take a stand for yourself now.

    • Drishti
      April 20, 06:14

      U r right mahek should support shaurya not kanta. I hated kanta from the start itself. I wonder how this stupid,weird, stubborn, foolish kanta got favourite mother award in zee rishtey awards

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