Mere Sai 16th April 2021 Written Update

Mere Sai 16th April 2021 Written Update by Pooja

Mere Sai 16th April 2021 Written Episode

Sai gives Ujjwal’s turban, certificate and shield to Vallabh which puzzles Vallabh. Sai says you don’t love your son but his accomplishments. You dint care about him till the time he was unsuccessful. You dint try to check on him even once after throwing him out of the house. You came to accept him after he won the competition. Vallabh says which father wont want his son to succeed. I gave him all that I could. I gave him the best education, resources and all that I could never have. Sai asks him if he gave love. You cannot inspire kids by scolding them and threatening them. They need support and encouragement. Everyone is talented in one way or another. Kids are like diamonds and parents are jewelers. Whose fault is it if the diamond cannot shine properly? Vallabh says you are stretching the matter for no reason. Why can I not have expectations from my kids if I am complete and without any faults? He has an inspiration like me. He should follow my footsteps. Don’t I have a right to get angry if he wont do that? Sai repeats his words. Do you really think you are complete and have no faults? You have made many mistakes. You could not understand your son. You broke the vows given to your wife during pheras. Kids are God’s prasad. You made the mistake of making them homeless. You made the mistake of separating your daughter from her mother and brother. You broke your son’s confidence by scolding and threatening him. How can someone be so proud of himself that he will think he has never made any mistakes? He does not realize the number of mistakes he has made. It means only one thing – you are not free from any faults. You are not right. You could not bear the mistakes of a little kid. How can you expect him to forgive your mistakes then?

Vallabh thinks of all the incidences and he is able to relate to Sai’s words. Sai tells him to look at his family members. You have hurt them in the process. Ujjwal was incomplete and dumb in your eyes but what about them? Can an accomplished person be called a good person if he becomes the reason of his family’s unhappiness? The pain that you have given to your family can never diminish. Ujjwal says I am not angry with Baba though. There is no point of forgiveness then. I never wanted him to apologize to me. I wanted to learn a lot from my Baba but I could not understand anything due to his anger. I never got upset with him. I only wanted him to love me like all the other fathers. That’s all that I want.

Sai tells Vallabh that he threw his son out of his life as he used to make mistakes. You never made mistakes and could never bear them either but situation has changed today. Ujjwal is a bigger person here today. He has been felicitated. He has made Shirdi proud. You have been proved wrong here. It proves that your way, behavior was what stopped Ujjwal from growing. He is still ready to accept you after everything. Tell me who is right now – you or your son? Vallabh says I have understood your point. You are right. I have made many mistakes. I am their culprit. They are better without me. You guided my son and helped him grow. His talent came to surface under your tutelage. Please accept me under your tutelage if you think I don’t deserve to take Ujjwal and Sarojini home with me. Help me become the kind of person whom they can accept. He breaks down. Sai picks the prizes and gives them to Ujjwal. He helps Vallabh stand. Who will look after your family if you will come to me? No one will separate you from your family. All this was to prove you that everyone lacks something or the other. We cannot refuse to accept people because of that though. No relation will be able to survive otherwise. We should accept them as they are and help them in any way we can. Sowing seeds of love while helping them is the best thing to do. How will Ujjwal become responsible if you wont give him responsibility? How will he grow if he wont be encouraged? Teach kids how to get over the fear of failure. They should be able to live this journey, find their way and choose their goals. Vallabh apologizes to his son. Ujjwal hugs him and cries. Please don’t apologize. I was never angry with you. I only wanted your love.

Precap: Chihu asks Sai if he does not miss having a sister. Sai says I accept everything as per Ram ji’s wish. If He wills, then a sister will be surely setting puja thaal for this brother too!

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