Mithai 12th July 2022 Written Update

Mithai 12th July 2022 Written Update by Atiba

Mithai 12th July 2022 Written Episode

Scene 1
Mithai is leaving for work when Dadu asks for sweets. He offers money to her, Mithai says I won’t’ take it. Dadu says you are doing a business so take it. He says I am happy that Sid is handling the business now. You have done all this. Mithai says everyone is silent since Sid took up the job so I am worried. Dadu says they must be plotting something so you have to be around Sid to protect him. Dadi comes there so Mithai takes their blessings and leaves. Dadi asks Dadu to stop eating sweets.

Sid comes to the sweets shop and asks questions from the workers. A cook asks him to taste some sweets but Sid finds everything smelly. He sees a man mixing a powder in the batter and asks what’s this? The man says this powder is for color. Sid nods and leaves. The man calls Agarwal and says Sid didn’t know anything so I have added the powder that you gave me to the sweets.

Sid is in the market and sees people throwing trash on the road while Mithai is selling sweets there. Sid comes to Mithai and asks why are people throwing trash on the road? Mithai says I am sorry, I will clean everything up once my sweets are sold. Sid glares at her so Mithai picks up the trash and asks buyers to throw the trash in her basket. Mithai tells Sid that you can go now. The man brings sweets to Dadu’s shop after mixing some powder in it. People eat sweets and they start fainting. Sid and Mithai rush to them. The man leaves from there in a hurry. Ambulances arrive there and take patients away. The man calls Agarwal and says work is done. Agarwal tells Pramod I did your work so you have to fulfill our deal now. Pramod says I will do my side of the deal. Agarwal thinks he couldn’t be loyal to his family so I can’t trust him. Pramod says as soon as I get the shops and house then I will give the shops to you, you will become number one then. Pramod thinks I am playing a game on both sides so let’s hope everything goes according to plan. Agarwal asks him to keep an eye on Girish. I can’t believe that he had to do a deal with me to control his own son. Pramod is stressed and leaves from there.

Pramod calls Abhishek and says work is done, Sid will learn now. Abhishek ends the call and says I don’t feel good. Abha says we are doing all this for our kids.

Mithai and Sid are helping the patients in the shop when police arrives there. The inspector says people ate your sweets and became ill so we are arresting you. Mithai is shocked. Sid is taken away by the police. The reporters are saying that he mixed poison in the sweets. Some people say it must be a plan against them.

Dadu tells Dadi that Mithai has brought Sid closer to the business and family. I just wish God would do something to bring them together. Dadi says they fight like cats and dogs but they make each other work for the better. Dadu says you are right. Dadi says maybe there will be a way for them to become one? Dadu says I hope so. Mithai arrives there and screams. She says the police arrived at the shop and they arrested Sid. All are shocked. Dadu asks what happened? Mithai says some buyers had food poisoning after eating the sweets so the police arrested Sid. Shaurya shows them the news of Sid getting arrested and all the shops of Hari Mohan sweets having poison in their sweets. Dadu gets stressed seeing all that. Girish says don’t worry, I will bring Sid back home. Dadu says to do something for Sid.

The doctor checks Dadu and says he shouldn’t take the stress. Dadi says I am fine, he asks them to go and bring Sid back. Girish says we will free him, don’t worry. Girish, Shubham, and Abhishek leave. Mithai looks on.

The episode ends.

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