Mere Sai 19th December 2022 Written Update

Mere Sai 19th December 2022 Written Update by Tanaya

Mere Sai 19th December 2022 Written Episode

Footware vendor makes fun of Banta, as Banta asks him for shoes with high heels. The girl walks to Banta and him and says to vendor, he came to you with some work you shouldn’t make fun of him, vendor says you don’t interrupt us. She says I can’t see someone making fun of others, you should judge a person by their thoughts and not their height. She says to Banta don’t be ashamed of height if God has given you this height there must be a reason, do think of it and leaves.

Mother says to her, you aren’t small anymore don’t keep talking to strangers. She says I am just sharing the knowledge my father has taught me.

Mangal tells his mother, he is hungry. She checks her basket and says you sit here, I will get something and leaves.
She sees a fruit seller and walks to him, and when he is away slowly steals fruits. Sai stops her and says why do things that make you ashamed and don’t worry I won’t tell anyone, I am just here to tell you the fruits you stole aren’t in your bag, they are back with the fruit seller.

She says you are Sai Baba right, please forgive me I had to steal for my son and I didn’t have money to buy food for him. Sai says to her, I don’t want you to feed him stolen things. She says I am here to see you, people say my son is possessed because he has dreams where he is going away from himself. Sai says have patience and faith. Sai says go to Maruti Mandir, you both can have food there.

Banta falls in love with the girl and follows her. She realises Banta is following her and walks to him, Banta gets scared and then smiles. Banta about to leave, she stops him holding his hand and asks where are you running away and why were you following me, do you like me. Banta gets scared. She asks do you love me and will marry me. Banta starts blushing. She says then come hug me if you love me, Banta hugs her and realises it is Santa and he was just dreaming.

Banta tells Santa he has fallen for a girl and explains whole scenario. Santa says you have gone mad. Banta says no she is very kind and she will understand my feelings. Banta says if she is written in my destination I will definitely find her and who knows I may even settle with her. Santa says lets go find her house then.

Sai passing by the old couples house ask for Bhiksha, mother says Baba we have just shifted here we haven’t settled yet come by later. Sai says no worries and about to leave, their daughter stops Sai and says I have a handful of rice have it. Sai says its more than enough. She says Sai not to feel bad about her mother’s words she is a little cranky because she has pain in her legs. Sai praises her for her kindness and how she took stand for Banta. She asks how does he know he wasn’t there. Sai says I am here to bless you because if your kindness and leaves.

Santa Banta find her, Banta starts blushing and shows her house, Santa thinks he is likes the old lady and is shocked. Banta says no she is my mother in law her daughter is one who I like. Santa sees her and says wow she is very pretty, now go tell her how you feel about her. Banta says lets go. They see Kulkarni and hide, Kulkarni spots them and walks to them ans hits them with stick and says you said you want to go to wedding, and what were you doing, you are stealing money in my name and if you repeat I won’t spare you, Kulkarni slaps Banta a lot and leaves.

Santa asks Banta how is he doing and says forget him lets go talk to her. Banta says not now and leaves.

Kushal and his parents serving food in Maruti Mandir. Mangal and his mother arrive there and ask Malchapati can they get some food, Malchapati says sure come in.
Bhiva sees Mangal and his mother leaving and says Kushal was inside when did he come here. Bhiva gets suspicious. Mangal’s mother thinks Bhiva is starring because he saw her steal fruits.

Bhiva goes check inside and sees Kushal and tells Brijesh how they saw a look a like.
Everyone sees Kushal and Mangal and are surprised. Kushal and Mangal walk to eachother. Sai sees them together.

Precap: Santa Banta at temple see the girl , Santa says if she likes you she will look at you, she passes by without looking.
Malchapati says this is miracle, Sai says no he is not.

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