Mehek 25th January 2017 Written Update

Mehek 25th January 2017 Written Update by Atiba

Mehek 25th January 2017 Written Episode

Scene 1
Shaurya gives 50lacs cheque to Shaurya and says even if you make dishes of your recipes for life, even then you wont earn this much money. Kanta takes off her slipper and throws it at Shaurya, slipper passesby Shaurya’s face, Shaurya glares at Kanta. Kanta comes to Shaurya and says we called you son and what you are really are? this much betrayal and for money and fame? if rich people are like you then i am fine with being middle class, i am so happy that my daughter’s life is saved from you, lets go Mahek. Mahek just sadly looks at Shaurya and says Shaurya you could have asked me once, only once and then see, Shaurya’s smile fades away hearing her words, he looks away from her, he turns away from her, unable to see her broken, Kanta drags Mahek from there, Shaurya tries
to control his tears.
Vaitlana claps and says to Karona that like no one is innocent like you, sameway no one is cheater like your son, you said that we will talk when Shaurya comes back, you even slapped me, what will you say now? did you see what your so nice son did? you kept thinking that me and Sanjay are frauds but Shaurya is one step ahead of us. Shaurya comes there and emotionally looks at Karona, he leaves from there, Karona goes behind him. Vaitlana smirks.
Ravi takes kerosene bottle and says i will burn Shaurya’s restaurant, Kanta says have you gone mad? you want bloodshed? Mansi says dont do this, Mohit says we will spill Shaurya’s blood only then we will peacefully sleep. Kanta slaps Mohit and says you want to go to jail and let your mother and sister die? Jeevan says dont loose senses in anger. Sonal says i cant believe he did all this, its like some other person stayed in this house and not this Shaurya. Balwant says i always doubted that this was such good dream to be true and truly it was dream only. Ravi says Shaurya has to answer about this betrayal, Kanta says what will you ask him? that he never loved Mahek or he left her at altar? i know we are injured and pained but it takes time to heal, give it time, lets start our simple life and forget about all this. Mahek sadly leaves from there.
Mahek comes in her room and recalls how Shaurya promised her that he will handle everything in their wedding and wont let anything wrong happen, she recalls how Shaurya gave her 50lacs cheque and confessed that he did all love drama to get her recipebook, she recalls how she trusted Shaurya and asked to keep her recipebook safe, how he promised that their lives will change after marriage, she recalls their proposal, their mehndi moments, their party moments, their lip kiss, she just keep looking in empty space, not even crying anymore.
Shaurya comes in his room and looks at his and Mahek’s pictures on every wall, he sadly looks at them, he recalls how Mahek said that he could have asked her once. Karona comes there and says i am happy to see that you are able to look in my eyes even now, i could have slapped you but now you are big, too big, reaching height, such heights that you think everything is small infront of you, even if its your mother or girl who loved you unconditionally, conditions were in your love.. sorry it was not love but love drama, remember we have to pay consequences of our deeds in this life only, you get betrayal in return of betrayal only, i wont be able to handle you once you fall down this time. She forcefully feeds him sweets and says congrats for opening new restaurant, i pray that you get success in your life. She asks servant to take off these photos from wall and put them in godown, they are not needed here anymore, she glares Shaurya and leaves. Servant starts taking off photos from Shaurya’s room, Shaurya just stand there and keep looking at pictures sadly. He sees one picture on this table stand, he takes out picture from frame and keep it in his pocket before servant can take it, servant takes all other photos from his room while Shaurya just stand there.

Scene 2
Reporter says on TV that Shaurya’s company rank has increased after he opened new restaurant. Sharma family watches news and are sad, Mohit switches off Tv. Kanta says Shaurya used to in news before too, we dont have to be tensed hearing his name, Jeevan says pain is new, i cant believe he would do this, he used to laugh with us on dining table. Ravi says i cant believe he would do all this drama for just one recipebook? Mohit says Mahek’s recipebook got famous after supercook show, Shaurya is going to earn crores using that book, he doesnt know how to love but he knows how to do business. Balwant says we dont need to discuss anything about Shaurya now, dont take his name. Mahek starts leaving from there, Ravi says i will come with you, Mahek says no i will comeback soon, she leaves.
Shaurya is getting ready in his room. Servant comes there and says sister in law has come. Mahek comes in his room. Shaurya says to Mahek that you never ask for permission but dont you have shame? even after so much insult, you are standing infront of me? Mahek holds his hand and starts taking him from there, Shaurya says where are you taking me? Mahek says i want to talk to you, come with me, she drags him with her. Mahek brings him on terrace, Shaurya says i dont want to talk to you, find some middle class prince for you, dont waste my time. Mahek says was all that lie? what you said and did for me? everything was lie? Shaurya says i have said everything i wanted, dont get insulted again and again. Mahek says respect and ego are small infront of love, i cant accept that whatever you did for me and family was drama and fake. Shaurya says i am businessman and i did everything for you and your family for my business, Mahek says saving Nehal’s life, exposing Ajay, accepting my family as your own, was that all business? Shaurya says yes it was all business, it was nothing personal, you have to accept truth only then you will come out of this craze, Shaurya turns away from her, Mahek grabs his hand and says you saved me and Mohit from fire, was that business? Shaurya screams that yes it was business. Mahek says those promises you made to me, saying ‘i love you’ to me, was that all business and lie? Shaurya grabs her shoulders and says yes it was all business, Mahek says that ring, that fairytale party, that mehndi, those gifts, promises to keep me happy for life was that all business? Shaurya says yes it was all business. Mahek says you are very big businessman, Shaurya says yes i am very big businessman because i never loved you, i dont care about you, i dont love you, Mahek is hurt hearing it.

PRECAP- Shaurya says to Mahek that i never loved you and will never love you, Mahek says say that you dont love me while looking right in my eyes, Shaurya angrily glares her. . .

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  1. Sherry
    January 25, 16:51 Reply

    If someone disrespect a family like this there is no going back. How can the producers think on this level and try to make a good family relationship after all this betrayal. This is to extreme, don’t know why in all serials there are so many issues in the marriages, Even when the marriage is completed someone wants them to trick them into marrying someone else and this repeats again and again. Mahek almost completed 3 marriages, lets see how many more there will be before this serial ends.

    • Sanvi
      January 25, 20:55

      She completed 2.did u watched qubool hai.their zoya 6times she got married????

  2. Kitty
    January 25, 11:21 Reply

    Shourya is doing this on purpose… he still loves mahek… big suspense..

  3. Sanvi
    January 25, 11:18 Reply

    Im happy to learn shourya is not a having a gut feeling that there is genuine reason behind his behavior..???

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