Mrs. Kaushik Ki Paanch Bahuein 23rd July 2012 Written Update

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Mrs. Kaushik Ki Paanch Bahuein 23rd July 2012 Written Update by lovely786

Aashi says ‘Chote Papa’ mandap is very small and she needs bigger like how it’s in bigger people’s weddings.

Masa asks why did she say ‘Chote Papa’?

Babusa says she must have remembered her father and he says to Aashi as wedding is for her gudiya, mandap is also small. But Aashi wants bigger.

Aarti comes there and asks what is happening?

Lovely says it’s chikki’s wedding.

Aarti says it’s my Aashi’s chikki’s wedding and how come you guys didn’t invite me?

Nimmi and Karantia says how can you come, your son is ill right?

But Uttakarsh says he is resting so why she can’t come? and then Karthik says to leave all this and let’s dance. They dance on a long.

Aashi gives chikki to Anu and says him, from today my chikki is yours. Anu takes it.

Aashi now thanks everyone for coming and asks everyone to give chikki blessings.

Bitto (pandit right now) asks to bring Dulha. Lovely asks Aashi to tell whose the dulha now.

Aashi points to Anu and everyone’s smile suddenly disappears. Aashi says she chose Anu because Anu is very good and he will take care of Chikki.

Babusa says you’re joking right?

Masa says if it’s joke then it’s very bad. How can someone get married to gudiya even in joke?

Babusa says masa is correct and he didn’t know about this either else he would not let this happen.

Karantia and Nimmi start giving lecture to Aarti now.

Aarti gets mad and says this time it’s not her fault. She says she doesn’t even know this girl. She says if they don’t trust her then ask these gentlemen.

All wives ask their husband why they lied.

Aashi says uf oh what are you guys talking? and ask him to go to mandap.

Babusa tells Aashi gudiya can only marry with gudiya. But Aashi says no, chikki will only get married with Anu.

Karantia and Nimmi says it’s too much now and tells Aashi to stop now.

Masa says to Babusa to make spoiled girl understand this is not possible.

Aashi says loudly, no my chikki will get married. and then she says ‘papa please tell them’.

Masa asks, who is your father?

Aashi points to gentlemen and says one of them is my father.

Masa asks who told you?

Aashi says her mother told her mr kaushik is her father and all these are mr kaushik.

All wives are shocked and look at their husband. Aarti on the other hand is happy.

Aashi is crying and says chikki didn’t even get married. She doesn’t want to do anything. Other children take Aashi with them now to play.

Masa asks so Aashi is not Aarti’s relative and you were all lying?

Aarti decides to use this moment to prove herself correct and insult all gentlemen.

She then apologizes to Masa for being with gentlemen but she says they made her agree on name of a small girl and they used her innocence.

Bittu says her liar and says she got ready because she was getting free food/grocery for a month.

Masa asks Bittu to shut and not to blame anyone else for their mistake.

Aarti says she used to think all gentlemen are good people but because of them Aarti had to lie.

Masa apologizes her because of all the troubles she had to face due to this and before she says more, Masa tells her she can leave now.

Ammasa asks Babusa couldn’t you find anyone better than Aarti? You trusted her and not your family members?

Babusa says he didn’t want to hurt anyone and he doesn’t know truth either.

Masa says when truth comes out, then there is nothing to know about. She says they broke their heart and hurt them already by lying.

Ammasa says if you had said to your wives, wouldn’t they understand?

All wives are not happy because their husband lied to them.

Adi says they have posted pictures in police station but there is no news yet.

Bittu says they have hurt them a lot and asks for apologies.

Babusa asks for some time.

Masa agrees but says until truth is not out, they won’t talk with them. and if this problem doesn’t get solved in 2 – 3 days then it would be impossible for them to live in same house.

All ladies leave.

All gentlemen are gathered and Babusa says they will have to find truth as soon as possible.

Sibhu says whom they want to save from getting hurt, they couldn’t stop that. so now there is nothing to hide.

Karthik says they should notify to media as well now.

Babusa says but before that, beside her mother someone else should also know whose her father. And he asks everyone to think if on any weak moment they might have made a mistake and may be this girl is part of our family.

He says he is not doubting anyone but this is about this small girl’s life. If none of them is her father then they should find girl’s real parents.

Everyone thinks and think and Uttakarsh says this girl can’t be his. On the other room, Gehna also says this girl can’t be Uttakarsh’s, he doesn’t even look at other ladies.

Nimmi says she hopes it’s not Bittu’s mistake.

On other room, Bittu says he has done mistake of holding one woman’s hand. Everyone looks at him and episode ends there.

Precap: All bahus are searching for proofs in their rooms. Masa is saying Ammasa that she is feeling a bit strange.

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