Mere Sai 24th May 2019 Written Update

Mere Sai 24th May 2019 Written Update by H_Hasan

Mere Sai 24th May 2019 Written Episode

The Episode starts with Sai explaining to Tatya about Bayaza and Appa’s fear about his anger. Tatya says I don’t get angry on my family or friends and says I have control on my anger. Sai says you used anger to get your work done fast. He asks him to think when he gets very happy. Tatya closes his eyes and smiles. He says I am very happy when I see my baba, happy and peaceful and this does happen when he is with Mhalsapati. He says I have seen my baba working hard for us and I can do anything for him. Sai reminds him of Rishi Jamadagni and says he lost his family due to his anger, and says everyone is not Rishi Jamadagni who can make the dead persons alive. He tells Tatya that may be your family have to bear the consequences of your anger.

The woodlogger and his wife find a bag and think Sai sent

it. The woodlogger Dattaram asks her to come to Sai and asks him. They come to Sai and ask did you send help for us. Sai asks Dattaram if he don’t think that he shall open and see. Dattaram says this bag is not his and he don’t want to see. Sai asks him to keep it until he finds the owner of the bag and asks Dattaram if he gets greedy to see the bag. Dattaram says he trusts himself.
Appa is repairing the animal shelter home outside Dwarka Maai. Tatya says I will do. Mhalsapati comes and says I will do. Sakaram comes and tells that Anta and Banta are forcing people to give their thumb impression on cotton farming. Anta and banta show the cloth to villagers and says it is very costly worn by the british. The villagers ask then why you are showcasing it here. Anta and banta tell that it is a gift from Chaudhary and Shukla to those who give their thump impression. The villager men think that the offer is good and they shall apply their thumb impression. Dattaram’s wife sees nothing in the kitchen and thinks Sai took her husband’s side. She comes to Dattaram and asks him to give some money to buy something to eat. He gives 2 coins to his wife and asks him to bring something. Sahukar comes and asks him to give the money. Dattaram gives him money. Sahukar says this is half amount. Dattaram asks his wife to give money which he gave just now. She refuses, but gives. Sahukar takes the money and leaves. Datttaram’s wife Sumiti cries and asks what we will eat now. She opens the bag and finds the money.

Dattaram says we will not have food brought with others money and says he will give the bag to Sai. He says it is better to die rather than keeping someone’s money. He leaves from his house. Appa explains to everyone that when Shirdi had no water some years back, then Sai made them drink water from his pot, and they had bought water from outside. He says we have to beg infront of them to get water and take loan to buy water. He explains about the consequences. The men tell that they will not give their thumb impression. Banta tries to make them greedy of clothes. The villager says we are farmers and such clothes are of no use. Banta asks Appa to go and not to provoke the villagers. He pushes Appa. Tatya gets angry and fights with Anta. Kulkarni thinks he got the way to use Tatya’s anger against Appa.

Dattaram asks Sai to keep the bag. Sai asks him to keep it and tells that Dwarka Maai has no walls. He asks him to keep until the owner is found. Dattaram goes. A man asks everyone if they saw a bag. Bheeva takes him to Sai. Sai says I know where is your bag and takes him to Dattaram. He says this is Yogendra whose bag you have kept safely. Dattaram gives the bag. Yogendra checks and says it is right. Sumiti thinks he will give prize now. Yogendra is about to go. Sai asks him to give some prize to them, as Dattaram kept his bag safely. Yogendra says he will lose money to give prize now. He says ok and gives jaggery and chana to Dattaram and says when I return here, I will give you prize.

Dattaram says it is not needed. Sai looks on. Yogendra thinks he will not return and is leaving, but stops seeing Sai asking Dattaram to give some jaggery and chana. Dattaram gives it all. Sai says many people gave me bhiksha, but what you have given me is better and superior. He says I am very happy seeing your honesty and big heart, but I have nothing expect this jaggery and chana. Dattaram says whatever I get from your hand is treasure for me. Sai returns his handful of chana and jaggery and blesses him. He starts leaving. Yogendra comes behind Sai and asks why did you give the same chana and jaggery to Dattaram. Sai says what matters is the emotions. He says you gave them chana and jaggery to him, to get rid of giving prize, and I return it to him seeing his honestly.

Yogendra says Jaggery and Chana will be same only. Sai says what precious thing Dattaram has, you don’t have. Yogendra gets curious and goes to Dattaram’s house and tells that Sai told that you have precious thing which I don’t have. Dattaram says what I have. Yogendra asks him to tell what is in the bag? Dattaram says it is having chana and jaggery which you and Sai gave me. He asks him to check. Yogendra opens the bag and finds the Chana and Jaggery becoming of Gold. He gives the bag to Dattaram. Dattaram is surprised. Sumiti asks what happened? Dattaram says only Sai can do this. This is Sai’s miracle and gives the gold chana and jaggery to Sumiti. Sumiti gets happy.

Kulkarni asks Inspector to arrest Tatya. Sai comes and stops him.

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