Mrs. Kaushik Ki Paanch Bahuein 3rd October 2012 Written Update

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Mrs. Kaushik Ki Paanch Bahuein 3rd October 2012 Written Update swagakevin2

Episodge begins with Massa and Lovely in the living room and Lovely asks her how the party was. Massa scolds her for not coming and don’t try to sweet talk her. And Massa says everytime she forgives her she goes to do same thing again and leaves. But Lovely is not angry and says that she know Massa loves her a lot. Lovely goes to her room and see Karthik drawing and she says it’s beautiful, they began talking about paintings. Then, they began a pillow bar and Karthik goes on the bed and hugs Lovely closer to him. Downstairs, the kids are playing and Massa sees and smiles. Anu runs up the stairs and slides and Massa goes and scolds him for running all about the place, while she is coming down, she hurts her foot and sits and calls out to Gehna but seems like no one hears. Karthik is coming down, sees Massa and helps her to come down. All in the living room with doctor, he checks her and says she has to do an operation. But doctor says if you don’t want to do operation, she can do yoga.
Massa and Babusa in bedroom, Massa is doing yoga and she leans forward and falls while Babusa hides behind the paper as if he didn’t do anything. Ria comes and says that Massa does not have to do yoga because she has a weight loss method, and says the exercising machine. Lovely comes and says yes, we all will exercise and Ria says it’s the” train walk machine” (I think) and Lovely thinks back about her incident with the machine and then says that is just a dream and forget about it. Shibu and Bittu goes to the same shop Lovely went and they see a machine and ask how much for it and the man says only 50,000. He showed them the machine that Lovely went on and says Shah Rukh Khan uses machine like this one, and Bittu gets excited and tells Shibu to buy it. Shibu declines, but eventually they bought it. The machine is delivering at home and Lovely is shocked to see the machine. She tells that she saw one just like this at Champion Sports shop and Bittu says that’s exactly where he bought it and Lovely is shocked and thinks whether what happened to her are reality and not a dream Gehna comes and perform aarti on the machine. Massa agrees to go on and all are happy. Lovely watches to see if anything is happening.
Its morning and Ria is on the machine exercising and Lovely sees. Lovely tells her go and rets and stop this and takes her away. It’s night and the machine is having those lightings when Lovely has disappeared on it. Its morning again, and Babusa takes Massa to try on the machine. Babusa puts it on but the machine does not come on, so they called the children. Bittu says he will make the machine work, he gone for some tools and comes back and fixes it and it works, all are happy. Meanwhile, lovely thinks back what happened to her. Later on, Lovely comes back to check if anything is going to happen and goe son the machine. Nimmi and Ria comes and says when she is finish tell them. Lovely smiles because machine is working well and nothing is happening. Suddenly, the machine starts to move fast and Lovely shouts out for help, but she disappears.

Lovely says she does not understand what is happening and says she only saw some of them and they have changed and she says she have not even see Massa.

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  1. mary
    October 04, 18:45 Reply

    The ppl aint know at to do so they put in magic to make it interestin, but the magic part was borin.

  2. Anonymous
    October 03, 15:52 Reply

    What shit is this episode magic now time travel lmao

    • Tasnimieeeee.
      October 04, 16:05

      word. they keep twisting up the episode.

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