Mohi 19th September 2015 Written Update

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Mohi 19th September 2015 Written Update by Amena

Mohi 19th September 2015 Written Episode

The Episode starts with Anusha asking Ayush about Mohi. He says I did not tell you as its about my routine life. She asks why did you get an innocent village girl for my help. He says I did not get her, she came being stubborn, I did not feel this is imp to tell you, I did not know you are so stupid. She asks is this my mistake. She leaves being annoyed. Ayush thinks Anusha fought with him, because of Mohi.

Kaki asks Mohi to clean the table by arranging books. She asks Manohar did he call Mausi. He says yes, maybe she went for any yatra. Kaki asks him to tell about Ayush and Anusha’s engagement. Mohi hears this. Manohar says he is not getting medicine box. Mohi asks him to recall where did he keep yesterday and helps him. She gets the medicine box and gives him.

She asks why so many medicines. Manohar says he has many illnesses. Mohi says my Nana makes one kada and it cures all illnesses, it has all the herbs. Manohar asks does it cure all illnesses. Mohi says yes, my Nana is big Vaid, people come to him to get cure, he is very nice person and loves all of us a lot, he used to be proud of me when I did any good work.

She recalls Nana and gets teary eyed. She says sorry and goes. Manohar and Kaki look on. Vinay talks to Archana and drinks green tea. Anusha joins them and says Vinay looks so happy when he comes from health camp, you look fresh. Vinay says when we do the work which gives us happiness, we don’t get tired. He says he sees love, respect and gratitude in the poor people’s eyes when I treat them, there is difference in saying thanks and being thankful.

He says people in hospital have big ego, they spend lakhs and feel doctor did not do favor, its doctor’s duty and they have bought doctor, these poor people don’t have ego. Anusha says so problem is ego, what is ego. Vinay shows the candles and says its flame is small, and it can burn this house, just like this, ego is a small word but dangerous, it can end love, respect, admiration.

Anusha says dad was right, ego is coming between me and Ayush. She dials Ayush’s number and Ayush’s call comes. She gets glad and they both sort the differences by apologizing. They decide to meet on dinner and say I love you to each other.

Anjali says she got a costly phone at half price. Shubhangi likes the phone. Anjali and Deepa take selfies. Shubhangi asks Sharad to get such phone for her. Sharad says I will buy it for you. Mohi comes in the frame to see the phone. Mohi asks how can photo come from front side. Anjali explains about two cameras and they can take own photo, called selfie. Anjali teaches her to pout. Mohi teases Deepa and comes with everyone in the selfie. Mohi says sorry, let me click a selfie too. She pouts and takes pics. Madhur comes and asks what are they doing.

Ayush comes to meet Anusha, and thinks what to do to make her happy. He calls her. She asks where is he, she is waiting since 3 hours. He says he is in her heart and makes her smile. Anusha sees Ayush in mirror and teases him. She says she does not like untidy person. He comes to her and says sorry. She also says sorry for overreacting. She says she trusts him completely. He thinks he does not deserve her trust.

Anusha says she will train Mohi. Ayush refuses and she calls Mohi as family. He gets angry. Manohar pacifies Madhur.

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  1. Ye
    September 22, 09:13 Reply

    I mean I think they are sisters

    • Tara
      September 22, 22:20

      Yes they will be sisters

  2. Tina
    September 21, 03:06 Reply

    Same story like ishti kutum

  3. sima
    September 20, 07:23 Reply

    same like gustakh dil…idiotic,just copy and paste

  4. Mahadev Desai
    September 19, 23:00 Reply

    Ayush is scared that if Anusha and Mohi come closer Mohi will reveal about the Marriage. But Mohi Is honest and she won’t break her promise.

    • ♥«izzy~girl»♥
      September 20, 06:36

      yh ayush is so selfish….
      he’s thinking about himself..
      he just can’t see how much mohi has sacrificed just to save him…. he even then he was just a stranger…
      he’s blinded by his sadness with the marriage that he couldn’t think through it (mohi used him to come to the city how dumb is that?)

      he saved your neck ayush hope u realize this soon

    • Ye
      September 20, 13:08

      I think anusha not mohi r sisters

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