Mere Sai 10th February 2022 Written Update

Mere Sai 10th February 2022 Written Update by Pooja

Mere Sai 10th February 2022 Written Episode

Sarkar tells Mahesh and Urmila that they did the right thing by coming here. Fakir has anyways gotten His devotees everywhere and is now supporting a lady doctor. How would a lady know about pregnancy? He realizes what he said and covers it. Women understand pregnancy but how will she understand medicine like that? One needs to study for years to understand it well. They cannot do it successfully. He gives medicine to Mahesh. Mahesh tells him that the raw material for epidemic medicine is here. You can start your work now. Sarkar agrees. We must make it multi-fold as the number of ill people is going to rise soon. We will raise the price and start reaping profits. Urmila is unhappy to hear it. Mahesh and Urmila leave.

Santa tells Sarkar that he tried his medicine to 5 ill people in another village. It dint show any positive effect. They are being sent to government hospital for treatment. He hides fearing his wrath but Sarkar tells him that they only need faith that their medicine can cure people. They will buy it at any price if they will believe it. I know how I can make it happen.

Sai tells Savitri that their perspective decides their future. Think of either a positive response or a negative response and you will grow accordingly. Situation is going to be difficult for everyone in future. Both sides have to have faith in each other. We will pull through it if you both are able to do it. He invites her for pravachan in Dwarkamai.

Villagers stand up as they see Sarkar coming their way. 2 people walk up to Sarkar and pay him for his medicine. We thought that we wont recover but your medicine saved our lives! We thought to pay you in person. Sarkar accepts the fee. He notices the villagers talking amongst themselves. My plan has worked. It appears that they have fallen for it. Now they will spread the word in the entire village. Fakir will lose now!

Sai tells a man not to worry. Your brother will be fine. Akram asks Him if He will treat his brother. Sai denies. Maalik has chosen someone else for this job. Akram is hesitant. I don’t think a woman can fix this illness. Please give me udi. Sai says I can give it to you yet I request you to approach doctor Savitri once. She is very talented. Only she can save Shirdi from this epidemic. Forget about the difference between man and woman once and take your brother to her. he will recover. Akram buys some time to think and decide. Sai gives him udi. It will relieve your brother but for full recovery! A villager informs him of what he had just witnessed (Sarkar’s ploy). Akram looks at Sai.

Savitri’s mother prays to Bappa to give stability to her daughter in Shirdi. Savitri thinks of the convocation ceremony as she looks at her degree. No one claps as she goes on stage. The host tells her to get used to this silence. This will follow you everywhere you go. It is different to become a doctor and be one. You will surely end up burning this degree in the fire on which you will end up cooking food one day! Remember my words well. Savitri tells her mother that she wont give up. I wont let my hard work go to waste. Let’s go to attend the pravachan. I don’t know why but His words give me strength.

Ladies are readying the diya’s while the men stand outside Dwarkamai. Bheeva and Chandu discuss about the epidemic.

Nanasaheb and his friends are walking in Shirdi. He asks his friend why he has come to Shirdi in the middle of an epidemic. You should have been careful. His friend says you made me a devotee and now you are saying this. How can anything happen to a devotee when he is on his way to meet Sai? There were so many responsibilities earlier but this epidemic gave us time. Everyone comes to meet Sai when things are easy. The one who comes to meet Him in the middle of problems will obviously have a better impression on Sai. Nanasaheb asks him if he has come here to show off. His friend is sure that he will become important for Sai today. I got these clothes especially from Jaipur for this occasion. Nanasaheb thinks that he is unable to understand Sai. They head to Dwarkamai.

Ladies discuss about Sarkar’s medicines on their way to Dwarkamai. Sai looks on. Baizama tells Him that the diya’s are ready. We will light them up when it becomes dark. Sai takes 2 diya’s and tells her to keep the rest aside.

Sarkar overlooks as few men loading the medicines in a cart. Janardan is impressed. Sarkar sends the medicine to Chawdi as Janardan plans to sell it from there. Santa asks them why they must sell it there. Sarkar replies that they do not have to worry about getting in contact with anyone this way. Janardan asks him if there are any side effects of his medicine. Santa murmurs it has no effect at all. Sarkar stops him. I have made is with best ingredients. It will help few while it wont help the rest. Mahesh notices Savitri and her mother coming and tells everyone that she is the new doctor. Savitri tells her mother that she cannot even ask her to walk faster due to her condition. Sarkar thinks that Fakir has cast a spell on her as well. He says she has failed thrice since morning but there is nothing to worry. Akram approaches Sarkar for medicine. Sarkar asks him why he needs medicine from him. A doctor is here. Akram replies that he does not trust a lady doctor. Sarkar nods. Come to Chawdi and take it tomorrow. This isn’t just for those who are ill. It can be taken by healthy people to remain healthy as well. Distribute it amongst everyone. Akram thanks him and leaves. Savitri and her mother walk away. Sarkar tells Janardan they don’t have to do anything against Savitri now. No one is in her favour anyways. They laugh evilly.

Savitri’s mother speaks of all the incidents since morning. She asks Savitri what if someone says anything to her. I don’t enjoy breaking your confidence but it becomes difficult for me to handle you when you are disappointed.

Savitri greets Sai as they reach Dwarkamai. Villagers shoot them confused looks and start talking amongst themselves. Savitri holds her mother. She asks Savitri why she hurts herself so much. I told you that nothing will change. Why did you come here? Sai welcomes Savitri gladly. You can find every answer in pravachan. Ram ji takes care of all the problems. Baizama asks Savitri to sit down. She asks Sai if they should start the pravachan now that everyone is here. Sai denies. Nanasaheb is going to come with a special guest.

Precap: Tatya tells Sai that no one trusts Savitri. Can you not give udi to villagers? Sai says it isn’t possible this time. Villagers must learn to understand and accept help the right way and from the right person, even if that means that I must push them away for this!

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