Meri Bhabhi 13th September 2013 Written Update

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Meri Bhabhi 13th September 2013 Written Update by H Hasan

Meri Bhabhi 13th September 2013 Written Episode

The Episode starts with the court case going on. Bobby’s lawyer talks in his favour and asks Shraddha are you a good mum. Do you take care of him and shows Dhruv’s wounded photos. Shraddha is shocked. Kittu, Kamini and Mummy have a talk about Kunal’s marriage. Mummy says we are lucky to have Kittu. Kittu goes to give juice to Papa. Kamini says I was worried about Kunal. She says he stayed abroad, so I was tensed he would bring anyone. She says we don’t find good girls these days. jaya comes to Kamini and says do you know Kunal and Shraddha are meeting while hiding from others. Kamini says what. jaya says we came to know yesterday. Kamini is worried.

jaya says Kunal has beaten Bobby. vaya says is Kunal saying no for marriage because of Shraddha. She says maybe Kunal is after Shraddha. Kamini says why will this happen. jasmeet talks about Dhruv and tries to take the case in Shraddha’s side. The judge says we can’t say Shraddha is a bad mum. He asks for some solid proof. The court is adjourned. Bobby looks at Shraddha. Anand and jasmeet talk to Shraddha. Shraddha says Bobby has always been watching us, and he can do anything to win Dhruv’s custody.

Kittu asks Mummy are you calling Shraddha. Mummy says I want to know whats going on there. Mummy says the divorce cases are really bad, women get hurt in the process and the cases goes on for a long time. Kittu says we are with Shraddha and will keep her happy. Mummy says if Bobby asks for Dhruv. How will Shraddha live without Dhruv. Kittu says nothing will happen, Bobby can’t win over Shraddha. Mummy smiles.

Kunal is lost in thoughts. His dad is making the guests list. He asks Kunal what are you thinking. Kunal says nothing. Kunal says I m thinking about Shraddha and Dhruv, they are so lovely and how much pain they are bearing. He says I don’t know what mistake they did. Kamini comes and says everyone knows. She had love marriage with Bobby. Kunal says so what, love is natural. Kunal speaks in Shraddha’s favour. Kamini thinks about jaya’s warning and says Kunal don’t think about Shraddha, your engagement is in few days. She says promise me you won’t meet Shraddha again, and stay away from her.

Kamini says I can’t see him like this, I m worried about him. He says take my oath that you won’t meet her. Kunal says ok, if you have so much problem with this, I will not think and talk about her. Kunal leaves in anger. Kamini looks on.

Kittu says Shraddha that you will win the case in the next hearing. Shraddha is sad. Kittu asks are you not happy. Shraddha says the case is getting long. Kittu says don’t be sad. She says be positive and think good for Dhruv’s sake. Shraddha says I m unable to bear it now, a new insult everytime. Kittu says you can’t lose, you have to fight against all odds. Dhruv gets a call from Bobby. Bobby talks to Dhruv. Dhruv says mumma is not here, call later. He says mumma asked me not to talk to you. Bobby takes him in his charm by his sweet words. Dhruv talks to him and says I miss you too. Bobby says I love you a lot, and no one is making us meet. Dhruv says don’t cry. Bobby says I want to meet you. Shraddha is on the way. Bobby says listen to me, I m crying for you, meet me once. Dhruv says ok. Bobby laughs. He says I will come to your school and meet you there. Shraddha hears Dhruv talking to Bobby and is shocked.

Shraddha scolds Dhruv and asks him what he said. Dhruv says he said he wants to meet me. Dhruv says sorry. Anand tells Mummy and Papa that we will be winning the case. Shraddha tells everyone that Bobby spoke to Dhruv on phone. She cries. Mummy asks what did Dhruv say. Shraddha says Bobby wants to meet Dhruv. Anand says this might be Bobby’s plan. Papa says we can’t complain and stop him from meeting Dhruv. If Dhruv wants to meet him too, then what. Shraddha is worried.

Kittu sends jaya from the hall as she was speaking nonsense. Shraddha says Dhruv said he misses Bobby. Kittu says we should talk to Dhruv. Mummy says Dhruv is small, but he saw your pain, we should talk to Dhruv. Anand says I will talk to Dhruv. Kittu says you are angry on Bobby. I will talk to Dhruv. Kittu talks to Dhruv and explains him that Bobby has fought with Shraddha and left you alone. Dhruv says Papa said he misses me and loves me. Everyone looks at him.

Dhruv looks sad. Kittu says look, whatever you papa say, but you should listen only to your mum, your dad did not come to meet you and your mum took care of you. She says good boys always listen to mum, and she loves you a lot. Dhruv is still talking about Bobby. Shraddha is tensed. Everyone looks on.

Anand calls Kittu and asks Papa where is Kittu. Mummy thinks where did Kittu go. Everyone are worried and asks Kamini did she come there.

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