Mere Sai 15th February 2018 Written Update

Mere Sai 15th February 2018 Written Update by MA

Mere Sai 15th February 2018 Written Episode

Moti hears tiger sound and gets tensed. He thinks it might be his misconception. Later Sai opens his eyes and tiger eyes is seen instead of his eyes. Saleem wakes up and says I am feeling good, will have bath. Rehana gives him clothes and thanks God. Bhama sees Moti missing and the things are scattered. She tells Madhav that Moti didn’t do the work and the place is messy. Madhav says he must have went to get freshen up and says I will ask him to clean first. Bhama doubts on him. Madhav says we doubt if we get honest person in life.

Sai says heart see or hear which is sufficient to fulfill his need. Moti gives tablets to Saleem. Saleem thanks him. Moti thinks to follow him and check if the work is done, and says once he gets unwell, Kulkarni will give him so much money.

Bhama comes

to Sai’s place and thinks he might have gone to take charity. She sees baby squirrel playing and smiles. She sees Moti’s hand bag in Sai’s basket and thinks what he is upto. Anta and Banta look at Sai. Anta says no Malik will save him, he will be humiliated and will not show his face to anyone. Banta says he will be arrested and beaten up. Sai smiles. Banta asks Sai if everything is fine.
He asks what you do with the charity stuff you get. Sai asks do you want to eat. Anta says we eat food at Kulkarni’s place. Banta says once Sai goes, if we sit on his place then can earn money. Saleem eats the tablets. Moti sees him eating and gets happy. He thinks one you die, my life will start. Saleem thinks to hide remaining tablets, but Rehana comes there and asks him not to eat anything. Saleem eats all tablets and fall down on bed. Moti thinks he will die for sure now.

Anta comes and hides seeing Chivu and says if she has gun. Chivu asks why I will touch his things. She asks him to call Moti as she wants to get tablets from him. Anta is shocked. Kulkarni hears her, comes to Moti and twists his hand. Moti says she had it herself, and tells that Saleem’s condition deteriorated. Kulkarni gets happy and promises to give him gold once Sai gets arrested by Police. Moti sees Sai going and thinks he is going to his place. He thinks to get money from children by selling drugs. Sai comes infront of him and asks how is your mum? Moti says she is fine now. Sai says lie and tells that the packet was empty which I gave for your mum. Moti checks and finds it empty. Sai asks him to stay away from his children. Moti sees tiger eyes in Sai’s eyes and gets shocked. Sai comes to kids and takes them with him. Sai Om Plays. Moti thinks why did I get scared and thinks his future is in my hands.

Moti tells Police that Sai, Madhav and he is involved in this drugs racket. Sai eats the tablets. Bayaza shouts no.

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