Na Umar Ki Seema Ho 28th September 2022 Written Update

Na Umar Ki Seema Ho 28th September 2022 Written Update by MA

Na Umar Ki Seema Ho 28th September 2022 Written Episode

Vidhi and Dev are in the car, going to the coffee shop. They hear the song kya yahin pyaar hai. Then Dev change the channel to hear the news. He says traffic is so much in Indore. Vidhi says yes. Dev asks Vidhi what happened exactly when guy came to see her. Vidhi says everything was fine, but I failed in banana test. She tells everything. Dev says ridiculous and asks her to send thank you card to him, says you are saved and asked her to concentrate on her MBA. He says you will get confidence with education. He says then you can take test of the guy’s family. Dev says yes.

Kanika asks Yogesh if he knows where Vidhi went? Yogesh says she went to have coffee with Dev. Yogesh says Arjun worked on the project and Vidhi got all the praises. He says Vidhi will be out of the office.

Vidhi reads the coffee names. Dev asks her to read the description. Vidhi says Cappuccino for me. Dev asks her to order. Vidhi calls waiter. She orders cappuccino. Dev says Americano. He asks how she felt to order coffee. Vidhi says when you are with me, I am not scared. Dev says shall I ask something and says you was asking about infatuation. He says it will be so personal. Vidhi says I can’t lie to you. Just then she gets Bimla’s call who tells her that another guy is coming to see her, and says he is coming to night so time is less and arrangements are more. Vidhi says who comes to see girl in night. Dev is surprised. Bimla says the guy want to get engaged in 15 days and have to leave to America. She says we got evening 9 pm slot. Vidhi ends the call. She tells Dev that the guy is NRI and she can’t think of leaving her parents. Dev asks if she wants to go now. Vidhi says that guy gave 9 pm slot. Dev says I want to ask you something just for curiousity. He asks what today’s girls see in guys when they chose life partner. Vidhi says I don’t know about other girls, but I can tell you about myself. She says I shall respect him and he shall respect me like you. She says he shall be caring and says you had given me salary when I was in need. Dev smiles. She says he shall be protective like you, and says when everyone laughed at me, then you protected me and even in factory. She says he shall be connected to his family, like you. She says he shall have courage to accept his mistake, like you had accepted on jagrata night. She says he shall fulfill the promise like you do, today coffee promise and that day when I called you to Khao gali, and then you got unwell. Dev says I had too much food.

Vidhi says he shall not tell only the flaws, but shall suggest how to rectify them, just like you. She says I want an understanding guy, who is matured enough etc. Waiter brings coffee. Vidhi opens her bag and drops Dev’s handkerchief from her purse. She thinks he shall not see it. She bends down to take it, when waiter steps on her hand. She shouts. Dev looks at her hand and asks if she is fine. Waiter says sorry. Vidhi picks the handkerchief and says it had fallen down.

Kanika tells Yogesh that don’t know why Dev is giving so many chances to Vidhi, he never went to have coffee with any staff before. She says he was dependent on us, now on Vidhi. Yogesh says if Vidhi gets more good job than this. Kanika says Dev didn’t see her qualification, who will give her job. Yogesh says one more and gives her mobile. Kanika smiles.

Dev asks waiter to pack 3 coffees for takeaway for Vidhi’s parents. He says he will take coffee for Abhimanyu. Vidhi asks if I can ask you something and asks what quality he wants in his lifepartner. Kanika calls Amba and tells that Vidhi needs a good job for financial stability. Amba says she will help and thinks she will be happy to send Vidhi away from Dev.

Vidhi thanks Dev. Dev says welcome. Vidhi says sorry for asking and says you didn’t reply but. He says I didn’t reply as I don’t think about this topic and don’t want to think about it. Vidhi says ok Sir, I will keep this in mind. They leave.

Bimla makes arrangements at home. Hariprasad asks Bimla to keep cold drinks in fridge. Bimla says don’t know what that guy drinks tea or cold drink. She says if that guy talks in English then how we will reply, says if Dev ji comes here, then he can handle. Hariprasad says Dev ji is a busy man. Vidhi is coming home and feels pain in her hand. She gets a call from someone, who is offering job to Vidhi, and says salary will be 35000 Rs. Vidhi thinks if Dev Sir sent this offer. She comes home and prays to Milapni Devi. She asks if Dev Sir has the same feelings for me, like I have. Dev is driving the car and thinking of Vidhi. Vidhi asks if Dev felt bad about her words and sent her offer from other company. Dev thinks Vidhi was talking about me. He stops the car and says if Vidhi…

Precap: The groom’s family comes to see Vidhi. Satyavati asks dev what Vidhi told. Dev says she wants understanding and good guy. The guy says if she wants to do management course, then he will pay her fees.

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