Meri Sasu Maa 3rd March 2016 Written Update

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Meri Sasu Maa 3rd March 2016 Written Update by Simmy

Meri Sasu Maa 3rd March 2016 Written Episode

Sattu is very furious and accuses Pari for bring differences in his family and breaking it. He further says Massa gave her love and what she gave her in return? She wouldn’t understand all that because she never got her mother’s love. Pari cries. Pari says she wants Massa to be out of jail as soon as possible as well. He says she went to meet Massa in jail and because of that police beat her up with stick. Daddu faints. Sattu stops Pari from going to her.

Later, Sattu is furiously ringing the bell in their house mandir. Bhabhis try to stop him and ask him to eat as he hasn’t ate anything since morning. He says he won’t eat anything until Massa is back in home. Bhabhis says fine but at least leave from there. Pari watches everything from distance. She too decides of not eating anything till Massa is back.

In night, the two brothers turn off the lights and take remaining powder out of their house. Pari wakes up and sees Sattu sleeping on floor. She covers him with a blanket. She was about to go back to sleep and one of the brothers make noise. She checks and sees two people taking something in bags. She thinks of waking Sattu up, but doesn’t and follows them by herself. The two brothers are discussing once they burn the powder, they will be relieved. No one will know it was them who did all. Pari is recording everything in a video. They make fire and Pari is shocked to know it’s the brothers who are real culprits. She goes to them and says she always had doubt on them. She was praying her doubt comes out to be wrong, but it came out to be true. Two brothers try to emotionally blackmail her that they did this for their family, the dealer didn’t tell them that lives could be in danger. Pari doesn’t listen and leaves from there.

She comes to a police station and tells the inspector, it was her who filed case against Massa and now she wants to take her back.

At home, bhabhis get the news that Pari caught brothers. They are afraid Massa won’t spare them. Their husbands will be jailed.

Two brothers reach police station. They hear Pari telling the inspector that the real culprit is free outside. Massa and Sattu are paying for the crime that they never committed. The elder brother comes to try stop Pari, but stops when Pari says she wants to take the case back. Two brothers leave. She looks at her phone and says that secret will remain to her. She doesn’t want the family to break.

The inspector comes to Massa and asks her what they should do now. Massa says she won’t let this happen. Mastana comes and informs Masas that Sattu is not eating or drinking anything. Massa is shocked.

Pari signs the papers and tells the inspector to make sure all who got ill get proper treatment and they should be alert that this doesn’t happen again. The inspector tells her not to worry, Massa will be helping them to catch the real culprit. Pari is shocked. She thinks Massa shall not find out who did all this.

Massa comes out of the lock up and glares at Pari who is in night dress.

Precap: Pari brings Massa back home. Sattu is happy. Massa says in her mind, Pari brought her back but she will never be able to make space in her or Sattu’s heart. She will make sure she beats Pari.

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