Mere Sai 14th May 2018 Written Update

Mere Sai 14th May 2018 Written Update by MA

Mere Sai 14th May 2018 Written Episode

Sai tells Dilawar, I can’t have the food made for you and asks shall I make villagers have this food. I used to eat the food which I get in charity. Dilawar asks Sai to let villagers have food. Sai smiles. Dilawar thinks this is your last feast. Villagers eat the food. Dilawar asks Sai to make him wash his hands and asks him to end and clean the place before he comes back. Sai says ok. More villagers come. Sai serves them food. Bheeva looks at the utensil and thinks food will finish. He asks Sai what they will do if more people comes. Sai says nobody will go hungry from here. Bheeva checks the utensil and it is again full. They fold their hand. Om Sai plays…..

Appa asks Bayaza to have food and says Sai must have eaten food in Bhandara. Bayaza says she will not eat before Sai and says she will go

and search him. Sai comes to Kulkarni’s Servant house. Sulbha’s daughter gives him food. He sees Sulbha unwell and blesses her. Bayaza scolds Sai and asks him to take care of himself. She says Dilawar makes you do all the work and for this, you have to eat food. She tells that she dislikes Dilawar. Sai says Dwarka maai is of everyone and says you have to make sure that she will keep Dwarka Maai same. Bayaza asks where is he going? Nand lal talks to the villagers. Sulbha’s bhabhi asks her husband to send Sulbha to city and send her daughter to Kulkarni’s house for household works. Dilawar asks Sai to give what he got. Sai gives it. Dilawar finishes eating and asks Sai to eat. Sai eats food. Om Sai plays…..Dilawar thinks he will humiliate and insult him, so that he shows his real face to everyone.
Jhipri comes to meet Sai and asks when he will go? Sai says Dilawar is a guest and I can’t think or ask him when is he leaving? Jhipri says you can vanish him with your magic. Sai says but it will be still there. Jhipri says we want our Dwarka Maai back. Sai gives her bangles and asks her to smile.

Saleem and Rehana come to meet Sai. Dilawar says this Dwarka Maai is his Darbaar now. Rehana says it is of our Sai. Dilawar asks them to go. Sai comes there and tells that Dilawar is right. Rehana and Saleem tell Sai that they attended wedding and missed him. She says you are Shirdi’s soul. Sai says the place will be good where there is shraddha and saburi, if I live here or not. Rehana says why and where you will go? We all belong to you and nobody can separate us. Dilawar asks Sai to sweep the floor. Sai asks them to go and says he has work now. Saleem says don’t know why Sai is accepting his sayings.

Sulbha’s brother tells Nand Lal about her and says she has no children. Nand lal gives him money and says he will take her to Bombay. Sulbha’s brother sells her in other words. Sai sweeps the floor. Dilawar thinks he had just 2-3 bites, but still he is strong. He asks Sai to come and says this is my darbaar now. He says he will give teaching to people and asks Sai to call people, and make arrangements for darbaar. Sai says ok. Dilawar says you are going for my work and that’s why can’t get any charity now.

Sai calls Villagers for Dilawar’s darbaar, but don’t take charity. Bheeva says ok. He walks to houses and invite them. Villager thinks why Sai is doing this for Dilawar and thinks we will know when right time comes.

Sulbha tells Sai that she got a job in Bombay. Sai gives her thorn. She asks what does it mean?

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