Mehek 19th April 2018 Written Update

Mehek 19th April 2018 Written Update by Atiba

Mehek 19th April 2018 Written Episode

Scene 1
Shaurya says to Mahek you know what Nehal and Vicky did. You planned all this. Are you crazy? Why are you doing all this to Anjali. you hate her. I thought you never did all this to anyone. Mahek saays please listen. He says I don’t wanna listen anything. Why are you doing all this to her? what else do you want to destroy?

Mahek meets Nehal and Vicky. She says I don’t know what to do. Dolly calls Mahek and says Nehal and vicky have left too. That anjali did so much drama. She is getting the whole property. KAruna will name everything to herr tomorrow.

Scene 2
Karuna and Anjali are with lawyer. He asks her to sign the papers. Anjali and Karuna are coming back. Karuna says now you will handle all this. I am so happy. Driver says there is something wrong in the

car. Anjali says lets walk out. A van comes and kidnaps Anjali.
Anjali is roped. she says who dared kidnapping me. I will ruin your life. Two masked people come in. Its vicky mahek and nehal. Mahek says we wont let her do anymore harm to my family. They all leave. Mahek tells nehal and Vikcy to do whats next. Anjali falls from the chair to get her mask off. Nehak says she shouldn’t see him. He covers his face and then hers.
Mahek says I know what we are doing is wrong but we have to fix everything. Lets plan next.

Scene 2
Shaurya manages the cafe. Owner says wherre is mahek? Mahek comes and says sorry I am late. had to get all this grocery for kitchen. Her bag falls. Mahek keeps everything. Shaurya sees the mask. He says what is this? Mahek says this is my hat.
Dolly comes and says Sharuya anjali is kidnapped. Shaurya says what.. Mahek says what happened? Dolly says someone kidnapped her. Shaurya says I have to go. Mahek says I will come too. He says no you stay here.

Shaurya comes to Karuna. She syas the took Anjali. Shaurya hugs her and says don’t worry. He says I am here for her dont’ worry. I will find her. Shaurya goes to police.

Anjali says I am anjali you can’t keep me here like this.
Police tracks Anjali’s location. Mahek and Nehal come home too. shaurya goes to Anjali’s location. He sees a biker with helmet running from there. Mahek goes inside. shaurya tries to hit him and see his face.
Shaurya hits the biker. Mahek comes to the warehouse. she says shaurya save me. Shaurya leaves the rider and goes in. Some hit Mahek and ran. Polices. They see someone tied inside. Mahek says find Anjali. Police and Shaurya release Anjali. She hugs Shaurya and cries. Mahek comes in and says Anjali.. Shaurya says call ma and tell her everything is fine. Mahek calls Karuna.

Mahek comes home and Karuna hugs her. Karunaa says thank God you are fine. Anjali says I was so scared. Karuna says thank you Shaurya. If you weren’t there.. Shaurya says I am always there for you and her. He hugs her. Dolly says that’s what family is. Mahek says thank God she is fine.

Precap-Anjali throttles Mahek and says you did all this. Mahek twists her hand and says yes I got you kidnapped. And if you try harming my family I will do the same again.

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