Mehek 29th May 2017 Written Update

Mehek 29th May 2017 Written Update by Atiba

Mehek 29th May 2017 Written Episode

Scene 1
Mahek sits in the bath tub. The water keeps pouring on her. She is drowning. Shaurya says please listen.. Don’t do anything wrong. Mahek recalls when her parents died. Shaurya tries to break the door, he hits it and breaks door. Shaurya rushes to Mahek and pulls her closer. Shaurya hugs Mahek while she looks away.

Karona says to Vicky that Shaurya was very small when incident happen, if Mahek leaves Shaurya then he will breakdown, we have to make her understand, she cant leave Shaurya, no she cant.

Mahek gets ready infront of mirror but feels numb and devastated, she looks at her wedding chura and wears it reluctantly, recalling how shaurya killed her parents. Mahek takes sindoor(vermilion) and applies it on her forehead in daze. Shaurya comes there and sadly looks at her.
Karona comes there and calls out to Mahek. She gives her shagun bangles and says these are for you. Mahek says you knew everything too Maa? Karona looks away and says yes, Mahek asks since when? Karona says trust me, we didnt know that Shaurya killed your parents in accident 12 years, when party happened in Shaurya’s restaurant and we saw your parents picture, then I got to know th truth, I panicked, I became selfish and thought about Shaurya’s happiness only, when Shaurya got to know the truth, he wanted to tell you right away but I stopped him and asked him to tell you on right time after wedding, I am sorry, forgive me, dont leave Shaurya, he will destroy and breakdown down without you, forgive my son, please forgive him. Mahek leaves from there in daze.

Scene 2
Mahek comes in lounge for pooja. Her parents photo is brought there by Vicky. Mahek gets emotional seeing their picture, Shaurya comes there too, she screams no.. dont keep this photo here, their pooja will not happen here, she panics. Shaurya tries to come near her but Mahek says I am telling you this photo will not be kept here, she turns away from photo. Vicky takes photo from there. Sharma family comes there. Mahek runs to Kanta and hugs her, she weeps while Kanta gets worried and asks what happened Mahek? are you mad? why are you crying? come inside. Kanta comes in house with family and Mahek. Kanta asks Mahek why you are crying? were you missing us? how did you get injured? Dolly says she was working in kitchen and got injured by broken glass, its small injury, nothing major. Kanta asks Mahek if she had fight with Shaurya? Karona says its good you all came, Mahek was sad, she didnt say anything but she was missing you all. Dolly says she is crying as she missed you all, lets start pooja now.
Pooja starts, Pundit asks Mahek and Shaurya to sit together in pooja, Mahek recalls how she cried at her parents death. Shaurya sits down in pooja and looks at Mahek who is standing behind him in daze. Kanta asks Mahek what happened? sit down, she makes Mahek sit down beside Shaurya. Pundit asks them to extend their hands, Shaurya sadly looks at Mahek and extends his hand. Mahek hesitantly puts her hand in Shaurya’s hand, she jerks her hand away from him after putting things in havan kund, Pundit asks them to havan together, Mahek and Shaurya holds stick and puts oil in havan together. Mahek recalls how she used to cook with her parents, how they died when she was a teen. Shaurya is jittery, he holds Mahek’s hand, she jerks it away, Mahek faints unable to bear pressure. Everyone rushes to Mahek, Karona brings water for her, Shaurya puts Mahek’s head in his lap, she sprinkles water on her face, Mahek wakes up. Kanta says Mahek you dont look fine, what happened? Shaurya asks if she is fine? should I call doctor? Mahek glares at him and tries to move away from his lap. Shaurya tries to hold her but she jerks him away. Kanta makes Mahek sit on chair, Mahek looks at Shaurya with grudge in her eyes. Kanta asks Mahek what happened? Dolly says this is our fault, I asked Mahek to keep a fast, she didnt eat anything since morning thats why she fainted. Mansi makes Mahek drink water. Kanta asks Karona that can I request something? dont feel bad. Karona says what is it? Kanta says we want to talk to Mahek alone for once, Karona gets tensed. Karona says yes why not, you dont need to take permission, Karona leaves with her family. Shaurya silently leaves too. Kanta asks Mahek what happened? I am imagining bad things, Jeevan asks everything fine? Sonal says I think Mahek is sad about Mohit and Shaurya, Mohit promised me to not tell anyone. Ravi asks Mohit what happened? Sonal says Shaurya raised hand on Mohit, all are stunned. Sonal asks Mahek if she is worried about that? Kanta says such big thing happened and nobody told us? Shaurya raised hand on my son but Shaurya is my son in law, Shaurya did wrong Mahek but he is your husband, there are many things between you both, you both will face many problems together, you both have to decide if you want to fight or solve things by talking. Kanta says to Mahek I am a mother and I would want my daughter to keep everyone united. Kanta says to Mahek that its your work to keep everyone tied and united in relations. Mahek says but there are things which we cant forgive, what about those? Kanta says we have let you married Shaurya after thinking, if Shaurya hurts our family members then its different but Shaurya is not like that, we have tested him, you cant live like this, you cant fight over every small things, he is your husband, its your responsibility to take care of him and his duty to take care of your needs. Mahek says yes, I will keep in mind.

Karona says to Shaurya that no one will agree that you didnt do it deliberately, everyone will take you as wrong. Shaurya says I am wrong, and I am ready to accept it, forgiving and giving me chance to rectify my mistake is in hands of people whose criminal I am. Karona looks on.

PRECAP- Mahek stands under heavy rain outside her house and caresses board which say this street is dedicated to her mother, she cries recalling how Shaurya did it for her mother. Mahek cries harder seeing Shaurya there, Shaurya takes off his hoody and covers Mahek with it, Mahek cries seeing him. Shaurya wipes her tears and says please Mahek come home with me. Mohit comes out of house and says what are you doing here Mahek?

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  1. Sanvi
    May 30, 02:51 Reply

    I didn’t understand. h ow’ss barun ‘s entry to shourya 1.0.i s there any story related r same production???ati no can outwit my shourya depicting his character so well..barun is a good actor but angry young man be only my shourya????????. How can u help u here kirti i didnt get u here…

    • Sanvi
      May 30, 02:54

      Related to,,still no one can …auto correct please. Spelling errors..

  2. Sanvi
    May 29, 22:11 Reply

    Hmm!!!! agreed.. mehek ‘s incessant cries getting on my nerves… shourya didn’t do it purposely right??? mehek can give a chance ro keep ilhis point of view.. moreover he was a kid when accident mehek is more mature n sensitive can think once on this…

    • Kirti
      May 30, 00:30

      Sanvi they are waiting for barun entry as asr… in starplus than they will bring our shaurya khanna back it would be intresting……!!!! I hope this message should to kv❤sj and directior just for me sanvi do a favor…

    • Kirti
      May 30, 00:50

      They are waiting for barun entry as asr in starplus than they will bring our shaurya khanna back. …..???????and it would be intresting to. … a favor just they should receive this message kv❤sj. ..and directior

  3. Kirti
    May 29, 12:37 Reply

    Ohh god yaar stop crying and ya mr khanna u can make your love understand that its you and you…… in her life so just forgive it….?

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