Mehek 23rd January 2017 Written Update

Mehek 23rd January 2017 Written Update by Atiba

Mehek 23rd January 2017 Written Episode

Scene 1
Kanta says to Mahek that we all are waiting for Shaurya but we have to go home, Mahek says no i will wait for him in this mandap, Kanta says its morning and Shaurya couldnt be found, he will comeback for sure but we have to go home for now. Mahek stands up from mandap and looks around empty wedding venue, she breakdowns and hugs Kanta, Nehal says nothing will happen to Shaurya, your love will bring him back but you have take care of yourself or else Shaurya will scold me that i didnt take care of his wife, Mahek composes herself and leaves wedding venue with her family in broken state.
In police station, Ravi says to inspector that its morning and still Shaurya is not found anywhere, inspector says we will inform you when we find anything about Shaurya.
Mahek is brought home. Sonal
brings her to room and starts taking off her jewelry, Mahek recalls her wedding rituals, Sonal tries to take off her wedding bangles, Mahek says dont take them off, what will Shaurya think that i took off wedding bangles too before he cameback? Kanta comes and says she wont take off her bangles, Mahek hugs her and cries, Kanta says let it go, cry Mahek, everything will be fine, Sonal goes to give tea to PD. Kanta sits beside Mahek who is totally broken, Kanta says eat something then we will think of something, Mahek says no, she says i cant eat anything in this state, i cant move my mouth, Kanta offers her juice, she says no, Kanta says what can i do for you? Mahek says my head is bursting, i will have major headache if i stay here, take me to police station, Kanta says all family members are there, if they find any information then they will inform us, Mahek cries and says no i want to go there.
Mahek and Kanta comes to police station too. inspector asks if anyone of you know if Shaurya had animosity with anyone? if there was any enemy of his? Mahek thinks and says i know who is behind all this, i know who is his enemy.

Scene 2
Vaitlana is in her home, she sees news on TV about Shaurya missing and says if Sanjay’s men didnt kidnap Shaurya then where did he go?
Mahek comes to Kd with her family and police. She grabs Kd’s collar and says i know you have rivalry with Shaurya, i know you have done something to Shaurya, Kd says i know i have rivalry with Shaurya but its business rivalry, why would i kidnap him? he must have runaway with someone else leaving you at altar, Kanta says you mannerless man. Inspector asks Mahek to let them handle things, inspector asks Kd to come with him to police station, KD says i didnt do anything, Mahek used to work at my office, if i knew she is mad then i wouldnt have hired her, inspector says KD you have to remain at police station till we dont find Shaurya, Kd glares at Mahek and says you didnt do good, you will have to bear consequences of all this, he leaves with police.
Vaitlana says to Karona that your daughter in law is going hysteric, she made Kd get arrested, she is cheap girl and doing cheap antics, Karona says enough, you are saying all this because Kd is your ex-husband? police have taken him for investigation only, Vaitlana says Mahek is doing cheap things, Karona says i wont hear anything against Mahek, Vaitlana says you might ask police to take me and Sanjay to police too then, Karona says if you have done any crime then i will let them take you, Vaitlana says maybe Shaurya realized that he was bored with cheap Mahek, he has part time fun with her and then when it was about to get tied to her, he realized that she was nothing but his passtime toy and left her at alter, Karona slaps Vaitlana hard and says my family is most important to me and Mahek and Shaurya are more important than my family, Vaitlana stands there shocked and angry holding her stinging slapped cheek, Karona says now we will talk only when Shaurya is found and once he is found, we will go in depth of who is behind all this mess, she leaves, Vaitlana fumes in anger.

Scene 2
Mahek hugs Shaurya’s jacket and cries, she recalls her moments with Shaurya. how he offered her his coat at bar, how he gifted her cooker at super, how he spent days with her family, how he saved her from fire, lai vi na gayi song, Mahek hugs his jacket and weeps. Mahek looks at moon and says Shaurya comeback to me,i cant stop these tears, please comeback to me.
Its morning, Mahek wakes up still in sitting position and hugging Shaurya’s jacket, she says Shaurya? she runs and comes in porch where all family members are sadly sitting and not eating anything, Mahek asks if they got to know anything about Shaurya? Jeevan says we are calling them since last two days, they didnt find anything, Kanta says have tea, everything will be fine. Ravi gets inspector’s call, Mahek asks if Shaurya is fine? Ravi is on call with inspector and says what? how can this happen? are you mistaken? he ends call and opens door to find newspaper at doorstep, he is shocked to hear news, Kanta takes newspaper from him, Kanta is shocked to read newspaper,she says this cant be true, Mahek takes newspaper from and is shocked to see headlines.

PRECAP- One channel breaks news that famous personality Shaurya has been missing, stay tuned to us to find out all news related to this. Mahek screams for Shaurya’s name and cries. .

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  1. Lee
    January 23, 20:54 Reply

    I knew he was just playing mahek, he wanted her mom recipe book ass

  2. Mehriya 4ever
    January 23, 11:18 Reply

    Wrong precap we can see shourya arriving from somewhere (airport).n news shown he’s new restaurant ‘s opening..

  3. susan
    January 23, 11:11 Reply

    could shaurya be his own kidnapper ? somehow the preview looked like someone dressed in his wedding attire threw the stuff out of the car ? ….could it be ?

  4. Sanvi
    January 23, 10:59 Reply

    Fingers crossed!!!!!!!! shourya

  5. Sanvi
    January 23, 10:58 Reply

    Omg!!!!!! fingers crossed!!!!! for tomorrow ‘s episode…

  6. ishani
    January 23, 10:21 Reply

    I hope shourya will be alright….maine newspaper mein news pda tha ki shourya is going to be changed.plzzzzzzzzzzz……. don’t change shourya plzzzzzzzzzzzz…..

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