Mere Sai 17th January 2019 Written Update

Mere Sai 17th January 2019 Written Update by MA

Mere Sai 17th January 2019 Written Episode

Groom puts stick in havan and at the same time Sai puts stick in havan. Fire erupts both sides. Groom falls down and his sehra also falls down, and everyone are shocked to see old man as bride instead of Dhondi. Appa asks who is he and where is Dhondi. Dhondi’s sister says he is at home. Sumitra worriedly asks what is happening. Appa says he has seen old man before somewhere. Old man says he is Puntamba’s richest man sait Parashuram. Appa asks if he is not ashamed to sit in groom’s place. Parashuram’s son-in-law/SIL says it is Parashuram’s marriage. Dhondi enters and gives mangalsutra to his father Parashuram. Parashuram scolds that he ordered not to come here. Baizaa says they fixed Jhipri’s alliance with Dhondi. Parashuram says he cannot bear more insult

and asks Shanta to tell truth. Baizaa asks what truth. Parashuram says he is groom and gave 100 rs to Shanta to fix his marriage with Jhipri. Sumitra says he is lying. Parashuram says he has proof, snatches money bag from Shanta and shows it to everyone.
Mhalsapati says they will not get their daughter married to an old man. Parashuram shouts he will not bear his insult, he paid money to marry this girl/Jhipri. Sumitra says she is not selling her daughter and he can get out with his money. Parashuram calls his goons and orders them to hold everyone, he then drags Jhirpi yelling he paid more than her worth and does pheras forcefully with her. Jhipri calls Sai. Sai reaches there, and Jhipri looks at him and shops. Parashuram tries his best to drag her, but fails. Sai looks at Jhipri’s hand and it heats. Parashuram cries why Jhipri’s hand is heating. Jhipri reminisces Sai blessing her. Parashuram shouts to leave his hand. Baizaa confronts that he did not want to leave Jhipri’s hand, now what happened. Parashuram frees his hand and walks away with his goons warning he will take revenge.

Sumitra confronts Shanta how can she fix Jhipri’s alliance with old woman for money. Shanta says what wrong did she do if she thought of Jhipri and Sumitra’s better future, they would have lived happily with Parashuram. Shanta warns to stop her drama and lies. Sai says she did wrong. Shanta yells a beggar living in old hut cannot know value of money, money is everything and can buy anything. She continues her explanation.

Precap: Sai asks Shanta if she money is bigger than relationships. Shanta says without money, there is no relationship. Her son enters and says he feels pity for her cheap thinking.

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