Mehek 3rd May 2017 Written Update

Mehek 3rd May 2017 Written Update by Atiba

Mehek 3rd May 2017 Written Episode

Scene 1
Shaurya says grandma? All look on, Karona is shocked, Mahek says Shaurya’s grandma? Grandma tries to run but Shaurya stops her, grandma cries seeing him, she says God you should have taken me to you, she cries, Shaurya asks her to tell what is going on? where were you? grandma says no i cant.. Shaurya comes to Karona and says you said that grandma had accident then what is this? what is going on? you knew everything but even then you lied to me? she was alive all these but you kept lying, why did you lie to me Karona gets tensed. Grandma feels dizzy seeing all this, she faints, Mahek shouts grandma.. Shaurya runs to her, Mahek and Shaurya goes to grandma, Shaurya asks her to wake up.. Shaurya puts grandma in car, Karona and Mahek sits too. Karona angrily glares at grandma.

is lying in room in Shaurya’s house and doctor is checking her. Karona says i am sorry Shaurya, Shaurya says i want answers about why you lied to me for years? Mahek says atleast give chance to Maa to tell you her side of story. Karona sadly leaves, Shaurya goes behind her. Doctor asks Mahek to help him dress grandma’s wounds.
Shaurya comes to Karona and says why you kept this much important from me? Karona says not everything is easy, i wanted to tell you but.. Shaurya says but you didnt tell me, you became that much selfish? Mahek comes there and sternly says Shaurya! will you say anything in anger? Shaurya looks down and leaves. Mahek hugs Karona, Karona cries.
Shaurya comes to his room, Mahek comes there, he says leave me alone, Mahek says i wont leave, i will be with you, Shaurya says i dont need you, leave me alone, Mahek hugs him from behind and says but I need you, she holds his hand tightly and hugs him, Tum hi ho instrumental plays, Mahek turns him around and hugs him tightly, she consoles him, he close his eyes and tries to calm down, Mahek cups his face and asks him to sit down, he does. Mahek sits on her knees infront of her, he asks how is grandma? Mahek says she is weak due to not get proper nutrition but she will be fine, Shaurya says i loved Karona like my mother but she disowned me today, Mahek says she must have helplessness, try to understand her, Shaurya says she could have asked me to help her, i can handle my grandma, Mahek says you need to cool down and then talk to them, calm down and then go, servant comes and says grandma is calling you Sir, Shaurya leaves, Mahek looks on.

Mahek comes to Karona, Karona wipes her tears and says dont know where is Harish, he was coming home today. Mahek pulls her in hug and says you are Shaurya’s strength for many years, when Shaurya’s anger will calm down then he will say sorry and hug you, he loves you a lot, Karona says i didnt want to lie to Shaurya but.. Mahek says atleast tell me, Karona says i wanted to save him, Mahek says from whom? Karona says from his past, you know i cant do bad for him, i did everything to protect him from his past as.. she stops and thinks oh God i was about to say too much, Mahek asks her to say it, Shaurya calls Mahek and asks her to bring tea, Karona says you go Mahek, we will talk later, Mahek nods and leaves.

Mahek brings tea for Grandma and Shaurya, Shaurya gives tea to grandma, Shaurya says grandma this is Mahek, your would be daughter in law, Grandma says I have seen such beautiful daughter in law that now i am satisfied, Shaurya says why you were hiding from me for many years? where were you? Karona thinks what if grandma tells him everything? Grandma says i was just wandering around, what could this old lady do. Mahek says grandma I am sure Shaurya is very happy to see you, Shaurya asks grandma why she was pleading Karona to let her meet me? what secret you were hiding? Grandma says dont force me, my honor is not much, i had to leave you, how could raise you? how could i feed you? i am an old lady and i couldnt upbring you but Karona has given you such good life, she became god mother and did such nice upbringing so I kept myself away. Shaurya says you kept away from me, lived a poor life just for me to have good life? now you will not leave, you will live with us here, Mahek says yes, it feels like our family is complete now with you here, we will start our new life with your blessing, please stay here, Karona is shocked to hear it. Shaurya asks Karona to request her, Karona gets tensed, grandma glares at her and shakes her head, Karona says to grandma that stay with us, Shaurya says please, grandma gets worried and looks at Karona. Karona says we should let grandma rest, you drop Mahek to her home, he nods. Mahek touches grandma’s feet, she blesses her, Shaurya and Mahek leaves. Karona says to grandma that you have to leave from here before Shaurya comes here, enough of your drama, i have given you money as much as you want, flashback shows how there was always Grandma sitting in mysterious car, how it was her in car that tried to hit Mahek, how Karona was always giving her money and grandma kept blackmailing her, Karona says you leave, i dont want anyone to know about Shaurya’s past. Grandma says if i open my mouth then your house will burn down, Shaurya is my blood but i love money more than my blood and anything else, Karona glares at her and leaves, Grandma smirks.

Scene 2
Shaurya brings Mahek to her society, Mahek holds his hand and says sometimes we take decisions for our family that might hurt them but please gently talk to her, Shaurya says thank you, i try to give you happiness of world but at the end i just give you tension but you handle it, i love you. They hug each other and smile. Mahek pulls away and close your eyes, he does, she says i am coming. Mahek goes and brings chocolate pastry, she lights candle and asks him to open eyes, he does, Mahek says i know you never celebrated your birthday but today is special, you have got your grandma after many days so this day deserves to be celebrated, he smiles at her and takes knife, Kaun tujhe yun pyar karega plays as Shaurya blows candle and cuts cake, Mahek feeds him cake, Shaurya makes her eat too, they smile at each other. Shaurya says to Mahek that i am lucky to get sweet, mental life partner like you, Mahek smiles. Shaurya says remember I promised you that i will never leave you, now i want you to promise same, Mahek curls his lips into smile and says i promise to never leave you and be with you always, she winks at him and gives him flying kiss, she gets shy and runs away, Shaurya laughs.

Svetlana comes to grandma’s room, she throws away blanket and her tea cup, she grabs her hand, Svetlana says to grandma that do this acting infront of your grandson, it wont work with me, she drags her to door and says your grandson has taken money from this house more than his standard,, i will not bare you in this house, i will throw you out and wont let you take a single penny from here, she pushes her out of room but Gradma comes there again, Grandma says listen carefully, my grandson’s mind can be filled easily and he can throw you out in a blink so if you are evil then I am more evil and can destroy whole house, i have come here after 10 years so i am not going back without money, i would take some amount for sure, Svetlana glares at her.

PRECAP- Kanta gives will to Shaurya and says take these papers back, Shaurya says not only property but my whole life is in Mahek’s name so I dont care about my wealth being hers. Kanta says I am scared about Mahek, if she gets to know that I demanded you to give your property to Mahek then she will be miffed with me a lot. Kanta turns and sees Mahek standing on door in tears, they are stunned.

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